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As I walked out with the girl I realized everyone's name and a quick insight has been told to me, but this girl. I didn't even get her name and almost everything about her seems so hidden.

"Why is it that I haven't caught your name?"

She stopped walking and turned around with a small grin. "Why is it that you need my name when I have yours?" Yelena Belova. That's who I am, but who is she?

"Just call me B."

"What I can't even get your real name out of you?"

"Who said anybody does." I quirked an eyebrow at her and she twirled a set of keys around her finger.

"Let's go for a ride."

"If I get your actual name." I smirked and she took a few steps closer to me as she was now only a foot back. "Why are you so interested in me. I get you information on everyone else, yet you're worried about me."

I felt bold. I had to be. I slightly tilted my head moving a step closer and looking her in the eyes.

"Your name or I'm leaving."

Her eyes flicked back and forth trying to read my reactions and behavior to her silence and she leaned forward and down with her lips lightly brushing my ear. "Blaze Brielle."

I pulled my head back in order to try and look at her. Her face an inch or two away from mine. "Thank you. I hope that wasn't too much of an inconvenience for you."

She smiled as she pushed me by my hips towards the car that's headlights were now flashing as she unlocked it. "Nice ride."

"There's many." She started the car and froze looking over at me. She was silent and observant. She looked me up and down. I felt turned my head as I felt a chill spring through my body. I don't understand this feeling.

"You're confused."

I nodded. She was right. I was confused. Why was I here. Why did everyone here know me? Who am I even supposed to meet? I was told that Nat raised a girl for awhile who is here, but who even is she?

"You can ask me anything?"

"Why don't you like being called a leader?" I think I shocked her, but also myself that that's the first question to leave my mouth.

"I don't like the idea of it. The control, the effort, the responsibility, its just not me." She pulled back out of the large garage and started her way down a large driveway.

"What does this team stand for?"

"We right the wrongs that we want to deal with."

"And the ones you don't?"

"Its not my problem." She looked over at me to see my reaction. If anything I agreed with her.

"Why me? I'm a redroom assassin. What does that do for you?" She sighed. Its as if I was annoying her.

"I escaped the redroom."

We both sat silent for a few minutes as she drove. Nat was the only one to escape Dreykov. It was impossible. Nat was the only one who got away.

She had to be lying. No one escapes that place alive.

"Why do you let something that doesn't exist still control you? You are free Yelena. Act like it." She pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the car. "Get out."

I looked at her hesistant. Is this the part they kill me? She looked at me confused and sighed. "If I wanted to hurt you I would have already."

"You're the one who Nat trained."

"Nat saved my life. I made a promise to her after that. She taught me mostly everything I know. She made sure I was better than her in every way possible and to the help of something else I plan to be...." She trailed off and looked out at the sunset.

"Come sit." She sat down looking out at the evening sky. The sunset was beautiful. She pat the spot next to her and pulled a chain out of her shirt.

"This was Nat's. She would have wanted you to have it." She lightly pushed my hair to the side and smiled. Gently the pulled the chain around my neck and closed the link. Holding the small cross on my chest she sat there silent.

"Why would you give me this. It seems special to you. I know Nat's my sister, but I want to believe she chose you for some reason."

"I wouldn't have been her first choice in the beginning, but when she was done I made her proud of her choice."

She let go of the necklace and her hand retracted away from me as she looked back out at the sky. Her face glued on the sight in front of us. My eyes glued on her.

"You're special, Yelena."

She closed her eyes as her face remained positioned to look out at the view. Her legs crossed under her. She was wearing an odd bracelet on her wrist. The letters A.B. engraved on its metal bar.

We sat there in silence. I finally looked away from the girl in order to grasp onto a reason she brought me here. If it was to join the team surely she would have asked already.

If it was to talk about Nat, then why was she so quiet and why did she give the necklace with no context?

But instead nothing.

We just sat there.


"We aren't bad people. We aren't necessarily good in everyone's eyes either. We don't have this set mission like the widows did. We don't save the world like the Avengers. We are not something you can really put in words, but neither are you in ways. Yelena, you belong with a group like us. The promise I made to Nat is to keep you safe forever. She never forgot about you. I know she didn't come to find you, but she cared."

She stood up and stuck her hand out. She was much taller than me. She was probably stronger. She called me special, but that's all I could think when I looked at her. When I grabbed her hand I felt that familiar feeling yet so unfamiliar. I only felt it around her.

"Sleep on the decision."

"I'm staying." She looked at me confused. The decision was abrupt. I knew it was the right thing to do though. I felt deep down a sense of trust with Blaze. I felt something else around Blaze Brielle too.

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