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April 29, 2025:

This is Luke Freeman, friend of the person known as Kristen Baker. I am still very much speechless after finally being able to read her logs. Before she had forbidden me from reading them which was confusing why at first, but now I understand why. She didn't want me to know how bad her health was getting. I told her it was best to try and stop these visions, but she wouldn't listen. I had left to get us groceries when she must have woken up and wrote her last log. After I returned, I gave it three days to see if her condition would change, but she didn't wake up. She is now in the hospital, me sitting right next to her. The doctors had told me she appeared to be in a persistent vegetative state and doesn't know exactly when she'll wake up from this coma. Like me, she has no family to go to so I am put as her emergency contact and continue to stay by her side hoping she will wake up, but I fear that will not be for a long while.

I promise that I will find out the truth for her and so that when she wakes, she won't need to put her own health at risk again. In a week I will be traveling to the UK to follow on some leads about legends of the fae. Although normal average day people wouldn't take these stories seriously, it's the closest lead I have at the moment. I will also be looking into alternate and parallel worlds to see if that could be another lead. Her visions had to have come from somewhere and if things such as legends and fairytales are my leads then so be it. I would travel the world to figure out the solution and stop her from risking herself for these visions. If only she had told me rather than hiding it, it wouldn't have ended like this, but she just wouldn't listen. It had been so long since we saw each other before all this happened. When she called me I traveled here as soon as I could to be by her side. I just hope Kristen will wake up soon. I would love to hear from her how much I meant to her just as she meant to me.

All I can ask is Kristen when you wake up from this coma, please don't scold me too much for running around searching for answers. Especially when you have no room to talk, risking your health like this. You're going to be the one who gives me my first gray hair. 

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