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Amelia's POV

Howling with the pack was a remarkable feeling, when we first started running everyone followed my direction and leadership. I love the feeling of having a pack, it is like having a big family and I was their mother. I would do anything for them and them for me.

I cannot believe the way today has ended, this morning I started as just a wolf and mate. Now I am a Luna to a large pack, a mother and now a daughter again. When I heard that little girl crying in Jenny's arm something inside me snapped, even Amethyst was gong crazy. The urge to protect and love her was unbearable and when Jenny asked about an orphanage, I knew in that moment that she would become my daughter. When I saw her big green eyes my heart melted, they were the same shade as mine which made me love her even more. Luckily, Nat had some baby stuff already that she gave to us until we had chance to get some stuff of our own. Looking down at our new baby girl I realised we still needed to give her a name. "Lucas, what shall we name her?" I asked.

"Oh, I did not think of that. You choose sweetheart." He replied. I am glad he said that because I had already thought of one, I love.

"What about Mia?" I ask him. I try to read his face when I told him to see if he liked it or not, he seemed to be thinking about it but was not letting off any indication whether he liked it or not.

He looks at me and smiles "I love it. My little Mia." He said while picking her up out of her bassinet. As he picks her up, she gives him a cute little smile. I walk over to them and take her hand; she squeezes it tightly making me laugh. She is really adorable.

It has been a couple of days since I officially became Luna, everything was good, and the pack was happy. I had started to spend time with my father with Aiden trying to make up for lost time, he adored Mia too. I guess she was now his grandchild. I wanted him to be apart of the pack officially so we had agreed that we will not wait two weeks to accept them into the pack and in stead we had arranged for it to be done today. We decided to have the ceremony starting later than before, we wanted the celebrations to be done under the moonlight. Today I decided to wear a full white dress, and Lucas was in all black, and for Mia I decided on a white dress, she looked adorable in it. Looking in the mirror we looked like a proper family, I held Mia while Lucas leads the way to the garden. We kept the stage up the same and decorated the garden with multicoloured flowers and fairy lights, once again it looked like a fairy tale. The ceremony would be the same as before but this time as Luna I would add my blood into the chalice along with Lucas, but we agreed that he will still conduct the ceremony.

As soon as we reached the stage the ceremony started, one by one we accepted all the new members into the pack and just like last time, at the end, all current pack members drank from the chalice completing the joining ceremony. I was the last to take a sip from the chalice and as soon as I did, we felt the rush of new members joining the pack, it was like someone just entered your mind but not really being there. I looked up to the moon, it seemed brighter tonight, almost like the moon goddess was giving her blessing. I hoped so anyway. I looked back to the pack who were waiting for the next instructions, Lucas gave me smile indicating that I should address the pack.

"Welcome to our newest members of the Black Night pack, lets enjoy this night together and celebrate as one." I said loudly, everyone cheered and started to mingle.

We joined the party and made small talk with come of the pack members, Lucas was holding Mia, and everyone was cooing over her, just like I did all the time. I looked at the time and she was going to be due a feed soon, looks like I will be cutting the party short. We will need to get used to that. I walked over to Lucas "Sorry to interrupt but Mia will be due a feed soon, so I best take her up. You can stay though, enjoy the night." I told Lucas.

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