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Lucas's POV

We had just finished training and Aiden has just asked to go for a walk, he wanted to have a brotherly talk. We walk into the woods and he looks around making sure no one is near us.

"I need some advice, as a brother not an Alpha." He says with an unreadable expression.

"Sure, you can speak to me anytime. What is on you mind little bro?" I reply.

"It is girl trouble. Do not get me wrong the past week has been amazing, but she the past couple of days she has been off. I am worried she is regretting everything." He says to me. His face changes to pure hurt. I feel for him, anyone can see how madly in love they both are but if there is something off, I do not believe it is because of regret.

"Have you spoken to her about this? Hasn't she been unwell too, it could just be that." I say putting my hand on his shoulder. He gives me a half smile.

"I hope so, I just cannot lose her. I have only just gotten her." He claims.

Just as I was about to answer him, we receive a pack link. "ALPHA! ROGUES! They are coming from the East boarder, there must be hundreds".

"SHIT" I say out loud. "We cannot link Lia; I need to find her." I say urgently.

I look at Aiden and I can see he is linking someone, probably Nat. "Do not worry Lucas, Nat is with her." He says.

Thank god, "Nat, get Lia into the bunker and tell her to stay there. The fight is on the East boarder, me and Aiden will head there now" I mind-link Nat.

"Of course, I will meet you there" she replies.

I shift into my wolf quickly tearing my clothes, Aiden does the same and we head to the East. On our war we see many warriors following us wanting to get to the fight when we reach them there must be at least 300 rogues. Where did they come from, rogues do not usually fight in packs so this must be an army controlled by someone. I see Noah in his wolf form fighting off two rogues, I see another 3 running towards him and I jump into action. I leap over Noah and grab the first rogue around the neck with my mouth instantly snapping its neck, I turn to one of the others running and at the last minute I pull back making the two rogues hit each other. While they were in a dazed state, I snap their necks. I look around and can see our warriors now here fighting, I see Nat and Aiden working together fighting a bunch. I quickly join in snapping the necks of any rogues that come towards me, a few of them manage to get a nip and a scratch in but nothing serious and I heal quickly. Being in my wolf form helps the healing process along, and being an Alpha helps. We all fight with everything we have, and it looks like we are winning, there is dead rogues all around us. Aiden leaps to my side taking down the last rogue around us.

"Secure the area, check for wounded and take them to the hospital" I link to everyone here. We start checking the fallen when we all get another mind-link. "There are more Rogues coming from the North boarder! We need help!".

What is happening. We all start running towards the North ready to fight again.

When we reach the North boarder, the situation is the same as before, there is a few hundred rogues rushing to us. The warriors that were here managed to keep a few back before being killed. The East boarder was meant to be a distraction, they clearly did not realise how quick we would eliminate them. The only problem now is we have lost almost half of our warriors to injuries, although some still came with us to fight but I could see this would be a struggle.

After fighting off almost 100 more rogues another wave of them came to us, this was crazy. Who ever is behind this has thought all this through. We start fighting them off again, I can see Aiden, Noah and Nat all fighting a couple of rogues each, they all look unharmed which is good. Just as I was thinking we were once again getting the upper hand a knife comes flying out of the darkness, I dodge it quickly, it looked like silver. That was close, I was about to lunge forward when I heard a thump behind me and a toe-curling scream. I turn around quickly and see Aiden in his human form on the floor. I run over to him; Nat has shifted back too holding his head. "What happened, did a rogue get him?" I ask looking to Nat.

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