Chapter 14

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^Lucifer's POV^

I stare at Joann while Bethany take's her measurement, the dress she's wearing was very eye-catching and I just couldn't stop staring. She really did look beautiful in it and it was a shame that it wouldn't even be properly used for the night of the ball. Maybe I'll at least dance with her once before we escape. I can't just have her buy that beautiful of a dress just for her not to dance in it at least once. I nod my head to myself and continued to look her over in the dress when the tailor, Bethany I believe was her name caught me staring at Joann. She smiles at my actions which I react by looking away and scratching the back of my neck.

When She finished Joann's measurements, the two went into the changing room so that they could untie the corset. Bethany then returned shortly after that and walked towards me with her tape measure in hand.

"Well good sir, you seemed to have swoon for the princess there when you saw her in the dress -huh." she says as she starts to get my measurements, " It was honestly adorable to see your reaction to her wearing that dress and reminds me of my younger days. I'd offer a discount to the two of you for showing me such a cute scene, but I know that this is all going under the Streak family's name so there's no point in that. I can however grab some jewelry and cufflinks for you two. I have the perfect pair in the storage that I was saving for a couple like you two that you both will absolutely love. Let me go grab them now while Joann is changing and I'll put them in a bag." Bethany says as she finished getting my measurements and walks through a door, coming back with a small bag with her shop's name on it.

As she hands the small bag to me, Joann steps out of the dressing room with the dress in her hand and Bethany walks over to her grabbing it.

"Well then Princess Joann, I would like to say thank you so much again for your patronage here and for being a delightful customer. I have given you and Lucifer over there a matching set of jewelry and cufflinks as a thank you." the woman says as she hangs the dress up on an empty wrack. As Joann and I made our way out, saying goodbye I realized through that whole time I never actually told that woman my name. How did she know my name? Did she know because Joann had told her? If not how? I shake off these thoughts as we exit the store and see the old coachman waiting for us smiling.

"Ah- how was the store? Did you find what you wanted? If so, how was my daughter? I'm always worried for her and was happy to just visit the store. She truly is a hard worker, but never gets many customers." the oldman says with a sad smile. Joann walks to him and lightly pats his shoulder and gives him a bright smile.

"Don't worry Mr. McCormick, your daughter is an amazing dress maker and I'll make sure everyone knows at the ball. The dress I'll be wearing will definitely get her more customers and you won't have to worry about her not having much work anymore. Thank you so much for taking us here, if not, I would never have been able to wear such a beautiful dress like that ever." Joann tells the man which makes him slightly tear up with joy and he nods his head. I open the carriage door for her and hold her hand as she enters the carriage. I nod my head to the man with a smile to show him my appreciation as well and then enter the carriage, closing the door behind me. As we start to move, Joann slouches in her seat and makes a loud sighing noise.

"One more stop, thank god." She says and I laugh, nodding my head in agreement.


^Joann's POV^

We relax in the carriage until we arrive at our final destination. I get up to exit the carriage as Lucifer takes the lead, giving me a hand to step out of the carriage. We make our way to the entrance of the small armory, Lucifer opening the door to let me enter first and follow behind. Compared to the other two stores we entered, this shop had dimmer lighting, but had more organization. You could see each of the different sections clearly from knives to bows, they had many different types of weapons. Because I had left in a hurry from Lucifer's home, I had forgotten to bring the small crossbow so I would need to buy a new one. That as well and I had an idea on what I could buy here to make a perfect gift for Ember.

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