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Kate's POV

"Natasha?" Yelena's voice trembled as she stepped forward. Wanda and Blaze figured it out somehow. I don't know how, but she was alive on Vormir. She got her life back when Steve returned the stone. He just didn't know.

Natasha stepped forward pulling Yelena in. Clint and Banner crying a few feet away. Fury leaned against a table with a small smile on his face. Everyone missed her. She's back. She's alive. I didn't think they'd be able to pull this off.

"I'll be back in a moment." Blaze pulled herself away to the table that her sister's lifeless body was draped across. She just lost Carter again and now Alex too. I couldn't stand to think about the pain she's going through again.

What do I even say to her about this? Probably what she always wanted to hear from Alex.

"She was so proud of you. You know that right? She told me about how she was so overbearingly proud of you that she got jealous from it. Thinking wow I'm supposed to be the older sister and rolemodel but she looked up to you Blaze. She loved you even if she didn't say."

"I love her too." She turned to me with a small smile. Heartbreak in her eyes, but a small smile on her lips.

"We always thought we would turn out to be something bad. She died a hero. I can't be sad about that. We won. We did it Kate but why is there always a cost. I just got Nat back." Her voice cracking caused me to pull her back in.

"'ll be okay. I'm so sorry about her B." I hugged her tightly as I saw Yelena and Nat walk over. Yelena made eye contact with me. She stuck her hand out grabbing mine and squeezing it. Natasha looked at me in awe. We never really met. It seemed like we have a lot to catch up on.

"Blaze?" She turned in my arms leaning back against me and holding my arms down to hold her. She looked at Natasha tears in her eyes. I knew this was odd for Yelena to see. Blaze never cried. It just wasn't her to show when she was in pain.

"I'm sorry. I know how much Alex meant to you...I know life hasn't been easy on you lately."

"It is what it is. Life isn't always easy. I think a really smart redhead taught me that, but she always helped me get through it. I know Alex was an arrogant asshole, but she wouldn't want me to give up."

"How did you find her?" Yelena asked looking between the two of them.

"I owed you a happy ending know especially after DC...I'm just glad to see the two of you back together." Her voice cracking. All I could think about is that if Blaze were there just slightly earlier Alex would still be alive.

"I'm sorry what happened in DC?" Natasha looked back and forth between the two of them. "You took that seriously?! I really said you could get with my sister over my dead body and you really took that literal!" Natasha gasped and it got a small laugh out of Blaze.

"I do apologize on that one. We had good chemistry." Blaze said shrugging. "But we weren't meant to be. That's okay."

"That's okay." Yelena said confirming it with a small smile. Blaze rescuing Natasha meant the world to Yelena. It showed her she still cared and we both know the two of them have moved past that stage.

"What's the next step for you two?" She asked them. I cared more about our next step. Was I going to lose her again? I just got her back. I just want to have a small period of time for the two of us to build back together. A bit to fix us we are meant to be.

"I'm not sure. I know I have some places and things I need to take Yelena to see. I have some time to make up. Some lesson for my sister that I need to give." Yelena's face lit up at the way Natasha said my sister. It made me happy as well. I didn't have siblings so I'll never quite go through the pain Yelena and Blaze went through.

"What about you? What are you going to do now?"

"I think it's time I go home...unfortunately I know that'll be temporary. I'll enjoy it while it lasts."

"Where is home?" Nat and Yelena looked at us confused. I was confused as well.

"Where ever Kate goes." I sucked in a deep breath feeling my heart stutter. "I love you." I whispered beside her head putting my eyes down on her shoulder.

"Promise you'll keep her safe for us Kate?" I looked up at the two of them smiling at us. "I promise. You two take care as well. Natasha...I'm glad you're back. I know how much they all missed you. I know how much Yelena missed you." I told her and they both gave a small nod.

"So where is home?" Blaze asked me as we looked out the aircraft window.

"I was thinking a getaway place. You and me only...then we'll get the group back together-but please no more multi-universal battles for awhile."

"I'll try my best. Going to be pretty hard for anyone to take me away from you now."

"Hmm so it seems. I've always felt like purple was your color." I smiled as she leaned forward connecting our lips.

"No no too young none of that." Clint and Natasha walked over. Oh great these two are back in action as well. We're all in for a ride.

"Oh come on!" I leaned back giggling.

"Where is home Ms.Bishop?" She crinkled her nose pulling me away for some more privacy.

"It's almost Christmas time in New York...Spend the Holidays together in the penthouse and get the crew back together after we finally get some time together?" She nodded but I saw her eyes drift away. I looked to see what she was looking at and felt a weight on my chest.


"I've got her don't worry." Clarke squeezed Blaze shoulder as she passed by. I knew that she would still want to talk before she left, but that could come later.

I smiled at the thought of waking up with her Christmas morning. To get up out of bed before her walking out to the balcony and see the giant Christmas tree from all the way up there. Then to eat breakfast watching Blaze cook while I sing to the music and dance around her. To know I was about to be back in her hold with not a single worry to cross out minds. We could just be so happy together. I didn't have a family anymore and now sadly the statement fit her as well.

"You're so beautiful." She rested her face in my neck as I held her in my arms. I knew she was thinking about Alex and Carter right now. I couldn't imagine watching my family die right before Christmas. Sure I sent my mom to prison on Christmas Eve but this was different.

"You gonna be okay?"

"Is there any other choice?"

No. That's what happens when you become a superhero. The sacrifice no one will understand until you make it.

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