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Here I was listening to dumbass Rick Mason.

Did I trust him though? Yes, oddly.

Natasha always went to him. He was the guy to get you what you needed. Especially with time that man can do wonders. If only he wasn't so sensitive.

The event was classy. I looked around at all the money these people were showboating. I rolled my eyes and some and felt less annoyed by the more humble ones. Money can't solve everything, my fist can. I scoffed as I walked in.

What do I even look out for?

"This doesn't seem like your crowd."

"Do I know you?"

"Well you could." The girl next to me quirked her bushy eyebrow. "Cara. Nice to meet you."

"Lena..." I looked at her confused as she looked around at the room.

"Let's grab you a drink." She softly pulled my hand to lead me away to a less crowded room. "So what brings you to an event like this?"

"Am I that out of place?" I questioned her and she smirked as she turned around handing me a drink. I looked down at it skeptically and she smiled.

"Is something wrong?" I shook my head and slowly sipped the champagne handed to me as I looked around. "What is it that makes me stand out?"

"I can tell you're not from here. It's obvious how confused you look around the room. Something gives me the feeling someone sent you here."

I froze. I was off my mode. I didn't know what to say. Maybe because I wasn't used to 'solo missions' like this. I wasn't an independent person. I quickly learned that. "A friend suggested that I attend the event. Now I'm trying to figure out why exactly."

"Rick is a good friend of ours." She smiled at me and I looked out at the crowd then back at her. "You only have a few seconds before the drugs kick in. I really didn't think it would be that easy to get the one and only Yelena Belova. Come on."

She pushed me away from everyone as my eyes got blurry. We walked out of one of the back doors as a girl in all black stood outside. A large sword type weapon twirling in her hand.

"Hmm I didn't get to have any fun."

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