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Amelia's POV

I gave Lucas a kiss and left him to sort out paperwork. I cannot believe he is giving this up for me, I understand why, but it is still his business. If he did not give it up, I am not sure how I would feel knowing that there are illegal activities happening here, I would not have the heart to try stop him, but I do not think I could be apart of it either. I am glad I do not have to face that, and I love him more for it. Last night brought us so much closer and the bond is stronger than ever, when I was reading about it, I never expected it to feel like this. It was like part of my soul had returned to me, but I never knew it was missing, it was wonderful but strange. I had been thinking about last night so much that I did not realise that I was lost, I am in a corridor with doors upon doors down both sides. This hall looks plain, the walls are plain white in colour and the floor is wooden, matching the doors. There are not any pictures or any sort of decoration here. I decide to go back the way I came and hopefully I can find some stairs or a lift, the only problem is, at the end of the corridor you can go left or right, and I have no idea which way I came from. I decide to go left and finally I can see some sort of desk; I will ask them how to go up to the café.

When I approach the desk there is a woman, a she-wolf, sitting there staring at her screen.
She is a slender woman with bright blonde hair which is down and straight, and blue eyes. Not as blue as Lucas's but still blue, she is a beautiful woman, come to think of it all she-wolves are beautiful. I wonder why she is here though and not at the pack; I have never seen her there. She does not exactly smell like she belongs to a pack though. She still has not looked up to me since I reached her, rude. I cough to get her attention, "excuse me?" I say.

She looks up briefly, showing no emotion "yes?" she replies.

"Can you please tell me how to get to the top floor?" I ask.

"And why would I do that, wolf?" she replies without looking up.

I look round to see if there were any humans around that could have heard her, luckily there is not. "Just tell me. If not, then tell me where I can find Lucas's office." I say back, I am annoyed at how rude she is.

Now she looks up at me, I guess saying Lucas's name spiked her interest. "You think I would tell a desperate wolf like you where to find my man?".

Her man? I guess she does not know who I am, although I am surprised, she cannot smell him on me form our mark. I huff at her before replying, making it clear I am getting annoyed, "are you even part of his pack? You do not smell like you belong to one".

"Neither do you. And as you must know he is just waiting for the right time so he can make me Luna." She replies, she sounds so confident.

"Really? Well shall we call him here to confirm that statement?" I ask her.

"I do not need to do anything you want." She replies coldly.

She is really getting on my nerves now. "Forget it, I will find my own way".

"Lia, we can follow his scent to find him." Amethyst tells me.

"Good idea." I reply.

I head in the direction his scent is, and I realise his door was literally in front of me to the right of the corridor.

"Oi, where do you think you are going. You cannot just go in there." The blonde woman shouts to me. I look back to her and give her a smirk before entering the room, Lucas looks up and smiles when he realises it is me. He looks bored, papers all around him. Unfortunately, before I reach him the blonde, she-wolf grabs my arm, "I said do not come in here. You leave him ALONE" she shouts in my face. Her nails are starting to dig into my skin as her grip tightens.

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