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Amelia's POV

"Welcome my children. Those of you that do not recognise me, I am the Moon Goddess. I have invited you all here for an incredibly special reason. Today we have with us an amazing wolf and her mate, I would like to introduce you to Luna Amelia Luciano and Alpha Lucas Cortez." She said and everyone started clapping. I looked to her and she nodded her head signalling that she wanted us to join her on the stage. We make our way to her, I can feel Lucas's hand and he is shaking like I am, or it is my own body I can feel shaking. When we reach her, she holds her hand out to me, which I take. Her grip is warm and inviting, instantly calming all of my nerves.

She gives me a smile and looks back towards the crowd. "Now the reason I wanted my dearest Amelia here and her mate, is because this woman standing here is no less a goddess than myself." She started.

What, I look between Lucas and the Moon Goddess, what is she on about.

"As you all know, I am always watching over you and centuries ago I made a vow. Which until now I have not been able to fulfil. I promised a great leader to you all, one that would show true leadership, courage, strength, empathy, and love. I wanted our leader to think of others before themselves and risk their lives for those not only that they hold dear but for strangers too. This leader would be a descendant of mine and until now I have not seen anyone with all these qualities." She explained.

Surely, she is not on about us. I wanted to say something, but I felt frozen, I could not speak at all.

"And now we have. I have been watching Luna Amelia here for a while now and she has been through some tough times which in the past has broken some wolves, this has only made her stronger. She has risked her life for others that she has no relation or love for, which is a remarkable trait to have. And she also has special abilities which she has not used for personal gain, only to help others, which even the most good-hearted witch cannot do." She added.

She then turned to me. "My darling, you are one of my direct descendants and the last test I did was present an orphaned child to you, who is also a descendant of mine, and if you were the wolf, I had been searching for I knew you would have felt a pull to her." She told me.

"I do not understand, why me?" I asked her, I felt bad asking but I did not get why she chose me.

"My dear, I did not choose you. I simply keep a close eye on my descendants and you my dear showed me that you are the one." She explained.

I always knew I was selfless, but I thought this was common within wolves. And with what I did to Isabelle and Mason, surely that effects this.

"I know what you are thinking. Even though you possess all these qualities, you also know how to be strict and fair. You would not kill anyone without a good, valid reason and when you do, I could see the guilt from it. Not everyone feels like that after killing someone, good or bad." She explains. She then pulls me forward slightly and faces back to the crowd. "My children, I would like to formally welcome you, your new Moon Queen." She shouts to all wolves here.

I could not help the gasp leaving my lips. Queen. Did she just say Moon Queen. I could tell everyone was cheering but I was in too much shock to notice. It was Lucas that pulled me back to reality by putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Now you have your Queen, Queen Amelia has already found her mate, Alpha Lucas. And so, I also herby welcome your Moon King." She adds, now Lucas tenses up.

She takes both our hands and I feel a warm sensation flowing through me. I can feel myself getting more powerful than ever before and I can feel my powers coming to the surface. I can feel the tingling sensation and when I open my eyes I am surrounded by my white and red aura. Except it is changing, it is no longer white and red but rather white and silver.

The Wolf QueenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora