
945 25 1

luke <3

i woke up at about 5am the next morning and showered and got into comfortable clothes. i did a last minute check of my suitcases and then got my sunglasses and my phone charger and went downstairs.
my mom had made me some breakfast while my dad got ready. i ate it quickly and then just waited for everyone else to be ready.
i said goodbye to my dog and heaved all of my stuff into the back of the car. i then went in the car and my dad drove me to the airport.

it wasn't a long drive to the airport, it was about 40 minutes and with it being 5:45 in the morning, the traffic was slim to none for the whole drive.
my dad dropped me off at the entrance and helped me register my luggage and then we said goodbye. i gave him a hug and then followed the route to the departures area of the airport.

it was nerve racking trying to know where i was going. i had to ask a couple of people where i was to go but in the end i got to my gate and managed to be there 20 minutes early. i decided to message toby to pass some of the time.

toby / bosois man

me when at airport
:o !!!!!

toby / bosois man

is your extension done yet?

toby / bosois man
it's meant to be done at mid-day today
so when you get here ish
i'm so excited to see you

yes yes me too.
make sure to get ur computer set up

toby / bosois man
ok luke 🙄🙄🙄

alr brb my flight is boarding soon
i need to pay attention
see you irl soon 😁

toby / bosois man


i smiled and went to the back of the line. i got out my ticket and waited to board the plane. the line went relatively quickly and i was boarding the plane in no time. i decided that before the plane took off, i'd text elsie to make sure she knew that i was okay.

els <33

hey beb, i'm going on the plane now
i'l message you when i've landed
i love you <3


i found my seat and prepared for a very long flight to britain. i had downloaded a bunch of old vods that i enjoyed to watch on the plane ride but i had fallen asleep almost 10 minutes after we had taken off. i woke up three hours later and then started watching the vods. some of them were old ones from when elsie and i just started streaming and some of toby and i's first streams together. it made me feel more excited to see toby 'irl'.

after watching the three vods that i had downloaded, there was about 30 minutes until we were meant to land. that was when i first caught a glimpse of the UK ... well, it was Ireland BUT STILL. it made me very excited. i looked outside the window in awe.

the plane landed and i immediately messaged toby.

toby / bosois man


toby / bosois man


toby / bosois man



i left the plane and followed everyone else into the airport. it was colder than i anticipated in britain but i had my hoodie on so i thought i'd be okay. i followed the signs and went through the whole security thing. i then finally got to the corridor so i could get my luggage, and where toby and his dad would be.
the hallway seemed to be long lasting and endless. i felt like the more i walked to the end, another three metres of hallway was added. the suspense was killing me.
i then finally found the end to the everlasting corridor and immediately started looking for toby. it was a little busy in the airport but i immediately found him in a yellow hoodie and baggy jeans.
"toby !" i yelled. he looked towards me a beamed. he ran towards me and threw himself into a hug. i caught him and hugged him back tightly.
"you're real." he said. we let go of eachother as i laughed.
"yep. in the flesh." i replied.
toby dragged me to his dad and i shook his hand. they helped me get my suitcases from the conveyor belt and then led me to the car.

it hit me that this was really happening when we turned into toby's block. he led me into his house and i met his sisters. he showed me his new space and helped me find my mask and glasses for a stream later. we couldn't find my mask so we decided to look for it later.
i caught a glimpse of something i didn't recognise in my suitcase, i pulled it out and instantly realised what it was.

it was elsie's hoodie. my favourite one of hers.

it came to my realisation that i never messaged her when i had landed. i pulled out my phone and dialled her number. she'd be awake by now, hopefully. it rang a couple of times before she answered.
"hello!" she said sleepily.
"hey, did you just wake up?" i asked, laughing lightly. she laughed weakly.
"yep. i've not had anything to do today." she said.
"well i found your hoodie. i'll wear it in tonight's stream with toby." i said. i heard a small 'aww' from elsie.
"that's pretty epic bro." she mumbled. i laughed a little more.
"did i happen to be your alarm els?" i asked. i heard her giggle weakly.
"yeah." she admitted. we both laughed together.
"okay well i'll leave you to it." i said once we had both calmed down.
"yeah, guess so. bye lukey." she said after yawning.
"bye els." i replied. i ended the call and continued yo unpack.
"a fucking simp you are." i heard toby say when it was quiet. i jumped and looked behind me, he was sitting in his gaming chair, looking at me.
"i'm allowed to be." i defended myself. "she is my girlfriend after all."
"hm, true." he replied. "anyways, i'm starting stream, get those glasses on." he added. i nodded and put them on.

chat is about to freak the f*ck out.

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