Chapter 8

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^Daniel's POV^

I walk back and forth in the courtyard nervously thinking of all the horrible things that could have happened to my sister while she was kidnapped. I would be there myself, but Andrew told me to stay here since he "supposedly" could handle it and because of all the paperwork I have to file and fix due to Joann's disappearance. How did she even get kidnapped in the first place? I thought all that self defense training she took would prevent something like this. At the moment, I decide to take a break since I can't seem to get a grip and think straight without worrying about her. God what did that girl get into that got her lost and kidnapped. Andrew won't tell me anything and it's frustrating, the only thing he says to me is that she overreacted over something. I doubt that would be the case since she's never been the over dramatic type. She better be alright then so she can explain herself.

I am just stressing myself out more at this point, and I can't handle that right now. I'm already taking in so much stress on this damn courtship and biting my tongue on what I think. I have a feeling that Elpis doesn't want this either, but what the hell can we do? For my kingdom I need connections and this is the only way, by following these damn rules of high society. Do I want to marry her? No, Elpis is just like another sister to me. Even if I didn't think of her as one, I'm just not attracted to her. She's a beautiful girl, that is true, but that's not what I care for. My heart yearns for another, but I know that he doesn't care for me like that. As far as I know, I would be punished severely if I were to think like that. My sister is lucky to have his attention, hell that's why I push her about it so much as it is. I want them both to be happy, and even if that costs my own happiness, I don't care.

I really need to get this off my mind, I should get back to work. I nod my head and walk back to my office quickly. Entering my office and closing the door, I walk back to my desk and grab the papers on my desk. Shuffling through them, I go over the documents that my sister currently has been missing out on. Luckily I do most of the work anyway so her part of work wasn't difficult to do. I was finishing looking through a document when a knock sound comes from the door. I raise my head and stand up quickly, hoping it was my sister who finally returned. Instead, it was just a small servant girl that I don't care to know the name of.

"Prince Daniel, it seems your sister has entered the gates of Stride. She is to arrive here soon, you might want to clean up before. I believe they have a stranger with them as well." She says and curtseys. I nod my head and go to get myself cleaned up. Did they capture the kidnapper while they were at it perhaps? I wish to question them and punish the criminal myself.


^Lucifer's POV before reaching the kingdom^

Through the whole ride, I could feel Joann slowly drift on and off into sleep. It seems like she's nervous of what her brother will say about her disappearance. Honestly, I doubt she will get yelled at much considering how she came back safely. She may be lighty scolded about how she should be more careful or how she shouldn't trust strangers so easily, but who knows, the girl has surprised me before. Besides, her nervousness is tiny compared to my stress at this moment. I'm not only going into enemy territory, but I will be facing someone who probably won't trust me and wants to know who I am. Having my identity questioned is going to be an interesting subject to lie about. Joann may not know who my mother really is, but I doubt Prince Daniel wouldn't be able to figure it out if he knew who I was. My guess is we are close in age and he most likely heard about the story of my father betraying his father. Hell, the two were close friends before he met Lilith, but he chose her and went against the king of Haven. You'd think they would drill these siblings with who was the one to betray their kingdom to begin with. Once Lilith decreed war, my father was never to return to Haven even though he never wanted the war to happen. This alone made him known as a traitor for staying by her side.

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