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Lucas's POV

A couple of weeks have gone by since we found out Lia was pregnant. We have spent a lot of time together and I am getting closer to her, she is starting to open-up to me more and I can tell she is starting to trust me. When she told me that she wanted to keep the baby and the reasons why, secretly I was a little gutted, but only because I wanted our first child to be my blood, but this will not stop me loving him or her. They are a part of Lia and that is all that matters, and I will do anything for them. We have not told anyone about the baby yet, we want to make sure that people will believe that the baby is mine and we need to put a few things in pace before they will believe that.

As much as things have been amazing between us she mentioned she was worried about Aiden, that he was being distant. I did not notice at first but then when I think about it he has. He jumps at the opportunity to go on jobs and when he is not working, he claims he has other stuff to do. I even noticed he was avoiding Poppy at mealtimes; he would come into the kitchen and get his plate then go and eat somewhere else, and the look Poppy gives him is clear she is not happy with him doing that. I wanted to pin him down and ask him, he is my brother after all and if there is something bothering him, I want to help. Every time the opportunity to speak to him comes up something seems to always get in the way, tonight we have no pack business and no jobs, so I am determined to corner him.

I do not doubt he is busy; we all have been. We have all been looking into who the traitor could be. I have spent the past couple of weeks looking into all my staff to see if the traitor is part of the business side rather than the pack. I have questioned all of them and not one has slipped up yet, I even gave them all individual tasks to test them, and they all passed. This frustrated me even more. It was looking more and more like the traitor is within the pack, this would be more of a betrayal to me, the whole pack is like family.

It is now 5pm and dinner will be soon, so I know I need to go find Aiden now. Poppy should not be with him as she usually helps with preparing the dinner, I just hope he talks to me. I make my way to his room and once outside I listen carefully to see if I can hear anyone inside, I can hear shuffling, so I know someone is in. I knock and wait for an answer, Aiden then opens the door, he looks surprised to see me. "Lucas, everything ok?" he asks.

"Yeah, everything is fine. I wanted to talk to you about something, can I come in?" I ask him back, if he thinks it is to do with work, he will not say no, it is his duty as my Beta.

"Of course, yeah." He replies and opens the door enough for me to enter. When I enter, we go to his office, which is joined to his room, and I grab us both a drink before sitting down.

"So, I needed to speak to you about two things really. First is about the jobs that are being hijacked, I think we might have a traitor and after some testing, I think it's someone in the pack." I say, starting the conversation. He did not seem surprised though, which made me suspicious that he might have already found something, which he has not told me.

"I know, I have picked up on this already and have been trying to monitor what the pack are doing daily." He admits.

"Ok. Why didn't you tell me?" I ask.

"I didn't want to cause any issues within the pack, especially with Lia here. I found something too, which if it's true it will destroy me." He said warily, whatever it was it was clearly haunting him. I gave him a confused look and encouraged him to carry on.

"I found a journal that Poppy had hidden away. It has details of all our jobs, including the job the first week Lia was here. She even has all the patrol shift schedules, so I have been trying to change them last minute." He explained. He looked heartbroken when telling me this. Why would Poppy betray her mate and the pack, she has been a part of this pack for years, it just does not make sense. I was more confused than angry, and I needed to go about this the right way for Aiden's sake.

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