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I hated that we were in this position. I hated even more that I was right about everything I thought. Blaze was being controlled right as I thought. Alex wasn't hurt beyond repair. She would heal and that was important, because if we are going to rescue Blaze we need Alex.

"I can't lose her too. Please Yelena, I'm begging you." Alex frowned as she looked at me. I know she cared about her. I did too, but she's basically the biggest danger to the world right now.

"You were getting close to her, shall we talk?"

"Wanda right?" The redhead nodded as I followed her away. "I was told you don't think that we'll be able to get her back...alive atleast."

"You think otherwise? I hate to ask you this..." She looked away at Fury and I felt this weird feeling in my stomach.

"I need to read your mind...Fury wants to know more about this mind control from Russia. It's been indentified that she's being controlled by the same technology as you."

I took a deep breath feeling my eyes burn. That terrible lump in my throat building by the second. My memories of all the people I killed flashing before my eyes.

"It'll be okay. Let's go sit down." I nodded following Wanda farther away from the group. I didn't necessarily want to do this, but at the same time I knew what had to be done. I knew that I could save Blaze this way. Maybe Melinda could just recreate the gas and all would be fine.

I just wanted everyone to be fine.

I wanted to be back in that kitchen smiling while watching Blaze cook and singing to the music. I wanted to wake up in her arms again. I wanted to anything I could do to bring her back.


"Not quite sure its possible to be ready. I'm doing this for her. I love her..."

"I know you do Belova. Let's do this." I closed my eyes as I felt Wanda hands trace the side of my head. It was only a second later that I realized how bad this would hurt. It felt like she was pressing a knife through my head to get to the unconscious memories.

I saw everything she was looking at. She searched through everything from my childhood in Ohio to the years of my training. There was one that I wish she had not gone so fast through. It was the murder of Dreykov with Nat, watching that Helicopter explode knowing that he was on it.

Nothing was more of a relief than seeing an explosion. Nothing felt better than seeing him dead. After everything he did he was gone, finally. A thousand pounds dissapeared at once that day. I just knew by having that one person gone everything was better. I blinked a few times and I was back to reality again.

"Hey...are you alright?"

"Did it work?"

"I think I know how to get her out of this without using the dust. There's a different relation to Blaze's dna and yours and the control they used on her. I think she's possibly going with it on purpose right now. Oh my god. I know how to get her back! Come on we need to go tell Fury!"

I chased after her confused. How were we supposed to go get her back. Especially if she's choosing to go with it what do they have against her right now? Doesn't that make this even more dangerous to encounter her at the moment?

"FURY FURY! I know how to do this!"

"Alright Maximoff, calm down a moment. Talk to me what's the plan?" Wanda eyes lit up with excitement as she typed something into the computer.

"Surely you remember Steve broke Bucky out of Hydra's mind control-."

"As if this now genetically enhanced beast will be broken out by a hug from someone." Fury scoffed and shook his head.

"Little friend struck again, Fury. This time she looks much more dangerous." Bucky and Sam walked in and played a video for Fury and he sighed.

"Still think that plan of yours will work Maximoff?" I watched Wanda deflate and Kate sigh as she walked up. Seems like its my turn.

"I'm contacting Melina?"

"Umm Melina?"

"Melina is Ms. Belova's fake mother who worked with the red room. She is a far advanced scientist. She can recreate a formula used to release the chemical mind control created by Dreykov."

"That might work-."

"No I know Blaze she just needs to be pulled out other ways. Mallory. I want to bring in Mallory and Claire!"

"The soccer teammate and the doctor?" Kate looked at Wanda confused and she nodded. "For what exactly?"

"To get her back." Wanda flew away and I stood there confused. Is anyone thinking sanely right now?   How well did Wanda know Blaze? Am I just in the dark on all these relations Blaze had?

"Claire and Mallory were here friends at school. Claire is a surgeon now and Mallory is a famous soccer player. Blaze is still to this day protecting them. She would never let anything happen to them. Wanda knows this." Wanda looked at everyone and searched for reactions.


"Something tells me that you don't believe in anyone else's ideas?" I smiled over at the other soldier. Bucky Barnes. The winter soldier. Captain America's bestfriend.

"That obvious?"

"Now tell me what's really on your mind widow?"

"It's truly my fault she was captured? I made her storm out of the house. Blaze is not going to have some Highschool reunion and be fine. That control she is under right now is different! SHE'S NOT OKAY. IT'S NOT OKAY!" Shit. I'm losing it.

"Yelena." Bucky grabbed my hands and I froze. I felt tears pull at the corners of my eyes and my legs felt weak. I was finally happy. Just like Nat she was being ripped away from me.

"I understand this whole situation is scary, but we are going to get that girl back."

He pulled away and gave me one more look before leaving me alone. Maybe I was wrong.

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