Cahpter 12- Get used to it babe

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I put a cute picture of Louis and a stuffed lion! The computer kinda squished it, but it's still adorable! p.s. I dedicate this chapter to @broadwaygurl88 who is my best wattpad friend! She is also a Broadway geek like yours truly and we share the dream of playing Elphaba and know the good witch's real name is GA-linda!

"Hello boys!" Mary and I said as we stepped into the hall meeting with the boys.

"Finally!" Harry said throwing his hands up. Liam was the first to look at us and nudged the others with his mouth slightly open. When everyone was looking at us there was complete silence. We must look amazing then.

Mary was wearing her blue one sleeved dress with the black accent on the hems with black high heels and I was wearing the purple halter dress with gold gladiator heels. I noticed the boys were close to matching with them wearing black suit and ties, but with different colored ties for each. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Louis and how handsome he looked right there and I could tell that Marry was anxious.

"H-hi?" Mary blushed looking down at her high heels.

"Are we? Gonna....go?" I asked pointing down the hall and the boys started nodding, but still staring. "It's not nice to stare you know." I made my way over to Louis and Mary to Niall and we hooked arms with them.

"You look amazing!" Louis complimented.

"You don't look too bad yourself carrot boy!"

"So what exactly does one do at the BRIT awards?" Mary questioned. Our group walked into the elevator and Harry smashed the ground floor button making a face to a now pouting Zayn. I guess they had made a bet who would push it first.

"Sit!" Zayn said with a smile.

"Smile! All the time!" Niall added.

"And wave to everyone you see!" Liam finished.

"So basically be really nice and happy!" Harry laughed.

The door pinged open and we walked out waving to the desk people. "Hello desk people!" I smiled waving cheerfully and Harry rang the bell multiple times earning death glares from by standers.

"Come on, Curly!" Liam dragged him away from the bell with Harry reaching back for the bell. It was like a tug of war between a lion and tiger except one of them had curly hair!

"Should we leave?" I asked looking at the others and Zayn replied, "Yep!"

I walked towards the door with Mary and the others and Louis didn't unhook our arms once. "Ow, these heels are killing me!"

"Poor Daphne! Don't die Daph! You can't! You just can't!!! Don't leave me!!!" Louis yelled and started to hug me and dramatically fake cried into my shoulder.

"Lou! I'm not gonna die! There there!" I laughed and patted his shoulder. Louis' fake tears turned into a smirk and he picked me up bridal style. "Why thank you kind sir!"

"You're welcome M'lady!" Louis blushed and the gang just kinda laughed at us.

"Ok lovebirds! PDA!" Harry shouted and Marry stomped on his foot. "Ow! What was that for?"

Liam whacked him in the back of the head and I laughed a bit. "She has a boyfriend Harry!"

"Oh, right..." Harry said.

"Apologize!" Marry commanded and Niall put his arm around her waist making her blush while saying it.


"Harry? Now!" Louis said and I blushed wildly.

"Really guy! It's fine! Anyone's mistake!" I defended Harry. Louis set me down by the door and the subject was dropped after Harry apologized despite my complaints.

"Is that what I think it is?" Marry asked referring to the people with flashing cameras outside.

"Uh huh." I replied nodding my head in shock. I clutched Louis' arm and he picked me up again and the same with Niall and Mary.

"Just keep your head down ok? No matter what you hear out there. Keep your head down." Liam instructed us and we nodded.

I started laughing and everyone stared at me with confused looks. "What? This is my first paparazzi encounter! I find it exciting!"

"She's kinda right! I mean this is our first time hiding our heads into rock star's chest's to not be seen by flashing cameras! This is a big moment for us!"

"Scrapbook photo!" Louis shouted and pulled out his phone taking a picture of me in his arms, Mary in Niall's and everyone else in the shot below us. I have to say it was a great picture. Mary and I had dramatic faces, Louis and Niall were wearing matching shocked faces, Harry was doing a duck face, and Zayn and Liam were on the floor propped up on their elbows looking mock girly. Altogether we just looked mental!

"Yay" Zayn cheered after the camera flashed. I guess Zayn would be the kind of person to say that.

"Ready everyone?" Harry asked and we nodded with confidence. I was still a bit scared though.

As soon as Liam opened the door I hid my head into Louis' chest. It felt nice...wait. No. I didn't say that.

Mary had her head berried into Niall's chest and he was lightly stroking her hair as was Louis with me. "Lou?" I whined. Those bright lights were giving me a headache.

"It's almost over Daph. Promise." Louis comforted me. Louis started to walk a little faster and soon we were in the limo and I felt myself being put into Louis' lap.

I kept my head in Louis until I heard the door shut and when I opened my eyes I huffed out a breath. "Well! That was interesting! Does anyone else see spots?"

"Make that two!" Mary raised her hand and Niall let her put her head on his shoulder. They should so date. Like soon.

"Well it will be like that at the BRITs, but you should be fine there. Those are actual people with actual feelings. Well some of them." Liam assured us.

"And we'll be there for you all the way to the door unless you two just want to wait by it." Harry told us.

Mary and I nodded, not knowing which one to chose. "We're here!" Niall cheered grabbing Mary's hand making both of them blush. Aw.

"Let's go! Good luck guys! See you on the other side!" Harry said to us and he jumped out of the car and into the bright, flashing lights.

Everyone piled out and Louis and I were last. Louis grabbed my hand to walk out, but I stopped him making him look at me concerned.

"What is it Daph?" he asked.

"What if they don't like me Lou? What if they send me all of this hate and death threats just because I'm friends with you guys?" I panicked. I could feel myself start to hyperventilate and Louis pulled me into a hug.

"They will love you! I promise!" Louis said into my shoulder.

"You promise?"

"Of course! Now, you have to face your fear! Like Liam and spoons! But I don't think he'll get over that!"

I laughed and nodded. "OK! I GOT THIS!"




"YES I DO! NOT LIKE THAT, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! NOW COME ON CARROT BOY LET'S DO THIS!" I shouted at Louis and we walked out of the limo. Let's just say I wasn't nervous anymore.

As soon as we got out I heard screams coming from all directions and some of them were even people screaming my name! I walked over to random people asking for autographs and took a few pictures and it just went on and on. There was this one little girl that was only about seven and she said she wanted to be dancer! How sweet is that!? By the time I was done everyone was giving me looks from the door and I walked over.

"Hi?" I asked sweetly.

"Hi? Is that all? Just hi? Wow." Harry said.

"That was the best experience ever though!" I squealed.

"I know right!!!" Mary replied freaking out.

"Ok! Come on you too! Before you find anyone else!" Liam said throwing his arms around us and guiding us into the door. This was going to be fun.


Oh my gosh! I had met so many famous people just walking to take our seats! And by the time we had sat down I now had eight new numbers of all famous people! That's crazy!

"Having fun?" Louis asked as I jumped in my seat.

"So. Much!"

"Sh! It's starting!" Zayn got on to to us from beside Harry two seats over. The seating going from left to right was Liam, Louis, me, Mary, Niall, Harry, and Zayn.

"Shut up!" Louis and I said sticking our tongues out at him. We looked at each other and laughed. I just now realized how alike we are.

"And the winner is...ONE DIRECTION!!!" (A/N: I don't know if One Direction actually did or didn't or if the BRIT awards have even happened yet. I'm just putting this in the plot that way so let's just pretend they win or won.) the announcer person said from the stage and everyone started screaming their lungs out. Literally I started having a cough attack.

As the boys went on stage I felt myself being pulled and I pulled back. I was NOT! Under ANY circumstances! Going UP on THAT stage!!!

"Come on!" Louis laughed at me.

"No! I'm not ruining your big moment!" I argued pulling back, but I have to say Louis is pretty strong and was soon pulling me on stage.

"Hello people of Earth!" Harry said into the microphone standing in the middle of all of us.

The audience screamed and clapped back sounding a lot like the audience at a concert. "We thank you so much for this award! It means a lot that people tolerate us this much!" Louis joked and laughs came from below.

"Thank you!" Liam said and all of us walked off stage.

"Well that was fun!" Mary laughed and Niall put his arm around her shoulder.

"Get used to it babe." he said and Mary got a horrified look on her pretty face.

I am such a terrible person! I haven't updated in like a week maybe! Gr! I am so sorry! I have been so busy! Here is another chapter though and I will update asap! I love you cappoccinos!

-Charlotte <3xxxx p.s. I added extra x's because I love you guys that much!


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