Chapter 13- Paris

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Ok! So this is probably a short and really bad chapter! I'm not gonna lie I don't like it that much! Maybe you will though! I really wanted to update this, and I will make the next chapter better! I might edit this chapter to make it better anyway! Anywho! Happy Valentine's Day! I have a love hate relationship with it because I love love! But I have no one to share it with! One day I will though, and I hope all of you have a Happy Valentine's Day! Well, what's left of it! Love you cappoccinos!!!

"Bonjour les ges!  Que faisons-nous aujourd'hui?" (Hello people! What are we doing today?) I chirped in french walking out of my room in a blue sundress witha  brown belt and brown flats.

"What?" Everyone said.

"You guys don't know how to speak french?" I plopped on the couch in between Louis and Zayn and everyone shook their heads.

"Who doesn't know how to speak french?"

"Me!" Everyone shouted raising their hands.

"Well then! I said 'Hello people! What are we doing today?' But I guess since no one answers when I ask a question I will just leave." I started getting up, but was pulled back down onto Louis and Zayn and they started tickling me.

"Nononono! Stop!!!" I gasped for air and they just kept on tickling me. I could hear laughing as I was placed on the floor and soon everyone was tickling me. "Not cool! Guys! *gasp* Guys no! *gasp* I can't breath! *laugh really weirdly* Y'all don't want me to die do you!?"

"I'll plan your funeral! I heard Mary sayd.

"And we can all come!" The boys said cheerfully. I feel so loved. Note to sarcasm.

"I promise I will get you back for this!" I squealed while laughing like an idiot and kicking at anything.

"Ow!" someone said, I think Harry, and I managed to run away. I ran into my room, locked the door, and started planning my revenge.

A knock came on the door, but I ignored it. It came again, and this time with an Irish accent. "Daphne! Hey Daph!" This time he banged on the door and screamed, "HELP! NO LIAM DON'T GET THE KNIFE! I DIDN'T MEANT TO OFFEND YOU WITH THAT SPOON! DAPHNE! YOU GOTTA HELP ME!!!"

"NIALL!!!" I screamed running to open the door to help Niall. Wait. Am I really that stupid? Or is that just him? "Hi Liam!" I shouted through the door.

"Hey Daphne!" Liam shouted a bit distant, so he must've been on the couch or something. "You know Niall's stupid right?"

"Totally!!" I shouted back and sat on my bed. Let's see...put spoons in Liam's pillow, change Zayn's hair products with soy sauce and hair dye, spray hair spray on Louis' carrots...

Bing! My computer went off letting me know I had an email.

It was from my cousin. Thought you should see this! the message said with a link and I frantically clicked on it to see the most shocking thing I had ever seen.

Right in front of me was a picture of Louis with me in his arms when he carried out of the hotel.

*Louis Carries New Love?*

Louis Tomlinson was seen carrying this lovely lady out of their hotel (and has done this before) and was seen with him as well as the rest of One Direction at the BRIT awards. She is known as Daphne Dawson who is supposedly the dancer in One Direction's new music video. Do any of you think they will make it? Let us know in the comments below!

So do you ship Laphne?
(A/N: For those who don't know what ship means, it means that you root for that relationship basically! If I'm wrong then someone please tell me in my comments below! Love you!)

I read through some of the comments and some were really nice such as: "Wow! She's so beautiful!" or "Awww! Laphne forever! How sweet!" or "Saw a sneak peak of the music video! Amazing dancer! Love her already!" While others were.....not so nice.

I immediately called Andie, and he picked up after four rings. He never let's it go past three. "Hello?" he asked with his voice sounding strained.

"Hey..." I said nervously. There was no telling where this conversation was going.

"Um, can I call you back?"

"Uh, yea! I guess.."

There was some shuffling in the background, and I heard a high pitched voice. "Hey baby! Are we still going to Sweetie's?"

"Who's that?" I asked curiously.

"That was, uh, my aunt." Andie replied. He was lying to me. I had met all of his family and none of them sounded like that, even over the phone. He had done what he promised he would never do. Ever. Yet he still did it.

"You're lying." I stated. Nothing else. I just said it because both of us knew it was true.

"No I'm not! What kind of boyfriend would I be if I lied to you!?"

"An awful one! Like are you are right now!" I started to shout my voice rising.

"Who is that?" the high pitched voice in the background asked.

"Oh! It's just my aunt," he replied and I blew.

"Oh, so I'm just your aunt? Is that all I am? Not your girlfriend maybe? Not even a friend? I'm not even just some girl!?" I started to scream into the phone with tear starting to stream. Well, that escalated quickly.

"Daph! I-"

"No! Don't call me that! And are you really that low to cheat on me just because I'm not there?" my voice getting harder.

"Like I'm cheating on you? Then what's with you and this Tommo guy?"

"His name is Louis TOMLINSON! And he's really sweet! And nice! And actually cares about me! And he's a really good!.....friend" My voice died down while my sobs kept coming. I don't know what I was crying about more now. The fact that Andie cheated on me, or that I had to call Louis my friend instead of so much more. "UNLIKE YOU!!!' I screamed for the last time and hung up. My knees gave in and I collapsed onto the floor sobbing with  my head in my hands. I didn't even look up when people knocked on and yelled at my door.


I had made a decision. I was going to Paris. I zipped up my suitcase containing all of my things and silently looked out the door for anyone in my suite. Even though it was my suite, and there shouldn't be anyone in it anyway there always is. There wasn't a clock near by, so I had no idea what time it was either.

Well, no one was there, but there was a note on the fridge. I walked over and snatched it from it's place.

Daph, we heard screaming and sobbing from your room and wanted to see if you were ok. You wouldn't answer us no matter how hard we tried. We know you need your space, so we'll see you in the morning and we're here when you need us. Louis and Mary said they were sleeping on your couch too, so don't trip on them if you get up to grab this note. But if you're reading probably already passed by or tripped on them. Oops. Now there could be a chance you're not reading this at all. Well, if you are know that we're here when you need to talk.

When in doubt, dance it out.


I looked around and sure enough Mary and Louis were on my couches. I'm surprised I didn't wake them up while coming out here. After they left that note I kinda felt bad for just leaving, so I left a note for them.

Guys, before you read this know that I love you so much. All of you.

Now you can read it.

I'm gone by now, and I probably will come back, but just in case I would look for a new choreographer. I had a bad day today, and I usually get over my bad days. But I don't know about this one. This one may take a while. I don't know how long, but until then I love you guys.


I taped the note onto a chair near the couches and slipped out the door with my suitcase. Surprisingly I didn't make a sound, and made my way down stairs.

This was it. I was here.

I looked out the window of the airport to see the blue sky and everything imagined it would be. For the first time in a while, I felt actually happy. Paris. 


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