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*A few weeks later*

"HIII!" I waved to Louis through the computer.

"I can see your face!" He replied.

"I can see your face too! This is so cool!"

"You have Daphne on Skype and you didn't tell me?" I heard Mary say from behind him. "Come on, British dude! I thought we were friends!" Mary sits next to him with the computer and waves. "Hi kiddo!"

"Mary! I miss you!" I squealed.

"I miss you too! How's New York?"

"It's great! It's kinda hard, and-"

"DAPHNE!!!" I hear an Irish accent and footsteps. Soon Niall was in front of the computer, and Louis was forced to set it on the table. Niall jumped on the couch in between Mary and Louis.

"Hey!" Mary complained, but accepted an apology as Niall pecked her on the lips. "Thank you."

"Ew....NIALL!" I threw my hands at the computer. "I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Harry! Zayn! Daphne's on the computer!" I heard Liam yell, and right after he said that my view was filled with people on or behind a couch.

"Hi guys!" I laughed.

"I feel stuck," Mary pouted.

"I feel like a sardine," Louis laughed.

"I feel lonely because Daphne's not here!" Harry whined.

"She my girlfriend you doof," Louis wacked Harry's head.

"Who I miss."

"Hey! Whatcha doing?" I heard Molly say from behind me. I turned around to find her closing the door, and putting her scarf on a hook.

"Hi! I'm Skyping my friends!" I pointed to the computer.

"Who is that?" Harry asked putting his face close to the camera. "Is it a girl? Is she hot? Does she like curly hair?"

"Is that Harry Styles?" Molly asked sitting next to me.

"Guys and gal, I'd like you to meet my roommate, Molly. She's here for the acting program," I laughed at Harry foolishness. "Aelia, this is one direction, who includes my boyfriend being Louis Tomlinson. Just putting that out there," I whispered to her and laughed. "And the red head is their make up artist, and my best friend, Mary. Who is Liam's girlfriend if you were interested," I pointed out, and laughed again.

"Hello!" Molly laughed. "It's nice to meet you! I'm a huge fan."

"Did you hear that?" Harry asked. "She's a huge fan!" Harry started scrambling his hands, and if I didn't know any better I might've thought he had a crush on Molly.

"Yes, I am. And I have tickets to your next concert here."

"Would you like backstage passes?" Louis asked.

"Could you really do that?" I gasped.

"For my girlfriend and her friend? Sure!"

"You really are the best boyfriend ever!"

"I second that," Aelia said.

The clock out the wall said it was 12:34, so we had to go to lunch soon.

"Well, hey. We gotta go, but I'll Skype you later okau?" I asked.

"Yeah," everyone replied.

"I miss you guys!" I sighed. And with that I hung up.

"So what do you want for lunch?" Molly asked taking out her cell.

"What did you think of them?" I ignored her question by asking one of my own.

"They're nice. And cute too."

"What about Harry? Hmmm?" I smirked.

"Shut up!" Molly blushed.

"Didn't you say he was your favorite?"


"Then I think I can help." I smirked. This was going to be interesting. 


Author's note!

So, that's it! It's over! I will be making a squeal, but I'm not telling you what it's about. You can pm me, and I'll give you a hint, or you can try to guess, but I'm telling you straight out.

Also if you guess right then I will dedicate the first chapter of the sequel to you! So start guessing please!

I will probably be working on SMYS (because I really like that story), and sometimes I will work on TLBG, so I'm taking it.....OFF HOLD!!! YAY!!! But it still only has 6 reads, and I really don't like posting unless it has at least 10 reads, so please read it. Even if you don't read that story I know people who do, so please read it for their sake.

Last thing, I will be doing one-shots with this story before I go on to the sequel. I really like this story, so I'm going to continue it for a while. I can't tell you when I will post the sequel, but it will most likely be before Christmas. Actually, it will be before Christmas, I promise! Until the one shots....

Love you cappuccinos!

-Charlotte <3

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