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"RISE AND SHINE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN." Sam yelled as he walked into the guest room of the team. I groaned as I woke up to an empty bed. Bucky stood at the end of mine with a small smirk.

"What's that look for?"

"I'm just thinking about something." He smiled and walked away. It was an odd sense of comfort that I got from being around that man. Maybe because he wasn't so different from me.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" Alex came up behind me and placed her hand on my back. "Truly I've been worse, but I really wish I was better at the moment."

"We're going to get her back. I promise."

"Dead or alive?"

"Yelena. We will get her back. Alive."

"Did you miss her...when you were gone? It's just when you returned you seemed extremely happy without her. I just don't get how you can be like this right now?"

"I had faith that I would be back to her again. Keep a little faith. Blaze doesn't give up that easy if she was really under their control... Blaze would have killed herself before she let someone control her. I know my sister."

"You think this is part of her plan?"

"It is Blaze we are speaking of, is it not?" I finally felt a smile for the first time in a few days.

"I am aware that you think I ditched Blaze for Kate. That really is not what went down. When everything settles and we figure everything out please join me for meal to talk things out." I nodded. I really was starting to not hate Alex.

"TIME TO GO RETRIEVE OUR GIRL!" My head shot to the left as I ran towards the group boarding the shield hover jet.

"You found her?!"

"Let's go get this motherfucker. Yelena...please follow our lead. This is Mallory and Claire. (A\N: Mallory Pugh and Claire Brown-good doctor) This is our key to get her back right now."

Why not me? Why does nobody trust me? I just want them all to let me handle her. I want her back and if anyone screws this up for me, all hell will break lose.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Claire Brown-."

"How long did you know her?"

"I used to tutor Blaze and I was her athletic trainer who took extra good care of her...I understand you really care about Blaze and that you are new to her, but I just say to trust me on letting me, Mal, and Kate handle this please."

Kate? I stood there stunned. If Blaze is being controlled at all its going to be core memories that pull her out. I'm just not going to be one of those. I'm not as inportant to Blaze as I'd like to be.

"Landing in 5."


"They've got her." Bucky came and sat down next to me quietly. I truly felt bad. I didn't even want to see her. I was jealous and angry right now.

"You'll get past this. This odd jealousy feeling. The feeling like you're not good enough and that you can't control your relationship-."

"And if I don't?"

"Sadly you move on." He frowned and grabbed my hand. The Bucky Barnes being a soft person? This wasn't what I pictured this man to be.

"I don't want to wait. I'm not sure Blaze and I are a good idea. She's too complex of a person for me to handle."

"I agree. I think there are other people out there that would fit you better." I watched his eyes glance up and down until he quickly backed away.

"Mind if we have a moment?" My head snapped to the left and I took a deep breath. I missed that voice.

"Blaze." I stood up and she walked towards me as Bucky walked away.

"I know these past days have been scary for you. That being said I'm not sure we can continue...I don't think you're going to be able to deal with being with me in the long run. Yelena, I do love you. I truly do, but that's why for now I ask you to keep distance from me and that we just stay as a team. Besides seems like there is someone else who has caught your eye. The two of you have much in common. I'll send him back in."

I stood there frozen. How could I not talk? I felt tears form in my eyes as I watched the girl walked away. I thought I finally found someone I loved. She's gone.

"You alright?"

"Do I look to be alright?" I shook my head as I sat back down. I wanted to give anything to be in her arms right now.

"This life is not easy. I get that. I truly do understand the difficulties. You'll get past this."

"Have you ever loved someone?" I watched him give a small shrug. "I'm not sure. I know I have loved people, but been in love. That's a completely different story."

I felt his hand brush against my cheek as he wiped a tear away. "Hold your head high. This feeling will pass. Some people aren't meant to be in our lives just in different roles than we plan."

Was she always meant to just get me on this team. What if Blaze only fell for me, because I was her last tie to Nat?

"What's that look for?"

"How close was Blaze to Nat?" He took a step back and gave me a confused look. "What are you talking about? Blaze and Natasha didn't know each other."

"Wow...you didn't know?"

"Know what exactly?" He shook his head as he looked at the ground confused like he was trying to connect the dots. "You're telling me that Blaze knew Nat somehow? They crossed paths before?"

"Crossed paths? They rode the same one for awhile. Blaze is a widow...and a genetically enhanced super soldier she was supposed to be Draco's best creation ever, but he assumed that it failed and tried to kill her, but things didn't workout."

"Have the two of you seen Blaze?" Kate and Alex stood at the doorway and I still watched Bucky look around in confusion.

"Blaze knew Nat?" He asked them and they nodded. "Ofcourse she did. Nat raised Blaze for awhile and taught her to be more than she was." Alex told him as if it was so known.

"Furyyy!" Bucky took off out of the room and we ran after him. "Blaze is not back on our side." He sprinted up to the table that Fury stood at watching a tape of Blaze.

"Why is everyone running and yelling?" Blaze walked up calmly with Claire.

"Tell me agent Brielle...who is that standing next to you?" She looked at him confused and chuckled.

"Claire? She was my tutor and athletic trainer in school why?" She looked at him confused and Claire took a step back.

"What's going on Mr. Fury?" Claire looked at him and he gave a certain look that she seemed to understand.

"Sir we have a virus attacking our system?" One of the agents at a nearby computer told him and Blaze's facial expression changed.

"Blaze what was our post game ritual?" Mallory stood there with her arms crossed and the girls demeanor changed.

"Our post game ritual? Mal its been so long how am I supposed to remember haha."

"I am going to ask you this one time. Who are you?" Fury stood tall and the lights cut out. Shit.

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