Chaper 11

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^Lucifer's POV^

After I finished eating with the arrogant royal family I escorted Joann back to her room, taking our time as we walk back.

"Soooo.....", she dragged on, "Is Morgenstern really your last name or is it just a cover story?" Joann asks me while slightly swaying side to side while we walk. I shrug my shoulders

"A bit of both actually, my grandmother on my father's side maiden name was Morgenstern, but I have the empress's last name now so it's Daemon. I obviously can't use that name here so I just go by that last name." I tell Joann as we reach her bedroom door. I do a slight bow and look up to her with a smirk.

"Well mademoiselle, it's time to bid adieu to you. May you get some well rest and tomorrow we can figure out what our next step will be." I say and stand back straight. She giggles and says goodnight to me before entering her room and closing the door. I then swiftly turn around and make my way to my room. It's about time I call in for some information.

Hopefully Aphrodite will be able to answer the call. I enter my room and shut the door quickly and open my bag. Looking through it I found the wooden box I needed. Aphrodite had somehow got her hands on these magic boxes the witches created. It allows you to call whoever by just touching the jewel inside and thinking of the other person. As long as the other owner has one you can communicate.

I open the box and tap the center ruby with a finger while thinking of Aphrodite and her image. Her red hair with a pink streak in it and her sharp green gold eyes glaring. She's had my back since the beginning and if anyone is good undercover it would be her. As I wait, the crystal glows and a light beams out, giving shape to Aphrodite. So this is what you call a hologram, huh, how interesting. For trying this for the first time, I'm glad it works.

"Well, long time no see Lucy, what do you need?" Aphrodite asks, folding her arms. She looks kinda tired, hopefully not to be busy though.

"Hey I need to gather some intel and you're the right person to do it. Your father is a count here in the Kingdom of Stride, right? If I remember correctly it was because your father has connections to witches that led to meeting your mother right? Is there any way you can give me some information on any local witches? I really need some items they have." I tell her sincerely, but she just huffs in reply

"This is the first you've contacted me for months and the only thing you're contacting me for is information? Jeez, what kind of friend are you? You could at least tell me what you're up to. Last I heard about you, the empress sent you to hunt down the princess. What do you even need from witches anyway? " she says, giving me a pointed look. I scratch the back of my neck and sigh.

"Plans are finally being put into action and soon I'll be returning home soon with a deadly gift. I've spoken to you before that I've wanted to dethrone the empress, but didn't think of a way how. This could be the chance I need and I'm using that stupid princess as a pawn. I first need to camouflage her however since if we take one step into Naphal Country territory, you know my brother's will be after her.

If we can disguise her until we arrive at the castle, it'll be perfect. She'll take a shot at the empress when we arrive at the throne room and I'll take advantage of the situation. I want to, as well, stop at our village to see if I can recruit others. We know the other Cambion's haven't been treated well and if we can recruit others, they can help us infiltrate the castle. They can become guards or servants so that when the time comes and I stand for king I'll have them to back me up from any fight with others." I tell her and she looks in thought for a second, processing what I told her and then nods her head.

"Yeah I can get that handled for you, I'll have to visit my father, but that won't be a problem. He'll give me any information I need just as long as I disappear afterwards anyway. One day, I'll reveal that he slept with a demon and who knows maybe that'll come sooner once you're king." Aphrodite says and gives an evil smile at the end. Glad I have her on my side, she can be quite harsh when it comes to revenge. I think to myself and smile a bit and let out a chuckle.

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