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Amelia's POV

I feel like I have been hit by a truck, my whole-body hurts. The events that happened before I passed out start coming back to me at once. I cannot believe everything I did, well not so surprised about defeating Isabelle and the rogues, but I am surprised I healed Aiden. It may have taken almost all my strength, but it was worth it, I need my brother and so does Nat. Oh my god, Nat. I hope she has told Aiden about the baby; they will be such good parents. It makes me wonder what would be if I had never lost mine, I do not mean it to sound selfish, but I am slightly envious of them. As much as I loved my baby, the thought of having Lucas's baby gives me a whole different feeling. Would they have his blue eyes or my green ones, would they have light or dark hair. Come on Amelia, we have not even done more than a kiss here and there, never mind about making babies.

I am suddenly aware I am awake but have not opened my eyes yet, my breathing is still heavy so no one will know I am awake. Just as I am about to open my eyes, I hear voices, who is that? I focus on the voices and can make out Lucas, Aiden and I believe Nat is here. I listen in using my wolf hearing, I know it is wrong, but I am nosey.

"But no, I did not want to miss her waking up. Hopefully, it will be soon. Why do you both look so happy?" Lucas asks, I assume to both Aiden and Nat.

"Lia found out just before the fight so I guess you will know soon either way. Nat is pregnant." Aiden replies. Yes, she told him, he sounds so happy too which makes me happy.

"I am so happy for you both." Lucas replies, I can tell he is happy, but I can still hear worry in his voice. I guess it is time for me to make them aware that I am wake. "I am glad you told him." I say, my voice sounds horrible. They all immediately turn to me.

"Lia, thank god your awake." Lucas says first and gives me a glass of water. I take it and gulp it down in one. I slowly sit up and Lucas rushes to help me, "I am ok Lucas, I can sit up on my own." I tell him.

"I am not risking anything; you need to rest." He replies.

"He is right Lia; you need to build your strength back up." Aiden agrees. Boys, they are not going to let me do anything.

"come on guys, she is a strong woman and if she says she is ok then she is ok." Nat tells them in my defence. At least I have someone on my side.

"Thank you, Nat, I am glad you understand. But you also need to rest with what happened and being pregnant." I tell her. If looks could kill I am sure I would be six feet under by now, I let out a laugh at her.

"I just defended you and this is how you repay me." She says laughing back.

"Speaking of Nat, we should head back and give these two some alone time." Aiden says while giving me a kiss on the head. "I will see you soon little sis".

Nat and Aiden both leave, not before Nat gave me another 'I am going to get you back look', I feel for her, I am lucky that I only must put up with this for a few days max, not 8 weeks. I turn to Lucas, he looks like he is having an internal battle with himself, he clearly wants to ask me questions but is not sure whether to. I guess I can take him out of his misery, "you can ask me you know." I tell him.

He looks at me suddenly, then lets out a big sigh. "I do not want to overwhelm you though; you did just wake up." He replies.

"Do not be silly, I can talk." I say letting a small chuckle out. He smiles back at me.

"Ok, but if it becomes to much then tell me." I give him a promising nod. "So, did you know about your abilities when you first heard your wolf?" he asks first.

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