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Yelena's POV

"Ready for this one?" Bucky looked at me as he slid the ipad across the table. The pre-mission log set up on the screen.

"Why Berlin?" I looked at him confused as I checked out the map.

"A new mock Hydra team has been believed to be brewing around there. They are the ones who we believe are currently in control of Carter Brielle. I knew that Alex and Blaze were going to find her, so did Fury. So we put a tracker on Kate."

"Ha. They're that easy huh?" I snickered.

"Oh no it's definitely part of their plan. They want us there we just don't know why at the moment." Oh spoke to soon I suppose. I pushed my lips out into a straight line as I gave a nod in response.

Berlin. I haven't been to Germany in a minute. No good memories came out of that country.

"Anything peak your interest so far?" Bucky smiled as I looked intently over the mission reports. Jeez Barnes if you're trying to make moves now is not the time to do so.

"I'm worried we're the weaker side." I told his displaying Kate's combat abilities on the screen. She's tall, fit, and has perfect aim. I was surprised to hear how well she is with hand to hand combat. Great to know now she's a black belt.

"What you're worried about Kate Bishop?" He selected a mission cam and watched her take down three guys. "Okay so I take it back, but what's the reason you're looking into her?"

"Fury wants me to get Kate away from Blaze and probably wants Blaze against you and Sam actually. I figured he would have caught you and Sam up on the plan. I'm not sure what he's shooting for right now."

"Okay so with the current plan we have to go up against. Blaze, Wanda, Alex, Octavia, Kate, Eva will definitely be on the ground doing the work. As for Mh, Gigi, Madison, and Tabitha they have other roles they don't often use, but due to the departure from the others they do a switch of roles."

"Tabitha is a high class sniper, y'all are accounting her being there right. Obviously we won't know yet."

"Yeah, yeah of course we thought about that." Sam typed something into his tablet and I smiled as he joined us.

"Oh of course you do...of course. You also accounted for Gigi's advance in technology and a outside station where she'll be controlling their technological fleet. The real wild card at the moment is Mh."

"She's a combat girl, isn't she?" Bucky looked at me and I nodded. I guess if I had to thank Dreykov for one thing it would be his overbearing success in taking in orphans like myself and really turning us into the smartest, most capable agents in the world.

"Good job Belova. I am impressed."

"So am I, man she really thinks about everything I could never manage to do that." I smiled as I turned to the clueless teen.

"Spiderboy, how are you?"

"It-It's umm spiderman, it's spiderman..." I knew it was, but watching his little nervous correction mumble was just more entertaining.

"Apologies. Who's our team Barnes?"

"Peter, me, Sam, you, Lena running point on our side of tech, Clint, Rhodes, and Lang."

"And me."

"Umm who the fuck is the weird pirate looking wizard dude standing at our door?" I looked at Bucky confused and he couldn't hold in his laughter.

"What you haven't met Dr. Strange?" Peter waved the man in.

"No, I haven't met the wizard." I chuckled as I scrolled through the ipad.

"Dr. Steven Strange, who are you?"

"Yelena Belova."

"And who is Yelena Belova."

"Natasha sister, I was a brained wiped widow under general Dreykov." That's when it clicked in his head who I was and why I was important.

"Well I take it the wizard can occupy the witch then. I will continue to seperate Kate from Blaze. Spidey boy do me a favor have some fun with the older sister Alex and if you can handle it tango with Octavia too."

"Yeah of course...wait am-am I missing something or?" I smiled as I turned to Sam.

I hope that Bucky can hold off Blaze by himself for awhile. I need Sam fo deal with Tabitha first then go for Eva. "There's a girl named Eva, she looks young, small, and can seem very nice. She's fucking crazy. I need you to keep her down Sam, can you?"

"Nothing me and Red Wing can't handle-."

"Stop mentioning the fucking drone dude. I'm going to need help with Blaze. So get little pigtail crazy bitch down then come help me."

"Where am I?" Rhodes walked in and crossed his arms. "Lena informed me about a new project she was working on for the team. It's almost like an iron man suit and it's like Starks where you can control it remotely. I need you to block that thing and then Gigi when she gets there."

"Is there not another one?" Bucky looked at me confused. "Yeah, but she's going to be busy."

"Doing what exactly Ms. Belova, let's have a word seperately." Fury and Clint walked in hearing the end of mh plan. I followed them out of the room.

"What do you know that I don't?"

"Bucky's not keeping Blaze down. I don't need her down. I know that plan is to have Mh pave the path while Blaze buys time, then Octavia, Mh, and Blaze are going to get Carter Brielle back. I am not concerned about winning the fight before just after. That is my plan Fury."

"Well done. Let's get everyone on the jet. One minor switch please. Don't have Barnes on Blaze. Let her be. Have Barnes on Octavia Blake. I want you to be an oversight on all of them and I need you to follow Blaze. Once she gets her hands on Carter we aren't getting her. Clint and I will keep her back." Fury bumped his fist on the table before walking away.

"Alright everyone suit up."

"I never got a assignment?" Bug man raised his hand and I shook my head. "Figured you two insects would stick together. Now come on you guys let's go."

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