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Lucas's POV – 2 Years later

The past two years have been such a whirlwind. When we were announced as Kind and Queen our whole lives changed, we have new responsibilities which took a lot of our time but also opened so many more opportunities for us.

Just as the Moon Goddess said, Lia was in fact pregnant with twins and 8 long weeks later she gave birth to a little boy and girl. They both have my eyes and brown hair; we named the boy Jack and the girl Elizabeth. They adore little Mia, and she adores them, they are like 3 peas in a pod together. Although I have noticed that Jack pretty much does exactly what they tell him too. They are going to cause some havoc in his life, I can see it already. Lia was doing good too, she had spent a lot of time giving advice and comfort to other wolves, she would get mind-links at random times, but she kept her promise.

Nat and Aiden also had a little girl and a year later had a baby boy, they were so happy together, and were a wonderful family. They spent most their time with us, our children all play together. Its nice that Jack will have another boy to play with, but he will have to wait a little longer for him to grow up first. They were already talking about another baby, and the be honest, secretly I am too.

Noah and Sam had asked for permission to leave the pack a few months after the Moon event, they wanted to travel around the world. Last I heard they settled somewhere down south and have started their own pack. I love how Lia can mind-link anyone no matter where they are, helps us to keep in touch with them. I miss Noah like crazy but he needs to do what is best for him and Sam now.

"Daddy! Mummy says it is time for bed. I do not want to go to bed yet." Mia says to me in the cutest little voice, she always puts this voice on when she wants something.

"Oh sweetheart, Mummy is right. You need to get some sleep so you can play all day tomorrow." I tell her. Her little face lights up at the mention of playing tomorrow. She really does melt my heart.

"Ok Daddy. But only if Jack and Lizzy come bed too." She says sternly, crossing her arms.

I cannot help but laugh, "I am sure they are being tucked in as we speak. Now come on lets get you in bed." I say and pick her up. When we get to the bedroom, I was right, and Lia was just finishing tucking Lizzy in. I look over to Jack and he is already starting to fall asleep. We tuck Mia in and give her a kiss goodnight, then I give Jack and Lizzy a kiss goodnight too. We tell them all goodnight closing the door and head back to our room.

"Having three children and a pack is exhausting." Lia says while yawning.

"Yes, I agree, but how about more?" I ask warily. I have never asked her what she thinks of more children. I will not be disappointed if she does not want more but I would be thrilled if she does.

"Wait, more children? You want more?" she asks back.

"Honestly yes. I would love more but I am also happy with our family now." I reply honestly.

A smile starts to form on her face "Oh Lucas. I would LOVE more children!" she semi-squeals. I laugh and pull her down onto the bed.

"Lets make some babies then." I say seductively.

"Mm I think I can do that." She replies, winking at me.

We spent the whole night together and having fun, it was nice to have some one-to-one time with Lia. We rarely get time together during the day, we are together but not alone. Having 3 children, a pack, and a whole species to take care off really takes its toll on your relationship. That is why whenever we do get time together, before we pass out, I cherish and last night was amazing.

I look over to the clock and see it is almost seven in the morning, Lia was fast asleep in my arms and fortunately the babies were not awake yet. I softly kiss the top of Lia's head; I cannot help but be in awe of her. She really is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and she has a heart of gold.

"Stop staring at me." Lia says with a groggy voice.

"Oh but baby, you are just too beautiful." I say back laughing.

"Mmmm, you know, you don't have to woo me anymore. I am already yours." She replies.

"I will always woo you baby." I tell her. She giggles and kisses me.

Just as I was thinking we would have a little more time to ourselves, our little mini's come barging in.

"GOOD MORNING MUMMY AND DADDY!" Mia squeals, with Jack and Lizzy bouncing behind her.

Lia laughs and sits up. "Looks like we will have to carry this on tonight." She whispers in my ear before pulling our babies up onto the bed.

We spend a little while in bed all cuddling together before e decide to get up. I would do breakfast in bed, but the last time we tried that we had to buy new sheets for the bed. And I needed to put some food in all our stomachs.

We all get washed and dressed then head down to the kitchen. When we reach the kitchen Lizzy and Mia run up to Mrs Jones and gives her a big cuddle, like every morning. Jack just takes his seat saying good morning to her verbally. He isn't one for cuddles and kissed, other than me and Lia, I guess it is a boy thing though.

Just after we all sit down Mrs Jones brings out plates full of food for us all, and we all quickly dig in.

"So what are your plans today baby?" I ask Lia. I like to know what she is doing so I can try sneak in a few moments alone with her, not that I ever can.

"Erm, once I drop the kids off I need to check if we have any updates from any other packs about anything they may need. I was also going to look into expanding the day care, it seems everyone is having babies at the moment." She replies.

"Sounds a good idea. Let me know if you need any help." I tell her.

"I will, thank you baby."

After we finish dinner Lia leaves taking the kids to day care and I head to my meeting room, I have a meeting today with surrounding Alpha's, we always have a monthly meeting to discuss any issues. Usually it turns into a friendly catch up to be honest.

Our daily routine is always the same, and as much as we moan about it and how tired we get. I would never change it. From the moment I met my Lia my life changed, we have come an exceptionally long way from that day, and I couldn't be happier. She and the kids are my life, I love them more than anything in the world.

My life is PERFECT.


Thank you for reading my first story, I hope you enjoyed following Amelia, Lucas and Aiden through their journey. Please let me know your thoughts.

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