One shots- 3

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That next morning I heard mumbling from Molly's bed as she woke up to my sniffling.

"Daph? Are you okau?" She asks sitting up.

I reply with a sob. Last night, Molly was already asleep when I came in from talking to Louis. They hadn't come to say goodbye, and I'm torn between thinking it's because I broke up with Louis or they simply just didn't have time.

"Daphne?" Molly asks again this time sitting next to me on my bed.

I bury my head in the pillow and sob again. Molly doesn't say anything and instead gives me a half hug.

"Come on," Molly whispers gently pulling me from my pillow. "I know who can help."

I follow Molly down the hallway, down the stairs, and to another wing of dorms before we stop in front of one. Molly knocks and the person to come to the door is Daniel.

"Good-woah," Daniel gapes at me. Immediately, he brings me into a hug, and I wrap my arms around him. "What happened?" He whispers to Molly who replies, "I don't know," and shrugs.

"Is your roommate in there?" Molly points to Daniel's door where he nods yes. "We'll go back to our dorm."

Daniel nods before picking me up bridal style which I don't protest to. I put my arms around his neck as he carries me to Molly and I's dorm.

I'm plopped into a couch in my dorm and am gently pushed into a sitting position.

"Okau, Daph. Who does it involve?" Molly like she's trying not to scare away a tiny bird.

"Lovi!" I sob.

"It involves Lovi?" Daniel quirks his eyebrow.

"Louis," Molly corrects.

"Aw, Daphne. Did he break up with you?"

Molly slaps his arm to where he says, "hey!", but he seems to understand. "Did you break up with him?"

I nod to where I grab a pillow, bury my face in it, and sob my eyes out. Daniel and Molly don't say anything, but the do comfort me by rubbing my back and shoulder. They also let me sob onto them which I thought was nice since I probably ruined the clothes they're wearing with my tears.

"Oh, Hun." Molly shakes her head. Molly pulls me up stares at me. "You know what. I don't even want you to be sad because we are going to get you over this! Got it?"

I try to muster up enough dignity to say something, but end up just crying again.

"Come on, Daph. Molly's right. You don't need Louis to make you happy. The faster you get over him the better, but for right now we'll just be there for you." Daniel strokes my hair. I nod. "Do you want to watch Dirty Dancing? It's what Jess would do and I know you love Jess and Dirty Dancing."

I had an obsession with, the show, New Girl, and in the first episode Jess watches Dirty Dancing seven times because of her break up. Daniel knows how to make me happy.

"I'll even get ice cream," Molly covers her mouth. "Did I just say that?" Molly never eats ice cream because it can be bad for you, so the fact she's getting ice cream for me is a big deal. I nod, smiling a little.

"She's smiling!" Daniel points at my mouth. "Yay!!!" I laugh to which Daniel cheers even more. I have the best friends ever.
"Because I've bad the time of my life, and I've never felt like this before, and I swear it's the truth and I owe it all to you!" Molly, Daniel, and I scream at the top of our lungs.

"Yay! He came back!" I bounce on the couch and point my spoon at tv. Thankfully, the gang left the tv and we were certainly using it.

"Yes, he did!" Molly high fives me.

The credits roll, and we cheer. "Now that that's over...for the seventh time," Daniel coughs, "I think we should go see a real movie."

"Like what?" I ask.

"Like the One Direction movie where we can throw popcorn at them?"


So, off we go to the movie theatre to Hp me get over my break up. I'll probably never be able to watch This Is Us ever again without crying, so I might as well do it when I'm mad.

"But first, we all need to shower," Molly suggests. The three of us nod and Molly and I agree to meet Daniel in 20 min.

Life's good.

Don't hate me!

I have an idea though. I'm thinking of doing a short story called The Daphne Diaries about how Daphne gets over Louis. It has to do with the sequel, and I think it will help transition.

Let me know your opinions about the chapter and the short story! Please! About the short story mostly! Thank you!

And sorry for the short one shot!

-Charlotte <3

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