Chapter 7

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^Joann's POV^

Of all people to show up to my door it just had to be Andrew Streak. I really have come to hate this guy. I should tell him thank you for giving me a chance to meet Lucifer, but at the same time I really just want to punch him. He marches up to me and grabs my arm, pulling me up and forcing me out of the house through the front door. He continues to pull me down the porch steps and towards his horse to which everything finally sank in for me. Wait a minute, what does he think he's doing here trying to drag me off back home. Like hell will I be going back like this!

"Let me go Andrew right this instance! I am not leaving here without Lucifer!" I say pulling my arm and trying to get him to let go. Andrew gives me a look of disbelief and then anger as if surprised that I didn't want to leave. Well of course I don't want to leave. This is the first place I've been to where someone doesn't treat me like I'm any different from anyone else.

"I've been searching for you everywhere, and when I finally learned your location, I came to save you from your kidnapper. I'm here now to rescue you, and instead you choose to stand up for that nobody! I've been there for you all your life. No matter what you wanted I'd make sure you had it, so why are you with him and not on my side! Is this Stockholm syndrome, has he hypnotized you?! If so, I'll force you to go to a therapist and get the help you need." Andrew says while continuing to try to pull me towards his horse. He is taking this way too far and is overreacting at this point. The way he's acting right now is starting to really irritate me, he needs to stop acting like he owns me.

Finally, I can't take it anymore and have had enough of him pulling me so I yell his name. Andrew stops walking and turns to me, when suddenly there is a slap sound and my hand begins to sting. I just slapped the prince of the Stride Kingdom, boy am I going to get a lecture from my brother the next time I see him. I can already imagine what he'll say about how I was acting improper towards another royal. But it's technically not my fault, I mean I did tell him to let me go in the first place. He just chose not to listen, not my fault at all then. Thinking this through my head I take a step back from Andrew and turn and run back to the house. I hear screaming behind me and running. Oops, I may have just accidentally cracked the guy's sanity a bit. Probably the first time he's been slapped before. I make it onto the porch to see Lucifer standing up now rubbing his cheek for a second from where he was punched. He notices me on the porch taking in a breath and seeing Andrew run towards me. Lucy then walks up to me and pulls me behind his back, so that Andrew wouldn't get a hold of me again. Jeeze, I can protect myself, don't need to be protective of me. I know I'm small, but I can handle myself against someone as weak as Andrew.

Andrew seems to gather some type of composure and walks the rest of the way to the porch when he sees that Lucifer pulled me behind him. He looks towards Lucifer, surprised to see him standing up after the punch he just took. He continues walking either way and starts smirking when he sees the newly forming bruise on Lucifer's cheek. Should have slapped him harder if I knew he'd feel pride from hurting my new friend.

"Listen here buddy, I don't know who you are, but not only did you just punch a total damn stranger you also just tried forcing a girl to go somewhere she doesn't want to go. If anything, how about you stop being a hypocrite calling me the kidnapper, when I never once forced her to stay. You're the one who wants to take her away without her consent. So go back on your high horse and gallop out of here. By the way, I am no peasant, and you should be able to tell by how I own this land here, so get off my property. Go bother some other girl instead of her, she obviously wants to stay here and not go with you." Lucifer says glaring at him, not once losing eye contact. Oooo that's a new scary face I haven't seen before from him. By the end of Lucy finishing his statement, Andrew was shaking furiously taking a slow deep breath. He then smiles at Lucifer like he had some sort of evil scheme planned.

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