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Lucas's POV

After Lia came back and we spoke she asked for some space to mourn the loss of her baby. The past couple of days I have given her the space she wanted, I went to her a couple of times to make sure she was ok and to see if she needed anything but each time, she said she was fine. I decided while giving her space I would focus on the issues we were having. When me and Aiden tried to question the rogues, we were left a little shaken, we knew something was going to happen, but we did not know when. I was worried about Lia; she might have her wolf but since she cannot shift, she is still weak and human. I have no issues with her being human but if she were faced with a rogue in wolf form, she would not stand a chance and I needed to protect her.

This morning I decided to go to the city and see if I could get more information on who was dealing in my city, I needed to see if they were Werewolves or not. If they were then we would need to deal with it as a pack and with the rogue threats I was not sure how I would do this. When I met with my team, they gave me the information on the whereabouts of the dealers and all the information they had gathered. It did not seem like a wolf issue, but I needed to be sure, so I went to the locations provided. I could not sense any indication that there were wolves in the area, but I could be wrong. I asked Dan to stay in the city to run the business a couple of weeks ago after a lot of our usual jobs were interrupted and I decided it would be best if he stayed, he is a Werewolf too, so I asked him to check the areas to be sure it is just humans. Once we get confirmation, we will rid them of our streets.

When I was on my way back to the pack house Aiden linked me saying Lia wanted me, I was pleasantly surprised, considering she has not wanted to speak to anyone for the past two days. I purposely rushed back; I was excited to speak to her. When I got back, we went into the meeting room to talk, it made me so happy when she asked about spending time together and sorting the Luna ceremony, I could not wait for her to be officially part of the pack. I offered to take her with me to the city one day, I need the issues to be resolved first though but I will not tell her that. Then she asked about training. I did not want her training, I know she would then use it as an excuse to fight when the war comes, I will not tell her about that yet. She was so persistent and being in control that I could not say no, so I caved under the conditions that Aiden or Nat trains her. That is when I messed up. I told her I did not want the pack seeing that their future Luna is human, of course she is not human, and the pack would not mind. Hell, most the pack already knows about her. I said it to try and persuade her not to train, if she could not train with the pack, I was hoping she then would not want to, but it came out wrong. She went mad and stormed out, and now I am sitting here regretting it massively and feeling guilty. I decide I will leave her for the rest of today to cool off and I will speak to her tomorrow, I need to tell her I did not mean any of it.

The rest of the day drags by, even when it comes to night I am struggling to sleep. I do not know how Lia will be tomorrow with me after today, I wonder what she has been doing today after our conversation. Ugh stop thinking Lucas. I need sleep.

That was the worst night sleep I have had since meeting Lia, but I am glad it is morning. I think I will make her breakfast and take it to her, that might get me in her good books. It is currently 6.30am so I should have time to have a shower and make breakfast before she wakes up. Once dressed I make my way down to the kitchen, before I enter, I can smell Lia's scent, damn, she beat me down. I walk in and she quickly gets up to leave, "Wait. Please Lia can we talk?" I say quickly.

She gives me a cold look, full of hurt. "Fine, you have five minutes." She says.

We go into the meeting room again, noting that the last time we were in here she stormed out and I was an a**hole.

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