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Aiden's POV

The plan to become rich and for me to get revenge was coming together nicely.

"So what's the plan then Lucas?" Noah asked, we all looked to Lucas waiting for him to explain, I already know but no one else did.

"We have found out that Mason Luciano has a daughter, he keeps her hidden well but the information we have gathered is that she is his only child, so we will have 4 people on patrol near the home 24/7 including Aiden. Once the right opportunity comes along, we will take her. Once we have her secure, we will send word to the Luciano's, and we will give them a choice that they can either they pay 5 Million to get her back or we go to the press with information on how they managed to become so wealthy" Lucas explained to everyone.

Poppy, my mate, spoke up next. "How do we know they will pay; they might go straight to the police and the press before we can?".

"I thought that at first too Poppy, but they don't seem to like her being known to the press, but if this doesn't work then we will threaten to kill her, we also have Dan getting as much information as possible on the family to find out as much information as possible for us to use, ready for when we have her. Plus, we will question her too and try get all their secrets, they may not be like us but there is something they are hiding." Lucas replied. We spent a couple more hours putting together the final parts of our plan before we all headed to bed to get a good nights sleep ready to go tomorrow.

Morning came around quickly and after a quick shower I headed down to the front of the house, after around thirty minutes we were all standing outside the pack house ready to go. We decided to leave early so there would not be many people around to question what we were doing in the area. Once we were all ready, we headed out.

It did not take too long to reach pour destination, we parked a few minutes away so the amount of vehicles would not be suspicious, once we reached within a few metres of the house we all set up in different locations ready to go. This was going to be a difficult mission getting her, but I must admit I was happy it was finally happening, and I would get my revenge on the woman who gave me up. The patrol started and we tried to blend in as much as possible so no one would notice us. Looking at the house they live in you would not think that they are wealthy; it looks like a normal house for a well-off family. There are no bodyguards or anything, something is not right with these people, who would not hire protection when you are that well off and could be targeted easily.

As I was observing the surroundings something caught my eye, it was a girl who looked around my age with long brunette hair and a very slim figure, and she looked malnourished. Her scent was oddly like mine, she smelt like fresh rain and grass, what was even weirder is she was climbing out of what looks like a basement window trying not to be seen. Has she robbed them under their nose? She does look homeless with her clothing; she is wearing a worn-down poncho with leggings that look to short for her. When she turned to my direction, I looked at the photo we managed to get of Masons daughter, and I realised this was her. We need to act quickly, I mind-link Noah "Noah I can see her, she is on the west side of the property and about to go through the woodland area, we need to do this now!" As soon I told him, I could see him and Poppy making their way to the woods.

We were all following silently behind her and as we got closer, I noticed that she had no idea she was being followed, most people would be able to sense that they are being followed or watched but she does not seem to realise. This was great and made our job a lot easier in catching her, I was expecting a fight, but something tells me we will not get one.

"Aiden, we need to do this now! I can see a clearing coming up which will make us too exposed to do anything." Noah's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

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