Chapter 12

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^Joann's POV^

"Now where could that cat be going at this time?" I mumble to myself as I close the door. I try to relax after the hectic day by reading, but after a few hours I finally give up. I shouldn't have fallen asleep in the hideout or maybe I would be able to sleep now. I think as I decide to just take a stroll. I wrap a blanket around my shoulders, throw on slippers and make my way back to the garden I was at just a few hours ago. This time at least I'm not out rushing there and enjoying a nice little stroll to myself.

I open the door that leads to the garden and take a quick breath in. It really is still beautiful out here at night. Fireflies danced around in the garden and crickets were chirping. I make my way to the small pond and sit next to it, looking in to see koi fish swimming. It truly is peaceful out here. The moon shines brightly down letting me have a full view of the garden around me and there's a slight breeze. This image should be painted by how beautiful it is and I'm now glad I came out here. I lay back in the grass and look up to the stars. It was such a clear night that the stars even shine brightly.

I hum to myself looking up to the stars, almost lulling myself to sleep, but not fully. I know if I'm found here sleeping in the garden in the morning, I'd be creating quite an interesting scene. Actually now that I think about it, why don't I just do that. Everyone knows I'm currently living out in the woods so for all they know I'm a wild child. With that in mind, I giggle to myself at my own form of rebellion and relax, just gazing up at the stars.

It honestly was such a peaceful night, who could judge anyway for wanting to stay out at night to appreciate it. I started to hum to myself again only to hear the snap of a branch and sit up and turn towards the area of the sound.

Lucifer stood there with a slight look of shock seeing me and I could imagine I was giving him the same look.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" he asks quickly.

"Shouldn't you be as well?" I shot back with a slight smile. He chuckles at my response and sits down next to me.

"It's beautiful out here, hard to imagine you left this place." Lucifer says to me as he leans back on his arms and looks up at the sky.

"Yeah, this is one of the very few advantages of living here. I'd come here often when I couldn't sleep. Not very surprising though that I decided to move to a wooded area with how much I love the outdoors." I say and he nods in agreement. We sit for a second in silence when he looks at me and starts to speak up.

"Here in a few days I'll have information about where the closest witch is located and we can sneak out and go. Before that though we'll need to visit a friend who will meet us at a cafe to get info, as well as so I can get into contact with a guy who can help us through the Fae's territories. I also want to talk to you about that as well. The guy who will be helping us out isn't that trustworthy, but to get you through their territory we need an escort. They aren't very fond of humans" Lucifer tells me, which catches me off guard slightly. I didn't imagine we'd have someone go with us since Lucifer isn't one to have much faith in others. I was also curious on who this friend of his was like to be friends with Lucifer. I guess I'll have to trust him for now and keep my curiosity down. What I can understand though is if Lucifer says the person isn't someone to trust, then I should believe him.

"Okay I'll trust you on it, not like I have much of a choice not to. Whoever this guy that comes with us, I'll make sure to keep my guard up around him." I tell him and he laughs out loud this time to my response. I pout slightly, "This is no laughing matter I will do it!" I say only for him to laugh more.

He takes deep breaths and finally responds.

"I get it- I get it. I just remember how you reacted when you learned I was a Cambion for the first time and was excited so it's hard to believe you'll be keeping your guard up. Knowing you, you'll beg to see his tail. But if you really are going to keep your guard up, it'll be funny to see you holding yourself back." He says and continues to chuckle a little while looking back up at the sky.

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