Chapter 5- tutu fluff and blushing boys

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Hii! I was gonna wait to write, but I just couldn't do it! I hope you guys like it! And remember to fan, vote, and comment! Love you guys!!!

"Why do these things have to be so big!?" Harry whined as he carried the tutu to the van.

"Blame Lou! She's the one that picked it out!" I argued back. "And be careful! You're gonna squish it!"

Lou insisted that I wear a tutu for the music video and Harry was being forced to carry it after everyone flipped coins. And that boy better be careful with my tutu.

"Calm down Daph, this is Harry's first time carrying a tutu," Niall said putting his arm around me while we walked to the van. The van was white and big, so it was kinda like a kidnapper van except with One direction in it.

"Yea, well if he squishes it then it will also be his last!" I said with an edge. Don't mess with my tutus.

"So, what are these things?" Liam asked pointing to the shoes in my hand.

"These are pointe shoes. And they hurt. A lot." I said putting my arms around Liam and Niall. They were taller so it was kinda funny.

"You know you're failing at that right?" Liam asked. He exchanged a look with Niall and they picked me up with me sitting on their hands.

"Woah!" I said in surprise. I kept my arms around their shoulders and showed pride of my throne.

"Zayn! Oh Zaaaayn!" I called. When he appeared I held out my legs for him to hold. He gave a confused look. Silly boy. "Well, come on!" I urged and he held out my legs. "I feel like a queen."

"Well you don't look like one!" Louis teased as he came up beside my servants and I. "Your hair's all messy!" He said ruffling my hair.

"Ah!" I squealed. "Put me down boys!" They all looked at me with 'excuse me?' looks. "Please?" I asked sweetly batting my eyelashes. Come on, you can't say no to this face! "Thanks!" They let me down and I started to chase Louis around the hotel parking lot holding my pointe shoes above my head. "I'm gonna get you Tomlinson! I'll hide your carrots!"

"Not my babies!" Louis shouted from somewhere in the lot.

"Where are you carrot boy?" I had lost him somewhere while chasing him and stopped for a few seconds to catch my breath. Wrong idea.

I felt someone pick me up bridal style and I look to find Louis. "Weren't we in this position last night?"

"Yes. I'm just that good at rescuing you aren't I?"

"I'm not one of need for rescuing." I argued. Butterflies sneaked into my stomach and I started to blush. Uh oh.

"Then why have I caught you twice?"

"Have not!"

"Have too!"

"Have not!"

"Have too!"

"Have not!"

"Have too!"

"Have not!"

"Have too!"

"Guys! You sound like an old married couple!" Harry shouted from inside the van. "Daphne, don't steal my boo bear away from me!"

I blushed and Liam shouted "Awww! She's blushing! Cute little thing!"

You have a perfect boyfriend Daph. You can't do this!  I wasn't letting this happen. "Louis, put me down." I said sternly.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because I like walking thank you very much." I stated trying to wiggle out of his grasp.

He held tighter and I pleaded, "Louis. Now. Just please."

Louis sighed and put me down. I silently walked to the van and sat down avoiding everyone's looks.

Everyone got into their own conversations leaving me to think to myself. I thought about Andie. He wouldn't like this. I'm in a van with five of the most wanted guys in the world, and I blushed over one of them. One with gorgeous blue eyes that kinda sparkle when the light hits them just right. And hi-Woah! Stop! Stop it right now! Finally I knew what I had to do. I had to be serious and not noticeable.If I'm gonna be serious then that's what I'll do. You have to focus on your career anyway. You don't have time for anything else.

I settled it with myself that I was going to be serious. I wasn't going to be my crazy, annoying self. I had to be a serious dancer. Besides, it was only for a week? Right?
"Why does this tutu fluff keep making me itch?" It was Zayn's turn to carry the tutu, and let's just say Lou got itchy fabric. Thanks Lou.

"I don't know." I said blankly. I walked keeping my head straight forward. I was playing my be serious part starting now and it was super hard. I had barely talked to any of them since we got out of the van, and I could feel eyes on me. The boys had only known me for about a day, but it's not hard to figure out I'm crazy. Except for the girls at the academy, they don't count.

"Why are they so big?" Niall asked as he watched Zayn.

"I don't know Niall, ask Lou."

"Well, where's Lou?" Liam asked coming up beside me.

"I don't Liam!" I practically shouted. Liam looked hurt and I said, "Sorry, I'm just. Nervous I guess." I walked faster when Louis and Harry caught up with me.

"Hey, love. Are you ok?" Louis asked. He sounded concerned. Awwww!  He called me lo-No, Daph! Stop.

"Please don't call me that." I said walking faster ahead of everyone and leaving Louis and Harry with confused looks on their faces.

I got to my dressing room and started lacing up my pointe shoes while the boys brought in my tutu. "Hey Daph?" Zayn asked trying to get through the door with the tutu. "A little help here?"

I giggled and pulled him through the door by putting the tutu up and down. "You know there's an easier way right?"

"Really? Why didn't I know this?" Zayn asked shocked.

"Because you're Zayn mate." Niall laughed walking into the room.

"Wait, woah. Out." Lou commanded coming into the room.

"What? Whyyy?" Harry whined as him, Louis, and Liam walked in.

"Because guys, you're really slow." I pointed out.

"And your boys, so out!" Lou commanded again pushing them all out. "Now let's get to work!" Lou said giddily pushing me into a chair.

"Should I be scared?" I asked. Lou was hooking me into the tutu and it was actually quite comfortable. I guess it only itched on the outside. It was a delicate violet with red rubies dotted here and there with a dark purple under the violet.

"No, just be excited for me because this my first tutu! Ah! And it's beautiful!" Lou squealed as she did the last hook. "Ok, now I'm going to send in Mary, the makeup artist. Now don't be scared?"

I laughed as she walked out of the room and in came a gorgeous red head. She was wearing a red blouse with a white tank under it with bright blue skinny jeans and brown boots. This must be Mary. "Oh my gosh! You look beautiful!"

"Thank you! I love your boots!" I shouted getting excited.

"You're welcome! I love your hair! Such a pretty color!" Mary squealed. "Quick question- would you rather have a blue giraffe or an orange penguin?"

"Blue giraffe all the way!" I think I'm going to like this girl!

Mary did my make up to where my face looked delicate and could break if anyone touched it and put white and dark purple on my eyes along with dark eyeliner. Let's just say I looked way prettier than I usually did.

"And...done!" Mary shouted. "Turn around!"

I turned around and stared at the girl in the mirror.That wasn't me. At least it didn't look like me. "I look-"

"You look gorgeous! Now knock 'em dead!" she said as she lead me to the door.

I walked to the set and to see five boys sitting on a couch and quietly said, "Hey guys."

All eyes turned on me and stared. Liam had a shocked smile on his face, Niall's face was as red as a tomato, Harry just kinda stared, Zayn did the same, and Louis just kinda had this look on his face. I guess they didn't like it?

"What? You don't like it?" I questioned to five still staring boys. They looked shocked. I have to admit I didn't look like this often, but I at least deserve some sort of comment. "Okaaay. I'm gonna. Go. Over. There." I said pointing to the set.

"Ready?" the director asked. I think his name was Joe. Cool name right?

"Of course!" I said excitedly. The song turned on and I started to dance.


"Amazing! Absolutely amazing!!!!" Mary squealed with Lou who was taking off my tutu and make up.

"And we get to do this again tomorrow!" Lou agreed.

I was jumping up and down in my chair from all of the jitters, and I had danced perfectly. "That was awesome! I cant belive I just did that!"

"I promise you Daphne, they were so distracted by you that they were barely concentrating on singing! Did you see how many takes they had to do? 35 on one scene!" Mary praised me while taking off my make up.

"So, who's your favorite?" Lou questioned me.

"What do you mean? Favorite color? Favorite outfit? And if those were the questions then purple and Mary's outfit because it's to die for!" I said while taking out my hair.

"You know what she means hun, who's your favorite boy?" Mary urged with a smirk. She finished taking off my make up and started putting on light make up for my day.

"Oh! That's what you meant? Definitely Taylor Lautner!" I'm a huge Team Jacob fan!" I said trying to avoid the subject. I knew what they were talking about. They wanted to know which boy I was crushing on. Even if I was (which I think- no i know! I wasn't) I have a boyfriend who is absolutely perfect.

"Ok darling, drop it. You know what we're talking about. You know exactly what we're talking about," Lou pushed on.

"Ok, so I do! But I have a boyfriend! He's adorable and perfect and his name is Andie!" I said getting up to change.

"Well, I wanna see him if he's gorgeous enough to have you not crushing on one of them boys!" Mary said pointing to the door. "Speaking of, I think Louis' looking at you a bit much for just being a friend."

"Nah! I'm just the dancer! None of them would have an interest in me!" I changed and undid my pointe shoes. The knot was stuck, so Lou offered to help. "Trust me I'm a stylist. I'm good with shoes." she had said.

"That's what you want to think, but I'm gonna think that you two would be an adorable couple! Liam and Danielle have some competition!" Mary said nudging me.

"No, my boyfriend is just fine for me." I said getting up from the chair, grabbing my pointe shoes from Lou, and heading out the door with Mary and Lou. Oh my gosh that sounds like Mary Lou! Cool!

"Whatever you say, little brown." Lou gave up on the topic and we started talking about how Mary had done a great job on my make up even if it was just for a casual day.

"Thank you, thank you very much!" Mary blushed. "I couldn't have done it without my already beautiful dancer!"

"Awww! Thanks! I'm not that beautiful though! Just average," I shrugged my shoulders while we walked down the hall to the set.

"Are you crazy? You are awesome!" Lou complimented me. "And this is where I leave you. I have an appointment in an hour! I hope that the next time I see you tomorrow you and Louis are closer than today!" Lou waved and walked off.

"As for me? I think I may hang out with you guys for a bit! Plus I will gaurd you from Louis since you have a bf!" Mary said linking arms with me and walking me over to where the guys were on the couch again.

"You should come over! I need another girl around! Especially with how clumsy I am!" I offered. Mary accepted and I was so gald I had an actual friend. You could hear our heels clicking on the floor and we stopped in front of the couch.

"Hello boys!" Mary chirped and I could see Niall's face turning red. Interesting. "Ready to go?"

The boys nodded and we all walked out with me not making eye contact with any of the boys. I wasn't letting this serious act down. "Don't worry boys, I'll take this one back to the hotel!" Mary called to the boys as we made our way to her car.

"Oh, Mary, I have to tell you something." I started when I sat down in her car with the top down.

"Yes?" she asked. The car purred to life and I didn't know how she was gonna take this.

Here goes. "Well..."

Cliffhanger!!! I'm sorry! I just had to do that! I hope you lovlies liked this chapter though! I hope to write soon! Fan, vote, comment, etc. Love you guys!

-Charlottle <3xx

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