Chapter 6- Did someone die?

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Bringgggggg Bringgggggg Bringgggggg my computer blared letting me know I had a skype call.

"I'm beautiful in my way 'cause God makes no mistakes! I'm on the right track baby I was born this way!" Mary and I sang at the top of our lungs dancing around my room. "Don't hide yourself in regret, just love yourself and you're set! I'm on the right track baby I was born this way!"

The face on the computer caught my eye and I shouted, "Oh my gosh! Andie-boo!"

"Andie-who?" Mary questioned as we plopped on the bed and clicked accept.

"Andie-boo! My amazing boyfriend!" I squealed my annoying nicknae for him to both Mary and Andie. Andie loves me enough to tolerate me though. "Ands! I haven't seen your handsome face in so loooong!"

"It's been two days Daph!" Andie said to me.

"Oh! So this is the perfect boyfriend you keep rambling on about!" Mary gushed nudging me.

"Mary..." I blushed.

"Ok, ok, I leave you two lovebirds alone!" Mary said walking out of my room and winking. When she was almost out she whispered, "Every. Detail."

Oh Mary. "So how is your life without me?" I asked Andie.

We talked a bit then kept going back and forth about how adorable each other is. Yea, we're one of those couples. But we don't do it all of the time. Andie was a chef and told me that he got a job at a high class restaurant. I was so proud. Then we just chatted about everything (including cupcakes) and I avoided the fact that I was- no I wasn't! Crushing on one of the boys. He said he had to go work and we hung up.

I walked out of the room practically on cloud nine to see all of the boys and Mary in different places of the living room looking really glum.

"Did someone die?" I asked confused. All of the sudden Niall burst out crying and I knew it had been the wrong thing to say.

Mary came up to me and pulled me over to a chair. "It's just awful!" she said and her eyes looked red from crying.

"Oh Niall!" I said running over to him. "I didn't mean to upset you! Guys what's going on?"

"Well, management called." Louis choked out. He kept his face down and his hair was ruffled a bit. This must be serious.

"And?" I questioned my face turning pale.

"They said that they were going to have to do something. About someone," Harry said quietly.

I was still crouched down next to Niall and sat on the floor my head leaning up against his legs. I pointed and flexed my toes. I always do that when I'm nervous or freaking out. "What do they have to do?"

"Oh Daph! I'm so sorry!" Mary said her voice cracking and buried her head in her hands next to me.

"We're gonna miss you so much!" Liam said running his hands through his hair.

"What do you mean guys?" I asked with worry. "Zayn? What's going on?"

"I'm sorry, I can't!" Zayn said closing his eyes.

"Mary?" I asked. "You can't be saying what I think you're saying are you?"

Mary nodded and I felt a tear drip down my face. "I'm being fired?"

"Well they said, that they could either fire you," Louis started.

"This is horrible," I said leaning my head back to hit Niall's knees.

"Or you could finish the video and then be the background dancer choreographer on our tour." Niall said a smile peaking out.

"Wait, what?" I asked lifting my head up to see all of the guys almost laughing.

"You. Get to be the choreographer on their tour!" Mary shouted. "And I get to be their make up artist!"

"But? But you guys were just!" I started and Liam said, "It pays to have a make up artist around!"

"Mary! Boys! You guys are such jerks!" I said laughing.

"But you love us!" Harry shouted and pulled me into a hug. Soon it was a full group hug and I said, "Um, guys?" No one budged. "Hello?" and someone nuzzled their head farther into me. "Can't breath here! Guys!"

"Oh! Sorry!" everyone started to say and let me go. I fell to the floor acting lifeless. Time for some payback.

"Daph? Daphne?" Louis asked concerned as he got down next to me.

"I knew we were hugging too hard!" Liam shouted crouching down next to Louis.

"Daphne can you hear us?" Zayn said shaking me.

I could hear Mary start get concerned and Harry and Niall started to calm her down. "She was my new best friend!" Mary cried a bit. "And we suffocated her!"

Now how much longer should I keep this up? When I heard a sniffle from one of the guys I knew I should get up. Darn.

"I'm gonna call 911!" Zayn said getting up and I heard Louis and Harry follow him.

When no one was looking I sat up and crossed my legs and said casually, "Hey guys!"

All heads turned and Mary just laughed. "That's what you get for messing with me!" I got up and dragged Mary to the door. "Be back soon boys! We're going shopping for colored skinny jeans and shirts to match!" I yelled leaving the boys just dumbfounded. I loved it.

*******************************   "Shopping is so hard!!!" I whined as Mary and I made our way up to my suite. "But at least we got cupcakes!"   "You have to be careful with those cupcakes though! They make me hyper!" Mary warned as we got into the elevator.   "Oh my gosh! Me! Too!" I squealed. We had gone to eight different stores and came out with about ten bags. Each. And we wear the same size. Ok, and we might have already had some cupcakes, so I pray for those boys.   "Yay! Ok, so we have to be at the set in three hours! Do you think we'll make it?" Mary asked as we waltzed out of the elevator and to my suite.   "I sure hope so!" We ran the rest of the way because had our sugar rush and when we got into the suite we set our bags down and turned on my ipod.   Soon the lyrics to "Live While We're Young" blared out and I'm sure you could hear it from down the hall.   "Let's go crazy crazy crazy 'til we see the sun! I know we only met, but let's pretend it's love! And never never never stop for anyone! Tonight let's get some! And live while we're young!" We sang and we heard a bang on my door.   I jumped up and down over to the door and you could tell I was hyper. This was cupcake hyper. I opened it to find Liam at my door. Daddy Direction here we come!   "Hey Liam! Care to join in our dance party? We've got cupcakes!" I said pulling him into my suite.   "No, but could you turn the music down a bit? As much as I love hearing my own voice it's a little loud! I can hear it from my suite!" Liam shouted over the music.   "But why?" Mary whined as she came over to me and Liam. She was jumping up and down like a bunny with me. Bunny buddies!!!   "Don't be such a fuddy duddy Liam!" I said shaking him by the shoulders. Mary and I danced around my suite while Liam watched shaking his head at our insaneness and before I knew it I was on the floor with my eyes closed. Sugar crash.   *************************** My head was hurting again, and I could feel myself being moved. I felt like my head was on a fluffy pillow, so I pushed my head deeper into the pillow. It was soft. "Shhh, it's ok. I gottcha." I heard someone whisper. I guess they were the one moving me. Well whoever was moving me felt like a good darn good pillow. Before I knew it I was back in the dream world dancing around with cupcakes and Lous. Wait! Scratch that! Just cupcakes! Not Louis! Bad Brain! I pushed that aside in my mind a let myself fall into darkness.

Ok, so I dedicated this to @JustMe52 because I absolutely love her stories and she inspired me to write a future chapter! I just wanted to thank her!

-Charlotte! <3xx

State of Grace (A Louis Tomlinson Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon