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"I'm fine. I could use a ride though." I smiled as I looked at the knocked out gaurd. I did it.

"Ditch the dress I'll be at the entrance in two minutes. To confirm we have Mateen in our possession correct?"

I looked around at the panic around the room. Eliza's smoke bomb set up was well done. I walked out the side hall and laughed to myself lightly as I saw all of the security Mh wiped out. All I had to do was knock out some big guy.

"Yelena, comin in hot!" Seconds later I heard the roar of her engine inside of the ballroom. I ran over hopping on the bike as she took off. We barely got out of the building and onto the street when she slowed down.

"Put this on and go..." She hopped off the bike handing me the helmet and ripping each long blade out running away from me.

"Yelena, what the status on B?"

"Currently fighting someone..." I watched as she ran away from me. I have to help her. I pulled the gun off the side of my leg and shot at the person fighting her. I hit their knee taking them out.

Next thing I knew Blaze was back on the bike and we were gone. "Meet at the hanger."

In an instant Blaze took off towards the streets of Paris passing through all the fleeting cops. Droves of officers and now undercover cars were heading the other direction. Blaze lowered her speed to a more normal drive to not raise suspicion now.

"We did it?"

"Of course we did. Did you expect otherwise?"

"No, no, not at all, I suppose I'm just excited."

"First one in the books many more to come. I'm proud of how you performed today, Yelena. I really see your future with the team being good, but if you ever don't listen to me again you will face the consequences."

"What happened to there is no leader? Why would I listen you?" I felt myself smiling uncontrollably as she shook her head. "Fair point Belova."


Blaze and I pulled up into the hanger. The rest of the team was waiting there on us. They all exchanged looks watching us arrive together.

"What do you say we head to DC now?" Blaze told everyone dryly as she boared the craft silently.

"Did something happen?" Madison looked at me confused and I shook my head following her.

There it was again a flipped switch. A different person was here again. A cold dry girl who didn't want or need anyone. I was confused and tired of her switching moods...personalities honestly.


"B. Just B. We can talk when we get to DC Yelena."


She froze and slowly turned around. She quirked an eyebrow and took a few steps closer to me. "Then let's talk?"

"Why are you like this? Smiling at me one minute then the next you're a brainwashed soldier who acts like a robot! I can't handle that and NO ONE on this team deserves to be treated that way from their LEADER! YOU ARE THE FUCKING LEADER WHETHER YOU WANT TO ACCEPT IT OR NOT."

She stood there stunned and I did too. I took a few steps back raising my hands above my head to breathe better. I've never lost my cool like that before...

The only other time I felt so emotional, so upset was at the table. Natasha, Melina, Alexei all sitting at that table. Natasha sitting there looking me in the eyes telling me the best part of my life wasn't real. Here I was now thinking if I got so upset at them because they were the most important people to me, then why was it that I was upset with Blaze right now?

"B I am so sorry-."

"No. I deserved that. I needed to hear that..."

She looked at me frozen. Her mouth gapped open as she stared at me trying to form words. I was afraid to do anything. What I've done so far is exactly what she needed, so what now?

"I'm sorry." She looked up at me her eyes watering and I stepped forward. I opened my arms and she threw herself forward.

She hugged me as if she needed it more than anything in the world. Time stopped as I held her in my arms.

"Let's get to DC..." Blaze pulled away and walked to the front of the aircraft.

"Everyone prepare for take off." Ava told us as she began flipping switches.

"Where is the prince?" I looked around confused and Kaia slapped a box. I laughed as I went to my seat to strap in. Goodnight crew, I thought as closed my eyes and rested my head.


"BELOVA!" I jumped as I was shaken awake. A smiling Eliza stood in front of me and walked away. I'll get her back for that.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty. You're in DC." Hannah stood in front of me and I unbuckled my seat restraints.

"Why DC?" I looked around confused.

"Dropping off the Prince to a friend. She works with the feds." Blaze told me and my eyes grew.

"You're in trouble with the U.S. Feds aren't you?" Blaze sighed and shook her head. "Come on."

"So we're going to the Feds anyways."

"Yea, I'm turning you in too." I froze. "It's a joke Belova, calm down I like you too much to get rid of you just yet."

"Mmm she's never getting rid of you." Mh smirked as she walked by.

The aircraft gate opened slowly. My eyes grew once again when I saw just outside the plane loads and loads of government vehicles waiting on us.

"Oh shit."

"You're working with Belova? Brielle we work with you and these ladies under terms. Much like the Avengers you still follow certain rules."

Blaze sighed and shook her head at the agent in front of her. "Belova is staying with me, for starters second we got your prince you leave us to do things how we want...I am not under your control let's get that straight right now."

"You haven't changed have you. One minute defending your own sister the next defending your deceased mentors." She female agent turned to me and stuck out her hand. "Agent Michaela Stone, nice to meet you Ms. Belova."

"I don't shake hands."

"She's british?" Agent Stone turned to Blaze and nodded. "Get the prince and go Michaela. I'll stay in touch."

Blaze grabbed my arm pulling me away irritated. "What the hell did you do?" She looked at me sternly and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Look awhile back I was contracted to kill two semi important secret government officials. I had no personal ties to it and I'm sorry."

"I'll get your name cleared, but you have to tell me things like this." She let her arms fall and let out a big sigh as she walked away. Great just as I impressed her, she now disappointed in me.

A\N: ofc i'm binge watching manifest so I threw her in hehe. Thank you for all the votes🙂

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