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Yelena's POV

"We must tell them sooner than Blaze. You are not only a danger to yourself, but what if something bad happens?"

I know I shouldn't be hiding here listening, but I couldn't help myself. I knew there was something going on and I knew soon enough I would hear about it. Yet I still was not sure why Kate was being so adamant with Blaze at the moment.

I know something happened to her. I know Blaze is in danger, but even more so everyone else. A lab full of people and yet no one did anything to her?

"Yelena." My head snapped up as my eyes met Alex's. This does not look good.

"I know these next few days are not going to be easy for Blaze...Fury wants to end the project with Carter. It's a dead end. We can't bring her back."

"Does she know yet?" I asked Alex while trying to listen to the other conversation as well.

"Unfortunately no. Why are you outside her room...?" Alex looked at me for a second before she began listening as well.

"I just think I'll go talk to Wanda first. She'll help me figure everything out. I think the world for once is in a decently safe place and I can only hope things will be alright for now. They have to be until I figure all of this out."

"What is she...?" I shushed her as I heard a footstep near the door.

"Just get some rest please?" Not expecting Kate to be the one to say that. Moments later she joined us in the hallway.

"She was affected by it wasn't she?" I looked at Kate worried and she gave me a small nod. I didn't even have to say it or clarify what I meant because she knew. I know that Kate knows everything and I think she knows I know somethings up.

"Care to take this elsewhere?" Alex pulled the two of us away.

"Look I'm not sure what the hell is going on here, but you two better start telling me what the hell is going on with my sister now! I need to know what is going on with my sister. I'm about to lose Carter and I'll be damned if I lose her too."

"You're not going to lose Blaze. Alex I think Blaze was experimented on with the Power stone much like Wanda and the Mind stone." I told Alex as Kate sat there silently.

"Is she hurt?" Alex looked at Kate. She remained silent though. Kate didn't want to talk at all it seemed like. She seemed as fazed as can be. I was worried about Blaze, but I couldn't shake the issues Kate was going through as well. Maybe I was becoming more humane.

I wasn't opposed to the idea, but what if that ruined me from being me? I was always second best to Natasha. After she escaped I had the position of top dog for Dreykov. Now it seems like everything I learned half of my life is always being washed away. All of the mental strength in me was being torn away by a few girls.

"Kate? Is she hurt? What is going on with her, please talk to me."

"She's just worried. It's Blaze she'll handle it all herself. I'm not too worried and Alex it doesn't sound like you should be worried about Blaze right now. Worry about yourself at the moment. I know the Carter situation won't be easy for either of you. Please just let it be until she wants to talk about it." Kate stood up and left the two of us alone.

Alex and I exchanged looks silently for a moment. I know that she was upset over a number of things. I wanted to further explore the topic, but with the news of what is about to happen with Carter I couldn't bring myself to put her through anymore.

"That's all for now."

"What are you two talking about?"

"I thought Kate told you to get some rest?" Alex blurted out. Blaze gave her an odd look immediately reading the dense energy in the room.

"Is everything okay?" Blaze sat down next to me and waited for a response between the two of us. However Alex nor myself could speak. "Also when did you talk to Kate she just left our room?"

"Oh we were just walking by and caught her in the hall. Just a casual conversation. Maybe we were asking her about your deepest darkest secrets. Or maybe...well nevermind."

"Oh come on Alex. Stop playing...what's the update on Carter?" She looked between us with hopeful eyes.

"I actually think we should talk. Yelena you don't have to be a part of this..."

"She's gone, isn't she?" Blaze locked eyes with me refusing to look at her older sister.

"Blaze I know how this feels. If you need someone-."

"I need space. That's all I need." Blaze stood up leaving in the same direction of Kate. She stopped at the doorway. She turned back to face her body towards us but kept her eyes down.

"I umm I think it's best I have time for myself...Alex I promise I'll keep in touch, but I have to go away for awhile."

"Then do you plan on coming back and telling me about the power stone? When do you plan on opening up to me finally and tell me everything?" Alex's voice began to raise and I stood up. Tension is just high today due to the other pressing situation on the two sisters.

"You can't just leave me Blaze!"

"WHY NOT?! YOU LEFT ME!" Her eyes began to glow purple as her head snapped up. Next thing we all knew she was gone. She just vanished. Wanda appeared in the room confused as well, understandably so. Wanda was apparently always there for Blaze. She'll go find her this time and keep her safe.

We all need her safe.

I hated this tension between everyone. Kate being hurt, but quickly recovering due to the technology here. Physically she may be fine, but I know mentally that stab took a toll on her. I know dealing with Blaze is taking a toll on her as well. This life isn't easy but being an Avenger is much different than being whatever the Brielle sisters started.

Just as I stood up to go find Kate loud alarms went off across the whole facility. I looked around and Alex stood up confused as well on what the hell those ear bursting noise were being made for.

"SUIT UP NOW!" Clint sprinted though the room. Alex and I exchanged a look of panic before taking off as well.

Jesus Christ not again.

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