Chapter 2- The bestest murderer ever!

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Ok! I kinda like writing this story! I hope you enjoy it!

Now I know most of you would be completely and totally freaking out of excitement! Oh my gosh I get to be the dancer in One Direction's music video! Crazy awesome right? Well, for me not so much. I'm going to be the dancer in One Direction's music video and they want me to possibly go on tour....What!?

I was currently dancing around my apartment with music blaring as loud as it could go while I was packing, and I wasn't planning on stopping until I was done.

Knock Knock

I screamed and fell to the floor. No, that knock didn't scare me at all. As I slowly made my way to the door I grabbed a frying pan from the kitchen. The closer I got I could feel goosebumps up and down my arms. And yes the music was still blaring while I'm having a horror movie moment.

Slowly, I turned the door knob to reveal the best movie murderer ever. "Andie-boo!" I said throwing my arms around him for a hug.

"Hello love!" my bestest boyfriend ever said to me! Andie hugged me back and pulled away with a confused look. "A frying pan? Really?"

"I though you were a murderer!" I said in defense putting the frying pan back in the kitchen. He mockingly acted hurt. "A very cute murdered though," I laughed. While I was in there I reached for the fridge door and shouted "Hey, do you want some ice cream!?"

"I'd rather have you, but sure I'll take ice cream," Andie said putting his hands around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"Awwwh!!!" I said turning red. I loved how cute my boyfriend was.

After I got the ice cream Andie pulled me over to the couch and I cuddled into his chest with my bowl. "So why are you here?" I asked.

Andie was playing with my hair and playfully replied, "Oh so you don't want me here? I guess I'll just leave then." Andie started to get up, but I pulled him back and gave him a peck on the lips.

"No! I want you here! I just want to know why you come unannounced."

Andie sat back down and pulled me onto his lap, so that I was facing him. "Well I read on your twitter that you just found out big news, so I wanted to know what it was."

Oh. No. Stupid Twitter. Why do I love you so? You make little bird noises when I get a tweet on my phone. Maybe that's why I love you because you make bird noises. Yeah, that's it. Wow, I just realized how insane I sound. Oh wait, I have a boyfriend in front of me. " dance is first in the showcase lineup." I lied. I was actually in the last spot which was saved for the best.

"You're lying love," Andie said with a blank expression.

"No, I'm not..." I said slowly. I'm a really bad liar. "Did you know that there are eight laces on a football? And I was just wondering, but what if everyone was green!? Then the wicked witch wouldn't feel so bad for being the only green girl! You know what? Forget ice cream! Let's go get some actual food!" I said trying to change the subject and pulling him towards the door.

"Love, your eyes change color when you lie. Plus you're really bad at it." Andie said stopping me in my tracks. He turned me around and put his hands on my shoulders. "Now what's really going on?"

"I'm the dancer in One Direction's new music video? And I might go on tour with them?" I said closing my eyes and scrunching my face to brace myself.

"That's great! I'm so proud of you!" Andie shouted pulling me in for a hug. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Wait. Whatamha? "I didn't know how! This means I have to go to London for a week, and there's no telling how long the tour will last!" I said pulling away from his hug. Andie gives the best hugs. I loved them. I loved him. I loved him and his hugs. Why can't everyone give hugs as good as Andie? Oh yeah, because Andie is Andie and I love him!

"You should go! This is a once in a lifetime chance! I'll be waiting with open arms when you get back and we can skype everyday!" Andie says going to grab his keys.

"So you're not mad?" I said hesitantly. I followed him over to the counter where he had set his keys.

"No, of course not! In fact, forget your best friends Ben and Jerry! I'm taking you to Sweetie's and you can have all of the cupcakes you want, and I don't care how hyper you get!"

"Yes!" I squealed. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him out the door. "Heheheh!!! Yay! Cupcakes! Sprinkles, and frosting, and cupcakes! Oh my!"

We kept running and running until we got to the elevator and ran in.

"Maybe you don't need cupcakes," Andie said with a worried look on his face, but still with a smirk.

"I'm getting my babies!" I shouted pulling him out of the elevator and past the door man of my building. "Bye Charles! Be back late! I'm going with my boooyfriiendd!!!" I said to my favorite doorman Charles dragging the word boyfriend out. Charles is like a grandpa to me. An absolutely amazing grandpa who always gives me candy when I walk through the door.

"Good luck!" Charles shouts with a laugh.

Andie is just laughing the entire time I pull him through the building and to the car. He opens the door for me and I plop in. I have the best boyfriend ever.

Plus he buys me cupcakes.

This is a short chapter. I feel bad. I am so sorry! Well anywhooo! I wish I had a boyfriend that bought me cupcakes! Oh well! I hope all of you find the perfect guy that buys you cupcakes! And don't worry! One Direction is in the next chapter! Yay!!!!

-Charlotte <3 xx

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