Chapter 19

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^Lucifer's POV^

I wake up with a start, hearing someone knock on my door. I luckily have learned to lock my door here at this point, but with that comes people waking me up by knocking. I grumble to myself a bit before sighing and standing up. Looking out the window it looked like the sun was just rising. Who the hell was knocking on my door this damn early? If it's that damn cat, I swear I'll make a pelt out of his fur. I think to myself as I make my way to my door and open it. There lo and behold stood the tool for Joann and I's escape. Remember, play nice.

"Ah good morning, what do you need this morning?" I ask. Seriously interrupting my sleep, better have a damn good reason. Knowing her actions so far though, she is here for something stupid. I think as I look down at the woman fidgeting.

"Well sir Lucifer, I was wondering if we could just have a chat. I know it's very early, but this will be the only free time I'll have for the day due to being busy with work for the ball tomorrow night. I brought you a small breakfast to eat outside if you would be okay with that?" Katherine asks, looking up at me and fluttering her lashes, carrying a basket in hand. Oh how I wish I could say no, but I need her for tomorrow night's diversion.

"Um.... Yeah that sounds nice. I won't be staying here for much longer, so having a chat with you isn't a bad idea. Get to know you at least before it becomes a little more difficult to talk to you." I say as I watch her face brighten with my answer. Damn it, I really don't want to be near her. Just talking to her has me losing energy by the second.

"Really!? Okay, then I guess I'll give you a few minutes to change and we can head out!" Katherine says as she steps back as I close the door. I sigh to myself already wishing to not be in this situation. For the mission Lucifer, it's for the mission. God if she didn't act so irritating I'd think she was cute at least, but with her rotten personality ruins it all. I think as I grab a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt and change into it. Before heading out I grab a pair of black boots, putting them on and then make my way out.

Katherine was leaning on the wall when I opened the door and stood straight when she noticed me.

"Okay let's go! Like I didn't set a fancy breakfast, but it'll still be really good. We haven't got to talk much and I would love to get to know you more." she says as she makes her way down the hallway, me following behind her. We make our way down the stairs and down the hallways, to the garden once more where Joann and I had eaten yesterday. Once we reach the table she sets the basket down and starts pulling food out. Looking at it, she brought a few types of muffins, fruit and a pitcher of orange juice with two cups to go with it. Once she has it set up, I sit down and she does as well. Looking at the options, I take two blueberry muffins and some strawberries from the bowl Katherine had set up. Once I had the food, I didn't bother looking at what Katherine grabbed and started eating.

"So um.... Sir Lucifer, I wanted to learn more about you. For example where you are from, what's your life like, and what do you plan to do once you leave this place?" Katherine asks before taking a bite of what looks and smells to be a banana muffin. I really did not plan to be questioned like this, looks like I will have to create lies on the fly, just use facts I know and twist them a bit.

"I am from a fallen noble family, I'm the last in my family of Morgenstern due to a terrible fire in our family home. With that I was given the title of Baron of my home and used some of the money left from the fire to buy my home. I have that on the borders of Angel country to give myself space from the chaos of other people who want power.

I plan to go back there once this trip is over. I hope I can come back here to visit, but I've been reminded how chaotic the royals can be and it deters me from wanting to come back as it is." I say as Katherine nods her head as if she understands.

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