Chapter 7- Fields, pretty pink dresses, and an uh oh

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Hello girlies! I just wanted to say thank you! 100 reads! I love you guys! Well, here's a new chapter! Woo!

Something shifted underneath me. Why was my bed moving? Wow it was cold. I thought I turned the heater on! You know Daph, you should really think about these things before you fall asleep. Great, now you're talking to yourself. Why do you do that? Time to get up Daph. Daph? Daph, get up!

My eyes snapped open to the sound of Louis' voice telling me to get up. Oh, I thought that was me. I moved my hand around knowing that it was his face. His cute face. Stop it Daph!

"Um, what are you doing?" Niall asked me as I moved my hand around Louis' face.

"Looking for the snooze button. Why dd you guys wake me up anyway? I was happily dreaming about unicorns. And a whole lot of cupcakes." I whined sitting up. I looked down and was on Louis' lap. Awkward.... I abruptly moved off and gave a look to everyone.

"Because you had a sugar crash," Liam explained. "Which reminds me, you and Mary are forbidden to have cupcakes."

"What? Nonono! You can't do that to me! I'll die I tell you! DIIIIIE!!!!" I dramatically pleaded. I always liked being dramatic, it helped emphasize my point.

"It's for the best Daph," Zayn comforted me pulling me into a hug. I fake cried into his shoulder, I knew how to break this boy.

"Please Zayn! You can't let him do this! Come on!"

"No, Daphne. No. More. Cupcakes." Liam commanded. Wow. Go Daddy Direction on me why don't cha?

"Zayn?" I looked at Zayn with puppy dog eyes. This works with everyone, please don't let Zayn Mallik, of all people, ruin my puppy dog eyes. It had to work.

"Liam...I think you should let her have her cupcakes. I mean how can you say no to this face?" Zayn said pointing to my face.

"No, Daphne. I'm not falling for that." Liam said. "I'm putting my foot down."

"Technically it's already down because it's on the floor," Harry smirked. He would be the one to make me laugh.

"Ha! See! I was right! You can't put your foot down unless it's up!" Niall shouted pumping the air. I guess I had missed some debate earlier. "Lou, you owe me twenty bucks!" I definitely missed something.

"Ignoring that note...Liam?" I pleaded sitting next to him in the creeper van. "What if someone made you use a public spoon? And Zayn!" I cried sitting next to him again. "What if someone took all of your hair products! Your children! Your poor hair!"

"Nooo!! Liam, no one should have to go through that!" Zayn shouted to Liam. One down.

"And Niall! What if someone took away your freedom to eat at Nandos? I can just see the newspaper heading! 'Horan Dies From No Nandos' Would you let that happen?" I was on the floor of the van now pleading to each boy as I went around the van. Each boy was easier to crack then the next, and I almost had my cupcakes back. "Harry? What if you were bald? What would you do? And lastly, Louis. What if carrots!?!?!?" I cried and I could feel a tear running down my face. That the lord for all of those acting classes I took in high school.

"NOOOO!!!!!" Louis shouted getting on the floor with me and smothering me in a hug. "It's ok Daph! We're gonna get your cupcakes back!"

I berried my head in Louis' shoulder and kept crying. Thank you acting lessons!!!

"Liam! You can't let this poor girl go without Nandos!" Niall shook Liam. "I mean cupcakes!"

"Ok! Ok! You can have your cupcakes back! I surrender!" Liam shouted throwing his hands up.

"Yes!" I yelled pushing Louis' off me and hugging Liam then kissed his cheek. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"

"Hey! Just leave me here? On the floor? Alone?" Louis said.

"Aw! Poor Lou!" I sat down and kissed his cheek making him blush then went around to all of the boys and kissed their cheek.

The van pulled up to where we were shooting day, which was a field, and we all piled out. I was the last one before Liam and when I was about to jump out I turned and said, "Oh, and Liam?"

"Yea, Daph?" he looked at me.

"If you ever try to take my cupcakes away from me? I'll make sure that all of the spoons in you guy's suites are under you bed," I grinned evilly.

Liam looked really scared. Mission accomplished. "Just kidding!" I smiled. A look of relief washed over him and added, "Maybe." I smirked and jumped out leaving him as scared as a mouse with a cat looking down on him like he was lunch.

And again, thank you acting classes.

"And cut!" the director yelled to me through a mega phone letting me know I was done. "Beautiful!" he praised me. I thanked him and walked over to where Lou and Mary were by the wardrobe area.

"Well?" I asked. I sat in a chair drinking my water bottle as fast as I could without choking and started to take out my hair for the next scene where they had me dancing with my hair in long, flowing locks.

"Best time you've danced all day!" Lou said pulling out my next costume. It was a flowy dress that was a light pink. If we shot the dance just right with the sun then it would give me an angelic glow.

"It's a good thing the boys are a few miles over shooting another scene or else they wouldn't be able to sing!" Mary laughed brushing out my hair.

"Thanks! I feel like a doll!" I sat a bit being pampered by Mary after I changed into the pink dress. Thankfully I was actually barefoot for this part, so my feet would be screaming in pain. Pointe shoes aren't that bad, they just seem like it sometimes.

"Ok Daphne! This is the last scene of the day, and we need to get it done quick before the light is gone!" the Joe told me from the snack table. He grabbed some cashews before making his way back to his 'director's chair' blah blah blah. Frankly, I sat in that chair all the time and no one cared.

"Ok! Great!" I said excitedly running over to the part of the field I was dancing in.

The music played and I danced around again. I could see the boys making their way over to our set from a car, so I guess they had finished for the day. They were laughing, but Mary and Lou shushed them before they could make a sound within a three meter radius.

I could feel stares on me. Was I that bad? Mary and Lou kept giggling, so I guess someone over there had made a comment. Either that or someone was blushing and I pushed the latter out of my mind.

When the section ended and I stared off into space all I could hear was clapping. I had gotten so caught up in the music I hadn't noticed clapping until a few moments after.

"Fantastic!" "Gorgeous!" "Beautiful!" compliments swarmed me like an attack of bees and I felt a bit dizzy from all of the talking. Finally I made my way to my chair and sat down where everyone followed me. Thank for the breathing room guys. No one needs oxygen anyway. So last year.

"Ok! Everybody move!" Mary shouted making her way through the crowd of the boys and Lou. Lou had gotten stuck in the back with Mary and she was now being dragged to the front.

"Thank you!" I gasped grabbing onto Mary. Too many boys in my bubble!

"Your bubble?" Lou questioned. She shooed all of the boys away and her and Mary lead me behind our little trailer. It was small but very home-like.

"Yea, my personal space bubble! I learned it from my cousin who has a major claustrophobic problem. I mostly just use it to make people move."

"Clever, hun." Lou commented.

They started taking my make up off and I changed into regular clothes then we made our way to the van. A bigger one had come to us this time, so Mary could come and sadly Lou left us again.

Everyone waved to Lou and enjoyed the view of the giant field as we made our way to the van. I leaned my head on someone's shoulder and gazed at the sunset. Today was a good day.

Mary's POV

Daphne leaned her head on Louis' shoulder and gazed at the sunset as we made our way to the van. I walked over towards Niall who was now one of my best friends.

"Hey Nialler!" I said poking him. "Pretty sunset huh?"

"Yea, but not as pretty as you," Niall complimented me.

"I bet you say that to all the American girls." I put my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me. I was kinda short so I had to reach to get my head up there, but I didn't care.

"Nope, just you." Niall said jumping into the van.

"Hey, Mary!" I heard Louis' call and I turned around. Daphne had already gotten into the van with empty seats on either sides of her. One for me and the other for Lou I guess, and next the an empty seat beside her was Niall.

"Yea?" I fell into step with him almost at the van.

"You're good friends with Daphne right?" Louis asked.

"Yea, so are you."

"But you're a girl."

"Oh, gee, I haven't noticed." I laughed flipping my hair a bit.

"Oh, right, sorry. Well..." he started and didn't look like he wanted to finish.

"Come on Lou, spit it out."

"I wanna ask Daphne out." he said nervously.

Wait, Louis likes Daphne, Daphne possibly likes Louis. Oh who am I kidding I know she likes Louis. But Daphne has a boyfriend. Uh oh.

"Are you guys coming?" Harry asked from inside the van.

"Uh, yea!" I chirped ignoring Louis. I sat in between Daphne and Niall in the van and didn't make eye contact with Louis once. Something told me if I did that I would regret it.

Well, I'm gonna fail my Science test tomorrow, but that's ok because I just had to write another chapter! Yay! By the way, I really want to know what you guys think here, so comment below!

-Charlotte <3xx

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