Chapter 22

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^Joann's POV^

When we arrived at the village entrance, two men stood guard, being sure to clear the way for our group, glaring at us in the process. Once in the village, I noticed the sun was starting to rise so we finally had enough light to see where we were going and who the three men were. The man leading us had dirty blonde hair from what I could see and was just wearing a t-shirt and shorts, surprisingly no shoes. His eyes, looking to be of a golden hue from the slight glimpse I got from the front of his face when he turned to us. What caught me off guard was the long scar from his cheek to chin. I couldn't get too much of a look at him before he turned his face away and was facing forward again.

I turn my head to get a look at the other two, surprised to see the two looked to be almost identical twins. Both have reddish brown hair and bright green eyes. Like the man in front of us, they both were just wearing t-shirts and shorts, no shoes once again. I turn my head back forward when I notice one of them glaring at me. As we slowly made our way through the village, I see that we were getting closer to a longhouse at the center.

As we reach the entrance a female stood at the entrance and nodded her head to the man who was guiding us before opening the door.

"Helix, good to see you, looks like you brought some unwelcome guests. I'm surprised Linus and Leon didn't tear them to shreds." The man, Helix I assume, chuckled and shook his head.

"Oh you know I'd let them Callisto, however they got a blue-blood with them. Can't have her people come here looking for her, that would be a bloodbath for our people." Helix says as he steps through the door with a light chuckle. Once we entered, I look around to see that we were in a great dining hall with two long rows of tables. We walk past the tables and towards the back of the hall until we reach a set of double doors. Helix knocked on the doors and took a step back waiting, a few seconds later, a scruffy looking man opened the door with an unamused look. His brows furrow even further when he notices us standing behind Helix.

"Who the hell are these people and why are they here Helix? No wait- is that a fucking royal? Why is she with a Cambion and that Felidae?" the man says, his voice raising with each word in anger. Helix did a slight bow before rising.

"That's what we are going to figure out sir. I have agreed to let the girl give the Felidae medical treatment as long as she answers our questions. You and I know we can't be causing issues with the Angel country; They find out we harmed her and they'll have all our heads on a pike stick." Helix says. The man takes a deep breath and sighs before nodding his head.

"Fine- Fine, have them take a seat in front of the throne and grab a medical kit. A basic one, I will not have a good one wasted on trash. I will be out in a few minutes." The man says before he closes the door abruptly.

With the gruff man's words, Helix turns to us and has us follow him to cushions that sat not too far from a throne that was a few feet from the door. Once seated, Helix ordered the twins to watch us while he went to get a medical kit. With that, Helix disappeared into another room and we were left with the twins, Leon and Linus. They glared at us before whispering to each other.

I couldn't hear what they were saying, but from the looks of it, both Ace and Lucifer did and began glaring at them. Ace coughed and sat himself up a bit, but didn't say a word when Lucifer decided to speak up.

"Don't even think about laying a hand on her muts. I'll gut you before you even reach a hand out to her." Lucifer says in a low tone. The twins just roll their eyes in response.

Not long after, Helix comes in with a small medical kit and tosses it to me. I catch it and turn to Ace. Looking closer at his wounds, I noticed he had a split lip and a black eye. On his arms, he had what looked like long claw marks, but they didn't look too deep so he wouldn't need stitches. I clean his wounds before I wrap them and then sit back.

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