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"Do you want me to come too?" I grabbed the back of her shirt and she nodded. "Yea...that would be nice actually."

We followed Alex and Kate into a new room I haven't entered yet. I quickly realized whose room it was though. Octavia. I've never even had a single conversation, but after hearing the situation no wonder she's so dark and cold.

I'm shocked I'm not more fucked up than I am.

"You brought Yelena?" Octavia raised her eyebrows confused and Blaze nodded.

"Let's talk?" Blaze sat down with me on one of the big bean bags in O's room. Her room didn't match her current personality, but I had a good feeling she was not the same person who created this set up.

"You wanted me to go find them, but you were mad I brought them both back. Why is that?" Octavia stared down Blaze coldly. She's never smiled in my sight.

"O, did you bump your head? She cheated on you and took your bestfriend with her? She took the person I was in love with and behind our backs they were doing things-."

"Behind your backs we fell in love not that you're completely at fault, but are you really going to act innocent here?" Kate looked at Blaze annoyed. She scoffed and shook her head at the girl clenching her fist next to me.

"You're going to blame me for that?"

"Yeah. She can. You lost your sister. So did I! I lost both of my sisters, because not only did one die, but the other didn't want SHIT TO DO WITH ME!" My eyes widened at the growing conversation volume in the room. This wasn't going to get pretty.

"You let her die Alex." Blaze's voice cracked for the first time. "It was you or her...Carter and I went into the mission knowing things could turn for the worse. She told me to save you Blaze! Don't you get that? It was ten times harder for me to do it!"

"Carter knew she was going to die?" Blaze asked confused and the three of them nodded. "B...you can't be mad at Alex for that..." Octavia told her in a low voice.

"So why is that after that you decided to steal Kate from me? Were you that mad the team chose me as mission leader over you? I'm a fucking super soldier Alex and believe it or not a lot more wise and structured when it comes to things like that."

"It wasn't completely because of the team lead thing...once we lost Carter you started to become really distant with everyone, including Kate and I. We went to each other for comfort and things started building...next thing we know it turned into more and you were never around you and Octavia were constantly gone with Tabitha on missions to keep your head off the situation."

"Blaze, I did not mean to hurt you." Kate stood up to try and come closer to her, but I shot her a look and she backed down.

"We watched the two of you in the kitchen this morning for awhile...Yelena...I know you don't know us, but things used to be a lot different around here and it was always like the mood the group in the kitchen this morning was in. We were all so happy and I miss my sister Blaze. I fucked up. Kate can't be the one blamed for this. Please forgive me?"

"Did Octavia deserve that?" Blaze squinted her eyes at her older sister. "No. Of course not. I just want the team back together and I want the sister I have left to still be in my life..."

"You can stay like I said yesterday, but the two of you and the rest have a shit ton to make up for. As for your comment about Yelena and I..." Blaze stood up pulling me up and smashing her lips into mine.

"I wish I met her a long time ago. So if you two are truly in love you better hope and prove to me this was all worth it." Blaze grabbed my hand dragging me out of the room.

"Wow." I looked at her amazed and she stopped once we got far enough away.

"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have kissed you in front of them. I didn't even ask if you were ready for everyone to know and I just assumed-." I cut off her cute ramble and grabbed her shirt collar pulling her into me again. Our lips moving dominatingly in sync.

"You owe me 20 bucks." We pulled apart as Tabitha and Eliza walked past us. "Fuck you two." Blaze laughed as she pressed her forehead against mine.

"I'd rather you fuck me." I told her boldly and her eyebrows shot up. She bit her bottom lip looking at me with a devious smirk before grabbing my wrist and pulling me away. She pushed me into my room slamming the door behind us and locking it.

She turned to me with a look of determination as if she was assigned to complete a mission. I was beyond ready for her to complete it.

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