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"I miss that poser..." I sat there in silence for a few seconds loading my gun and looking up at the silent man in front of me who called himself her friend. In reality he was the best friend one could ask for with a life like ours.

"I bet she misses you too. Yelena there's something I never told you..." Rick told me with a hesitant voice.

"Well don't say that then stop talking!"

"She trained these girls. Nat wasn't the only one to escape red room...there was another girl. I'm not even sure of her name."

"Why is this relevant?" I shook my head at the thought of someone who I hadn't met yet who was close to Natasha. I had my sister stolen from me. I did almost anything for new memories of her to come back to me.

"There's basically another Natasha out there..."

"No one is Nat. Nobody. Don't ever compare her to anyone again."

"Yelena! I'm only telling you this as a warning."

"A warning? Do I look like someone who needs warnings? I took down the redroom. I may not have super powers like the Avengers, but I'm alot more dangerous than most the people on this whole fucking planet!" I couldn't handle the feeling towards Natasha situation any longer.

"This girl has her own army that she's building just like Drako. It's as if she's finally deciding to surface. Look I'm not sure if she's good or bad. Nat raised her for awhile so I trust that she's well off, but it's not safe to assume and to know that someone like Nat-."

"What do you mean someone like Nat?" I narrowed my eyes ar him indicating he should be very careful with his next words.

"Yelena, Nat was a mastermind. This girl could be trouble. Look you didn't get this from me....April 24th the Gala and meeting at the 4 season in London. I have heard from sources that something is going down that night at that location during that event...I suggest if you want to meet this girl, you go there then."

"And I should trust you?"

"Natasha always did...not saying you're your sister, but I just feel like I always did your sister right. I'm telling you these things as a warning. Take it as you will." I didn't want to, but I trusted Rick. He always did Natasha right, but everyone saw her as a hero, what was I?

A\N: I can't find any Yelena Belova story so fuck it imma write one :)

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