Chapter 26

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^Joann's POV^

I feel someone shaking me and I sit up, feeling jittery from another nightmare similar to the last. I look around to see Lucifer being the one shaking me with a worried look. It really is funny to see this cold hearted guy show so much worry for me.

"Hey are you okay? Looked like you were having another nightmare, I figured I should wake you up." he says. I sigh and nod my head, giving him a small smile of reassurance.

"Yeah, just those inner demons getting to me, you know?" I say jokingly, he chuckles and lightly shakes his head at the irony.

Well you're in the mood to joke, so it sounds like you're getting used to it at least. Let's start getting ready to head out. Libidine isn't as active during the day so it's time to travel now. We can reach the palace this evening if we head out here soon." Lucifer says before standing up and going to the couch where his bag lay. I sit up and get out of bed, picking up my bag off the floor before heading to the bathroom to change.

Just like the day before, as I exited the bathroom Lucifer was lacing his shoes before standing up.

"Ready to walk through this hell?" I nod my head and look around making sure I had everything. With that we exit the room and down the hall. Unlike the night before, the halls were silent and weren't populated with other people. Making it down the stairs, I noticed people sleeping at tables as well and was able to notice some features I didn't see before. The people here, unlike any of the other demon races, the Libidine citizens had wings. Thinking about it, I realized that they are what would be described as succubi and incubi. Though much wasn't covered on them, it was known that they are known to stay in the Libidine territory. This territory has everything they need and are ones to stay in groups and not people to go on their own.

Stepping out of the dimly lit hotel, I cover my eyes once met with the sun, trying to adjust them. As I lower my hand, I notice Lucifer glare ahead. I turn my head and look in surprise to see a man who appeared to be a few years older than us. He was approaching us and quickened his pace when he noticed that we had spotted him. As he grew closer I was able to get an actual good look at him. He wore a tight fitting top, similar style to other people wore here, however he had a jewel near the collar and the clothes appeared to be made of silk. His hair was brown with red strands, but that wasn't the most striking thing about him. His sclera for his eyes were almost that of a pitch black while his Iris was that of a bright ruby red. And unlike most demons even his horns were uniquely downturned shaped like a ram's horns, but were just as red as his eyes.

"Oh Lucy it's been so long since you've been here and who is the girl next to you? Is she the hunter Sathanus was grumbling about? How could he call her ugly? I would love to have her work under me, I could imagine she could bring us quite a few new customers. Ah, I shouldn't ramble, I haven't introduced myself to her.

Good evening miss, I am the second prince of this amazing empire, Prince Asmodeus. The most popular out of my brothers and of course well liked. Much better company compared to Lucy over here who is a grouch." Asmodeus says with a cheerful look. His cheery actions caught me a bit off guard compared to how the other princes were like. I had to remind myself quickly that I am to act like a hunter and be professional so I bowed slightly.

"Good morning Your Highness, I am Hecate Seirá. As you have guessed I am the hunter that Prince Lucifer has hired. I would like to apologize, however we will need to cut this conversation short. We are on a time limit and need to be getting a move on." I say as I rise up and lightly tug Lucifer's arm to signify for us to get a move on.

"Oh come on Miss Hecate you can't be that much in a hurry, at least let me get a better view of you, that cloak doesn't show off what I can imagine is a beautiful figure to match that cute face of yours. Besides, isn't it hot here, you don't need it." He says as he reaches out to my cloak. As his hand was about to grab it, Lucifer swiftly slaps his hand away and glares at Asmodeus.

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