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Lucas's POV

Aiden's plan was a good one, I just hope that whoever we take in trusts us and are loyal. I do not want to bring my pack anymore danger, especially Lia. We all deserve happiness and a future. We are ready to start heading around the nearby packs, Lia is coming with me along with Noah in case his mate is in one of them. We all pile into the cars and make our way to the first pack, it should take about 2 hours to get there. I am sitting in the back with Lia while Noah and another warrior sit in the front, Lia is staring out the window admiring the surroundings of our territory. I do not think she has explored much since she came here. "It is beautiful here." She says.

"I know, when we have some time we will explore more if you like?" I ask her.

"I would love that." She says back. She comes away from the window and leans into me, I love moments like this. After a couple of hours, we arrive at the first pack, when we enter their territory the place looks run down. The trees are all dead, there is no flowers or bushes around, even the grass is almost dead. When we get closer to their pack house, I notice there is members in wolf form asleep on the floor, they do not take any notice of us coming through. Usually when you enter another packs territory, they are all on alert and on guard, these do not seem to care. I look over to Lia and she gives me a look, she is thinking the same as me. I knew things were bad for some packs but not this bad, Lia gasps as we park. I look in the direction she is looking to see what made her gasp and see what looks like a family come out of the house, they look extremely malnourished. The parents look like they would either snap or die at any moment and they have a young child, she looks around one, in their arms. Again, she looks extremely underweight, especially for a baby. The woman has dark brown hair which reaches her lower back and has matching dark brown eyes, where as the man had sandy blonde hair and green eyes.

We all get out the cars and approach the couple with he baby. "Hi, my name is Alpha Lucas, and this is Luna Amelia from the Black Night pack, are you the Alpha and Luna?" I ask the couple.

They look scared of us; they share a look before they answer. "We are not Alpha and Luna, but we do look after the pack as much as we can." The woman replies with a croaky voice.

"What are your names?" Lia asks them in a soothing tone.

They both look at each other again "My name is Jessica, and this is my mate Ryan. I do not mean to be disrespectful Luna, but what are you doing here?" Jessica asks us.

"We have heard of the way you are all living, and we have come to offer you all a place in our pack, it is completely your decision. If you decide you would like to then you would be accepting myself as Alpha and Amelia as Luna, you will also get your own place with the option to work in either the pack or the surrounding businesses." I explain to them. "If you would like to relay this information to all members here, we can give you some time to discuss if you like?" I add.

"That is a very generous offer, may I ask why you are offering this?" Jessica asks us warily.

"We do not want anything in return if that is what you are thinking. We want to expand our pack and also help those that need it the most." Lia replies to her. She gives Lia a warm smile.

"Very well, if you can give us half an hour to discuss with the rest of the pack. We will then let you know our decisions if that is ok?" Jessica says.

"Of course, we will wait with our cars." I tell her. She nods and they walk back into the house. After a few moments I notice other pack members start making their way to the house, giving us curious looks along the way.

"I hope they say yes." Lia whispers to me.

"After seeing all this, me too." I whisper back.

After just 15 minutes of waiting Jessica and Ryan come back out with the rest of the pack following behind them, we get out the cars and walk towards them. Lia grabs my hand as we approach them.

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