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Lucas's POV

Now we have her I could not help but feel excited that our money problems in the business would be over. I could tell Aiden was happy too, not because of money but because he would get his revenge and hopefully some answers. "Alpha, Beta, she is waking up." Noah mind-linked us.

"I'm on my way." I reply to Noah.

"Aiden hear that. Let us go and get some answers." I linked Aiden.

As we got to the basement door nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen, as I walked in, I was stunned. She was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined, even though she did not have any makeup on and was wearing worn clothes she was still beautiful. My wolf was going mad too, he was pouncing around like mad saying something, but I could not quite hear. Now is not the time to start thinking like that, I thought to myself, we are getting answers and money. I could not help but think she looked so familiar, like I had seen her before, I knew this was impossible because I know I would have remembered someone as beautiful as her. While I was thinking she looked up at me with beautiful Hazel eyes.

"Are you going to kill me?" she said with the most angelic voice I have ever heard, but the thing that bothered me is she sounded relieved to the possibility of being killed. Why does this hurt? I try and ask my wolf, but he is giving me the silent treatment, great, if this were my mate I would know right? I have never believed in 'mates', I cannot have a weakness. If the rumours are true about them being the most important person in your life and that you would put them above anything, then I do not want one. A mate is meant to be the other half of you and complete your life and heart, I am not a loving person, other than my family and my pack, and I do not care for girls and especially ones that live luxurious lives anyway. I need to question her and get answers.

"No not yet, we want answers about your father." I replied with the most confident voice possible.

"My father?" she replied sounding surprised, and a little confused.

Aiden came up beside me then, "yes, your father Mason and your mother Isabelle Luciano". I was not sure what she was thinking but she looked shocked at the fact we asked her at first but now her face turned sour.

"Mason isn't my father, yes Isabelle is my mother. Mason is... her husband." she replied looking at Aiden. The look on her face made me think she did not like them, but this could all be a trick because of the situation she was in. Nice try little one.

Aiden started to ask where their wealth came from and that is when I saw it, the resemblance between this girl and Aiden, why do they look so similar. I noticed that they smell the same too, like fresh rain and grass, except hers has a more floral hint.
"Lucas, Aiden I need to speak to you both NOW!" Dan mind-linked us.

I turned to the girl and said in a harsh tone "we will be back, and we will get answers".

When we got outside Dan came up to us "I have the information, she isn't the Daughter of Mason Luciano, but she is the Daughter of Isabelle Luciano." He told us.

"We know that Dan, she already told us. Now if you do not mind, we need to ask more questions." I said turning to walk back in.

"WAIT, that's not all, I did some more research after I found this out and found who her real father is. He has sadly passed away, but the name seemed familiar. That is when I realised it was the name I had dug up when searching for information on Aiden's real parents. I think she is your sister Aiden and looking at her age and yours and your similar features and scent I would say you are most likely twins".

Aiden's mouth dropped open; he was as shocked as I was. "So, if they are twins why only keep one? I don't get it." I asked Dan.

"Well, I thought that, but it turns out that when Isabelle was pregnant, she only wanted 1 child, a girl and their father wanted the boy, you Aiden. But unfortunately, he died in a car accident when Isabelle was 7 months pregnant, which by this time was too late for her to terminate both children so she put Aiden up for adoption.".

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