Chapter 2

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^Joann's POV^

I feel someone shaking me and I mumble grumpily saying among the lines to "fuck off" and "Five more minutes", but then I feel someone lifting me up, only to drop me onto the ground.

"Time to get up my princess, we've arrived.", said by one of the most annoying voices in the world. I open my eyes and rub my back from the small fall. "Just a small bit of payback was due don't you think?", He says and then chuckles to himself, looking down at me. Great, I actually did jinx myself and fell, anyone else? Because from how this day is looking, I have a feeling someone is going to fall and it will be my fault again. I look up towards Andrew and give him a glare. His reaction back was just giving me an aggravating smug smile in return and then finally deciding to help me up. I look around to find us in the comforting woods still thankfully. If he were to have taken me into town, I might have flipped on him. I rather not have the townsfolk start more rumors about us than there already is. Shaking my head I notice in front of us, there are wooden steps going up towards the treetops. To my guess, probably to some cheesy romantic balcony.

Andrew continues to hold my hand and walk up the steps happily acting as if he was an energetic puppy. God I swear, if this really is about the marriage proposal, I will kill him. I was promised food and that is what I expect, nothing else! I just want free food and then go home to my comfortable bed and cute kitty. Once up the steps, I stop in place, surprised by the view. It's better than I imagined it to be, but like I guessed; it was definitely a cheesy romantic balcony. The balcony allows us to see over the treetops and has a view of the whole forest. In the very far distance you could also see the clearing which leads to the Stride Kingdom. I smile softly at the amazing view hoping to forever keep the image in my memories. While gazing at the scenery, I start smelling the sweet scent of fresh baked goods. Okay whatever it is, it smells really good.

I look down to see two closed baskets in the middle of the balcony. I run up to them and sit on my knees, opening the baskets excitedly and looking inside. In the first basket, there are small sandwiches and different types of teas. From what I could smell, jasmine, mint, oolong, green tea, and many other types as well. In the other basket, there are different types of deserts. Macaroons, cupcakes, pies, as well as various other different desserts and cookies. The staff really outdid themselves with this. I smile and grab a turkey, lettuce, and mayo sandwich. I grab some jasmine tea while I'm at it as well as a plain old chocolate chip cookie. I turn to see bean bag chairs laying around closer towards the fences of the balcony. I decide to sit in the one closer to the steps, and get comfortable, forgetting that Andrew was there.

I begin eating my food happily as I look towards the sky as the clouds pass. Finally some clouds appear, I wonder if it's going to rain tonight, it hasn't rained for a couple days now. The sound of birds chirping and other wild life was all I could hear as I attune myself into the sound of nature. I was so focused on the sound I was hearing that when Andrew coughs, I jump a little and glance at him, giving him a questioning look.

"Something you need there, bud?" I ask and start scooting away noticing that Andrew decided to sit next to me and how close he was getting to me was making me a little uncomfortable again.

"Listen Joann, I know you don't agree with the marriage proposal, but this could save your kingdom. You won't have to live here alone anymore and can come with me. You have no one here and a woman should not be alone. You know as well as I do that you are becoming the age of marriage. If you agree with me it will be easier since we have known each other for so long. Either way I am the best choice- I mean look at me, you aren't going to find anything better than this guy right here.", Andrew said with almost concern but mostly egotistically. I fucking knew this would happen, but no - I just had to want free food. I stand up while holding my tea, and then pour my drink onto his head with no remorse.

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