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"Mmmm." Blaze smiled as she woke up.

"Mmmm. Mmm. Mmmmmm what a sight. I like this. I like this a lot." She smirked looking at me. "Like don't get me wrong, sex mmm great especially with you, but naked cuddles afterwards mmmm. That's the cherry on top."

She pecked my lips and then rested her face in the crook of my neck. She gently rubbed the side of my ribs then switched to just drawing shapes on my skin lightly with one finger.

"Do I make you happy?" She quickly pulled her head out of my neck and sat up holding the blanket against her chest. "Yelena, of course you do. I'm not doing this for your body not that its not absolutely amazing. I-."

"Hey. It's okay. I want you to be happy. You've made me happy. I actually have this feeling of being alive with you...like in some way I do have a normal life now...well as normal as I can get anyways."

She just sat there silently with a content look on her face. She sat the for minutes just looking at me. I've made someone happy without killing anyone. I haven't had that feeling since Nat.

"HEY OPEN UP!!" Blaze quickly looked over at me confused. She threw on her sweatshirt sitting on my nightstand and rushed over to the door.

As soon as she unlocked it Alex, Kate, Hannah, Tabitha, and Ava walked in. Ava and Hannah's faces lit up when they saw me naked in bed with the covers pulled over my chest and Brooklyn snuggled in an oversized sweatshirt.

"DC is under attack. We have to go now!" Alex told her as Tabitha quickly showed us a video on their tablet. "What are those?"

"The Chitauri. We're teaming up with that spider kid, falcon, bucky, Banner, Clint and Fury. The Quinjet leaves in 10 minutes. Get dressed!" They rushed out of the room and Blaze smirked watching them leave and pulling me over for another quick kiss before rolling away.

I got out of bed and followed her, but before I could walk out of the room she stuck her arm out. "Excuse me, that's for my eyes only."

I gasped realizing I was still naked. I can't believe I almost did that. I ran over throwing on some shorts and a shirt. Blaze nodded and lead me to the weapons room.

"Thank you."

"Of course." She held my hand leading me to the room to get dressed for the weapons.

"See you on the flight sis." Alex and Kate walked away and Blaze froze as she watched them leave.

"Hey...it's okay, come on."

We quickly got ready and she helped me strap on knives to my leg. She stood back up pulling my body against hers and smiled against me. "I love you."


"You don't have to say it back until you're ready." She kissed my forehead and turned away. We all boarded the aircraft and took our seats. The plane was full this time. I looked around and saw a few unfamiliar faces.

One was a really tall, lean build. Her arms were tatted up and her face was stuck looking straight in front of her at Eva and Anna. "That's Ag. She used to be close with Eva and Anna...Ag liked Anna, but she chose Eva."

"And that one?" I nodded to another girl. She was about the height of Octavia. Her blonde hair was down with a few braids. She was much more soft looking then the other new face. "Clarke, Octavia's bestfriend."

I nodded as I continued looking around. Another girl was standing building something small on the table with Eliza. She has black hair and green eyes. She looked smart, definitely not a fighter. "Lena. She's our science girl...she's done a lot of test on me."

Blaze looked over at her with a small smile. She must trust her. She was one of the ones who left though?

"Is Kie here?" She silently shook her head and rested her head on my shoulder as others conversed.

"So when did this happen?" Tabitha came and sat down in front of us and smirked.

"It was building since the day I saw her Tabi...I know everyone saw it, but I don't remember exactly when it was official." Blaze told her with her eyes closed on my shoulder.

"I see...I'm happy for you two."

With that she walked away and we were left alone for the rest of the flight. I kept looking around catching Alex and Kate look at us. I wanted to be mad at Alex and Kate, but at the same deep down I don't even think Blaze was truly mad at them.

They truly did seem in love. If it weren't for Alex getting with Kate who knows...maybe I would have never been recruited. Blaze might have never fallen for me.

"Five minutes out from the fight...everyone get ready." Ava shouted up from the cockpit.

Every began standing up getting ready. Blaze stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me up too.

"So what's the plan?" Clarke looked around the table we all stood at. "Kill. Don't be killed...I want a group set outside the white house. We have all of the government officials being transported there and gaurded. Ag, Clarke, Octavia, set up outside the Senate. There's a large group at the front gate. You'll be joining Sam Wilson, that Falcon guy and spider boy from New York.

Tabitha you'll be set up top with Clint Barton... do what you do be snipe.

Eva, Mh, Kaia, and Cara you'll be working with Agent Rhodes and Scott Lang. They're working on helping recover civilians and getting them out of the fight zone.

Lena...how's that suit coming along for Hannah and Anna?"

"No...it's not safe yet. We haven't gone through all of the testing procedures..." Lena shook her head and Blaze cht her off.

"We'll never get the chance to either if we don't get that thing to take down the big guys with Banner.

Yelena, Kate, Alex, and I will work on the ground taking out as many of those things as possible.

Eliza, Gigi, Madison escort Lena to that portal we need that thing closed."

"What do I do?" Ava looked at her confused and Blaze smiled. "The xwing is waiting on you."

"Fuck yes!" Ava had a devious smile on her face as she landed the plane. Everyone hoped on a bike and got ready to take off. As the gate to the aircraft opened we were surrounded.

"Game on." Blaze and Alex just rushed forward rapidly killing the small militia in front of us with some assistance from Tabitha's sniping and Kate's arrows. "Glad your team could finally make it."

Fury pulled up and Blaze gave him a thumbs up and took off with me on the back of her bike holding on tightly. Alex and Kate following us close behind.

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