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Kate's POV

I stretched my arms as I woke up. My body stiff from an awkward position the night before. I was scared after everything that went down yesterday. Blaze was over Carter's death now, but now that she's been confirmed to be alive what is Blaze going to be like now. I know she's going to do something stupid.

I just wanted to be with her without all this outside chaos. I love the life we live and I'll go kick some random dudes asses everyday with her, but when these missions turn personal I question it all.

"Good morning." Blaze rolled over pulling me in by my stomach to lay flush against her body. She kissed the edge of my jaw before collapsing back down.

Wanda told me to get her up and clean. I know that she won't want to though. Deep down she may have seemed fine yesterday, but she was distracted. Blaze's emotions are going to be all over the place now. She's going to try and get her back. I know Blaze; she's also going to lie about it.


"Yeah, love?" I bit my lip as I continued to look forward. She used to call me that to calm me down. Now I feel like I'm the one who's going to be calming her down frequently.

"As you know about Carter now-."

"Kaaaaate. Where is this going?"

"Just please always be honest with me. I promise to follow whatever insane plan you have. No lies."

"I promise. Now look at me." I smiled as she backed up and I rolled over my face an inch away from hers.

"You have to get up eat something today, shower, actually exist you know. I know you plan on going after her, but until then you are going to function like you used to." She groaned as she rolled over laying on her stomach and stuffing her face into the pillow. I'm going to have to pick her up like a baby and carry her to the fort bathroom.

"Fine." I stood up walking around to pick her up sliding an arm under her knees and her back. She's a bit heavier then I remembered maybe because I'm used to being carried not carrying people.

"Morning." Maximoff smiled as she walked by.

"Hey, Kate do you think we could talk later?" Octavia walked up to me as I carried the unconscious girl.

"Maybe now?" Octavia said smiling at their girl as she did me a favor and took her from my arms. "Where to?"

"Get her cleaned up and then eat."

"Thank you Kate." She gave me a light smile as Blaze woke up in her arms. She smiled and snuggled closer into her.

"Morning O." I guess she doesn't blame Octavia for Alex completely ditching me and being yet another Brielle sister to inadvertently break my heart.

"Wake up Blaze, my goodness." I shook my head as we reached our glorified locker rooms.

"Make me." Octavia set her down as we all three began getting undressed. "If its okay with Blaze to hear all of this, we should talk."

"It's probably better if we don't shelter her today." I told Octavia and she nodded.

"We never have before I just know things are a little upsetting lately for you. Well then let's get into things. Kate I'm sorry that Alex and I kind of blindsided with us getting back together and her just leaving you during this situation. That was extremely uncalled for and I am so sorry Kate."

"Mmm she's fine." Blaze smiled slipping her arms around my waist moving her hands around my body. Octavia smirked as my face turned red. She really has to pull the sleepy behind hold while I'm naked? I wonder if she was this comfortable with Yelena.

"Good to know. Now that things are back on track..." You could say that, but I wouldn't agree that it's true.

Octavia looked around checking out to see if anyone else was around. "What's the plan for Carter?"

"Haven't thought enough about it yet. Octavia if what Wanda told me last night is true I don't want to risk you, Alex, or Kate getting hurt. If I do something about the situation-."

"I will be the only one going with her." Wanda walked in and smiled. "But you better plan fast, Fury's building a team to track her down."

"Okay yeah what are going to do? Send out an assassination team? He only uses me for that nowadays." Blaze scoffed and I felt a weird feeling in my stomach.

"Blaze...Yelena was Dreykov's top widow after Nat left he's setting this mission up for her and Bucky." Wanda told her shyly and she went silent with a clenched jaw. Yelena was really living rent free in my head and Blaze's.

I don't know how I wouldn't be jealous. Blaze was obsessed with Natasha and Yelena is her sister. She probably saw so much of Nat in Yelena. Not to mention her green eyes and blonde hair and absolutely perfect jaw line made her irresistible to Blaze. I wasn't like that. I had dark hair and hazel eyes. Besides Blaze being the same height probably was a turn off to her.

She has a thing for dominance and I definitely stripped her of it. Yelena was perfect for her in that aspect. She was shorter, but still so strong and independent.

"I guess we need to start planning then."

"Okay, but shouldn't we think about this for a moment? Hear me out remember Mr. Stark wanted Bucky dead which lead Steve Rogers and him got into it? That literally started an Avengers Civil War. We have to be smart about this." I told Blaze and she shook her head.

"Let them cross me." She grabbed a towel stepping out of the shower and drying off before grabbing one of her suits Fury had here.

"Shit." I grabbed a towel as well as she started fully getting suited up and slid throwing knives into her leg sleeves.

"Blaze you have to think rationally about this."

"Are you on my side or not Kate?" She shoved me back and looked at me upset. "Always."

"Then please start acting like it."

"Fine." I followed her actions putting on a stealth suit made for me. "You better be right in all of this." Octavia told her getting dressed as well.

"What is right? Letting Carter die again basically because they think she might be bad and aren't taking chances?" She quirked her head to the side as she waited for Octavia response.

"You know this is going to split the group again Blaze?" I looked at her and she looked at the ground nodding. I knew what she was thinking though. Some of them don't belong in this fight anyways.

I do.

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