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Kate's POV

I yawned as I woke up in a campus room bed. My best guess would say Blaze. She's been nonstop watching me since I got hurt in Berlin. She probably feels bad considering she was no where to be found when I had a knife through my abdomen. I want to ask her what was actually going on and why we went on that mission, but she's been too busy reading over files on her laptop while watching me or going to check and see if they've made any progress with Carter.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Blaze walked in with a towel wrapped around her. Her hair wet pushed over to one side.

"Better now that I'm looking at you." She smiled as she walked over and leaned down kissing my forehead. "How is your stomach? Any pain? Should I get you anything-?"

"Blaze. All I want is you right now. I'm going to be fine, alright? I'm recovering fast. Everything is okay, take a deep breath." She smiled and sat down on the foot of the bed breathing in dramatically and releasing it.

"Everyone is hanging out in the lounge. I figured I'd get dressed and we could join them?" It was always a red flag to me when Blaze wanted to be around others rather than have alone time. It's like she's avoiding things that have to be talked about in private.

"Yeah, yeah sounds good." I used my full body to sit myself up the rest of the way and swing my feet to the edge of the bed. I could feel the pinch in my lower abdomen, but I couldn't let her see.

Once I finally looked up she was fully dressed and began to turn around. She clenched her fist and let out a deep breathe trying to calm herself down. I know she was probably just mad because I did that by myself and she doesn't want me to get hurt or whatever.

"I am fine." I reached my hand out and she smiled as she stepped forward gently holding it before leaning in and placing her other arm behind my back to help me up off of the bed.

"Hey this doesn't hurt at all!" I threw my arm up and immediately regretted it as I immediately reached down to my stitches.

"That wasn't your smartest move." Blaze had a small smile as she leaned forward and placed a light kiss on my cheek. She held her one arm around my waist as she let me walk myself down to the rest of the team.

As soon as we got to the room everyone turned around happy to see me up and moving. I haven't talked to many of them yet due to someone complaining I need rest and need to be left alone. Wanda stood up taking me from Blaze as she walked over to the bar top to grab a drink with her not currently evil sister.

"Hey how are you feeling?" Clint came and sat down next to me with an extremely worried look.

"I'm feeling much better. I'll be back in absolutely no time I'm sure." He shook his head and laughed at my persistence. He saw first hand how big of a mess I can be when he first trained me.

"Don't rush it Kate. Worry about yourself for a minute. I think your team will handle the rest. Besides you have her worried out of her mind." Clint raised the hand holding his glass and pointed to the girl taking a shot at the bar.

"You had me worried too." Yelena came and sat down next to me with a small smile.

"I really owe you." I let out a sigh and she shook her head. "I know you'll help me when I need it. You're always going to be one of the good ones Kate Bishop." She smiled handing me a water bottle.

"Hey Kate, it's great to see you're up." Peter and Strange walked into the room with Happy and Fury. He immediately came to check up on me like everyone else was.

"You know just don't know what the team would do if we lost you. You're so pretty and smart and nice-."

"She is, isn't she?" I rolled my eyes as Blaze came and sat down next to me. She placed two fingers on the opposite side of my jaw and pushed my face towards her leaning in to connect my lips with hers.

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