Chapter 3

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^Joann's POV^

I feel my head buzzing with pain and I groan as I open my eyes slowly. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I look around me to find myself on a dark gray couch. Confusion and panic sets in as my instincts kick in, realizing I'm not at home and that this place is unknown territory. I jump off the couch, only to feel pain in my right ankle and begin to feel a wave of dizziness. I stumble and see a few black spots. Shit, that hurts! I think I might have sprained it and have a concussion. Trying to ignore it, I glance over my surroundings again. It appears that I'm in a living room that may actually be a library with all the books on the shelves. I stumble towards a window to see that I'm still in the woods, but I don't recognize this area. It seems that this place is in some type of clearing though, but the trees surround the edges of the field.

Suddenly the sound of creaking wood could be heard behind me. I face toward the sound and hold back a screech when I see a guy standing at the door of the room looking at me.

He has pale skin, with black hair and gray eyes (Pretty handsome in an almost dark prince kind of way, but that doesn't really matter at the moment), taller than me, but not super tall. I could take him, I think to myself not knowing what he was doing here in the first place. For all I know, he's the one who kidnapped me. I charge at him, continuing to ignore the pain in my ankle and my vision being slightly blurry. With my fists raised high, I jump onto him, knocking him onto the ground. I throw my right fist at his face, but he stops it with one hand. I then throw my other fist, but he stops it as well. Well...Fuck he's good, I think to myself.

"Chill there girly, I'm not here to hurt you. I saw you laying on the ground with a nasty bruise forming on your forehead and a sprained ankle. I brought you to my tiny little humble abode to rest, not fight me. I'm not going to hurt you- well as long as you don't try to hurt me.", the mysterious man says and winks at me as he lets go of my hands.

I blush as I realize how insane I might look right now, but it's not like I can help it. I roll off him, stuttering a sorry in the process, trying to be careful and not fall on him. I crawl back to the couch and sit down, not caring how silly I look anymore. I already embarrassed myself enough, nothing at this point could possibly make this situation worse. Might as well just not care, he's a stranger anyway so what he thinks of me isn't important. I could hear the guy chuckle and I look to see him standing back up while smiling.

"No it's my fault, I'm a stranger that brought you to my house. Of course this seems like a bad scenario, but like I said- I'm only here to help. Anyway, the name's Lucifer, and you are?" He says as he puts his hand out to gesture a handshake. I hesitate for a second, but shake his hand.

"Joann- and yeah this kinda is partly your fault, but hey at least I'm not laying in a heap on the ground in the forest.", I say with my own smile. This situation could have been a lot worse than it is. I don't know this guy, but he was nice enough to help a stranger out so maybe he isn't that bad. I hope at least...

"Well Joann, I have some news and I don't know if you'll like it, but with your ankle like that- traveling back home is a no go for a while. You can stay here for some time so you can heal, I have an extra bedroom here. You can use it as well as the bathroom connected to it. But that's your choice, you can always crawl back home like you crawled onto the couch." Lucifer says calmly with a bit of a smirk on his face. I take his offer into consideration with how my situation is at the moment.

I can't go home because of my sprain, meaning I won't have to deal with anyone for a while. That sounds like a done-deal to me. WAIT, what about Pluto, my poor kitty! Who's going to take care of him?

I mean Andrew can, knowing him, he's going to go to my house anyway to try to find me. So I guess that takes care of that thankfully. But if he tries any funny business with my cat, I'll kill him. I nod my head accepting this answer as well as showing him that I accept the offer.

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