Chapter 17

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^Joann's POV^

I feel light hit my eyes and grumble in my sleep, trying to roll on my side to block the light from my eyes when I hear a woman clearing her voice. I sit up quickly startled, only to see the same maid who had been treating me rudely the few times I've seen her these last few days. This morning she held an arrogant smile on her face as stood in front of my bed. Okay, she's seriously getting on my last few nerves. I know I only have three days here left, however the way she's been treating me is starting to really piss me off. I glare at her and raise a brow.

"What is it now? Am I being called to have breakfast with Prince Andrew again or are you here for something else?" I ask to which the maid just smiles wider.

"Oh no, nothing like that, your majesty.", She says, making sure to say that name as snarkily as possible. "I'm only here to let you know sir Lucifer was asking to have breakfast with you outside. I also wanted to apologize beforehand for the night of the ball. I understand he is your partner for the ball, however unlike you, I, a single woman with no one courting me, had to take the chance and had him promise me a dance. If you see an issue with this, I truly am sorry and I understand he is a close friend. However, on that issue I have become bewitched by sir Lucifer and hope in the further future he can court me." the maid says, smiling with a sinister grin. I frown at the woman, starting to really become irritated with her words. I get that they believe I have no choice, but to marry Prince Andrew and all that. However though, like hell will I actually let that happen. Plus I seriously doubt Lucifer would be able to fulfill that promise he made with her since we will be escaping.

"Look, I don't care if that's your wish, that isn't up to you or me. It sounds more like you begged the guy for a dance and he had sympathy for you so he didn't say no. With that in mind, I highly doubt he would think about courting you if he didn't even want to dance with you in the first place. What's even your name? I'm seriously getting tired of the disrespect you've been giving me. At this point I think I'll just report you to the head maid." I say that to which the maid rolled her eyes, not taking me seriously. Yeah, it's an empty threat since no one here takes me seriously, but I really am getting tired of the disrespect.

"My name is Katherine, but I don't think that really matters anyway. Even if you're a princess, you're a princess to a kingdom that doesn't even exist anymore so your complaints won't be taken too seriously. And we'll see about sir Lucifer, I think I can change his mind on the night of the ball. Make sure of course to say your goodbyes to him that night, since if I heard correctly, he'll be leaving here. It may just be your last time you see him.", Katherine says as she makes her way to my door. She curtseys and then leaves, closing the door behind her. I sit there for a moment, glaring at the door and take a deep breath in and out.

It's fine, everything is fine. Don't let her words get to you too much. We'll be out of here in three days so it won't even matter. God would I love to see her face shocked when she hears that Lucifer and I escape though. I think to myself, getting out of bed and making my way to my dresser. I pick up my outfit I had set up for the day and make my way to the bathroom and change. I throw on the off the shoulder blue top, similar to the one I have at home and put white shorts on to pair with it. I brush through my hair quickly and then brush my teeth, rushing myself a bit since I knew Lucifer was waiting for me. After freshening myself up a bit, I exit the bathroom and grab socks and my converse shoes. Once I put those on, I notice Pluto was still sleeping on the bed so I make my way to him and pet him on the head lightly. He stretched a little, but still kept his eyes closed, looking to be in a blissful sleep. I smile and then exit my room, walking down the corridor and down the stairs. If what the made said was true, Lucifer should be outside already. Sounds like he had someone set up a small table for us, which sounded nice. I think as I walk, reaching the door to the garden in a short amount of time.

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