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"Hey, let's go do something today." Blaze plopped on my bed with a small smile on her face. She was always up before me.

"And what would that something be?" I asked her as I lifted my covers for her to jump under with me.

"Well for starters, let's go to breakfast why don't we?" I contemplated it. I did want to just stay in bed with her for awhile however I was also growing hungry very quick.

"Hmm to get out of bed or not to." We both giggled with each other until my door flung open.

"You have guests." Mh smirked at Blaze who looked over at me confused.

"Who's here for you?" We both got out of my bed and I quickly threw my hair into a bun.

"No idea, but I guess we're about to find out."

As we walked out of the room everyone was gathered in the kitchen together. As they turned around the group spread apart like the red sea.


"Hey lil sis." The two girls step forward with devious smiles. One wearing a bow and arrow and the other a similar set up to Blaze. It would only make sense since she called her lil sis.

"Wait is this Alex?" Blaze nodded beside me silent not taking her eyes off the girls. "Wait then who is the other girl?"

"I'm Blaze's ex, Kate."

"Fuck you and fuck you too neither of you belong here leave." She threw two knives at the new faces and they laughed dodging it.

"Blaze, come on can we atleast talk?" Alex stepped forward dropping her smile.

"You really think you deserve that?" Blaze cocked her head to the side and scoffed.

"B, we need the team back together." Tabitha stepped forward since no one else wanted to break the tension.

"Let's go talk shall we?" Kate and Alex who were both much taller like Blaze pulled her away. Octavia and Tabitha following.

"Is anyone going to tell me what the hell is going on?" I looked at the rest of the group confused.

"Yeah, let's go." The rest of them led me in the opposite direction.

"Honestly I don't know if any of us know where to start. B's sister Alex really screwed things up, but when has Alex ever really been good?" Anna rolled her eyes.

"Basically a year and a half ago Alex and Kate were on a mission with B...Alex had to choose one of them to save and she chose Kate. Now despite being the biggest bitch to her little sister this was a weird situation. B wasn't too mad, because she was in love with Kate..." Eva trailed off looking away.

"Kate cheated on B with her older sister. They're both pieces of shit and quite frankly I wasn't fond of them, but it split the team...there's a few members you haven't met yet." Eliza finished for Eva.

"So for starters there's Alex. Blaze's older sister was her parent's favorite...so that always got between them. When we formed this group we put Kate and Blaze as the leaders. Obviously this pissed Alex off." Kaia told me taking a break for a second to breathe and regroup her thoughts. "With that being said ever since that there's been some bad blood between them, but that didn't bother Blaze because she and Kate became a thing."

"For how long?" I quirked an eyebrow and everyone exchanged expressions.

"Two-three years? They were close and none of us ever saw it ending that is until it did. Alex hated not being in charge so she went after what could hurt her. She stole Kate from her."

"Well I choked my sister out in a budapest condo so I know how sister feuds can be. Are they the only two missing from the team?"

Everyone shook their head simultaneously.

"One more thing. Octavia....Alex and Octavia were a thing so not only did Alex hurt Blaze she hurt Octavia in the process too. That's why Octavia is the way she is..." Eliza told me and I nodded.

"As for the rest of the team...

Quite frankly some of them I was surprised to see split. One of them was Ag...she was super close to Blaze and when Alex and Kate left she followed. The same goes for Clarke who was Octavia's bestfriend.

Kie was just done with all of the issues and left.

Lena is away on a project.

And then there was one other member..." Kaia trailed off looking around hoping that someone else would take this off her hands.

"Who was it?"

Was it Nat?

"Blaze and Alex had a third sister. She died. That really sums up the situation and also why Blaze is so fucked up, but Yelena she's changing for the better being around you." Mh stepped forward and told me.

She went through the same thing as me twice basically...

"I'm going to sit in my room and think for awhile." Everyone nodded and let me walk away. No wonder she talked about being scared of loving someone or atleast liking, relationship whatever it was we had right now.

"Hey. I just want to talk to you for a minute." Madison jogged to catch up. I nodded as we entered my room.

"That was a lot unloaded on you."

"Yes it was. So was there ever a point where Blaze and Alex were good?"

"Yeah, at one point in time they were the perfect duo. They were always happy around each other. Encountering the two of them is the biggest mistake someone could make. They seemed unbreakable."

"So what did break them."

"Carter's death."

"The third sister?" Madison nodded silently. She seemed to take Carter's death personally. A little more than the others did.

"The two of you were close?" She nodded as a few tears left her eyes. "I'm really sorry Mads. I know how it is to lose someone close to you."

"Yeah I know you do." She frowned and wiped her cheeks. She slowly got up and left my room leaving me alone.

Which I was for hours. I sat there alone all day overthinking everything. Would things be better or worse if I was there for Nat's death? Would I be here eventually if she hadn't gone?

Would I have gotten with Blaze if Nat was still alive?

Thousands of thoughts slinging through my head and I couldn't stop any of it. Do I talk to Blaze about her sister or let her handle this on her own?

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