Chapter 10- from room to plane

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Woah. Bright light. Why is there a bright light in my face? Oh. It's just the sun. Stupid sun.

Suddenly all of the memories from last night came flooding back. I almost kissed Louis. I ran away and fell asleep in a cave. I woke up in some hotel room. I really kissed Louis. Wait. I kissed Louis.

"Good morning beautiful!" Mary pokes her head in and dragged me out of bed. "I need your help! The boys tried to cook again!"

"They didn't burn anything did they?" I gave a worried look and ruffled my hair to give it volume. I probably looked like a hurricane hit only me, but Mary hasn't said anything.

"I'm not sure, I just walked in and they were in the kitchen. That's never good anyway!"

I shrugged my shoulders and we walked into the kitchen to see Harry, Niall, and Liam standing over the stove.

"Uh oh. They ARE in the kitchen! Better call the fire department now!" I teased sitting on the counter next to Liam.

"Well, they almost burnt everything in the kitchen, so I'm watching them like a hawk. And if they burn something it's no carrots and limited snacks for two days.

"Oh! Harsh!"

Mary jumped and sat on the counter next to a standing Niall. "Hi Niall!" Mary started to put her hair in a braid and he stopped her hand. "Woah. You touched my hair."

"Never touch a girl's hair!" I said and started playing with the bit that Liam had.

"Um?" Liam had a confused look on his face and looked up a my hand.

"Just shut up." I continued playing with his hair and smiled in satisfaction.

"I like your hair the way it is." Niall smiled and Mary blushed. I don't see why they don't just go out! I mean they act like they're dating anyway! I guess they're best friends though.

"Where's Louis and Zayn?" I asked. No wonder it was so quiet.

"Zayn went to get you cupcakes because apparently everyone likes you hyper!" Harry laughed. "I don't know where Lou is though. I guess he's asleep."

"Well who should we send? Harry or Daphne?" Mary asked. Everyone shrugged and Liam spoke up "Well Harry went when Louis was sick last month so it's Daphne!"

"Why me?" I was too exhausted to do anything for the next three hours let alone wake up Louis.

"Because you two are like best friends!" Liam pointed out carefully flipping a pancake.

"Maybe more...." Niall smirked and I glared. Oh right, no one except Mary, Lou, or Louis knew about Andie.

"I have a boyfriend Niall! But Mary doesn't!"

"W-what?" Mary stuttered and both her and Niall blushed like mad.

I shrugged, laughed, and went off to Louis' room. On the way there I thought of the facts. Not the what if's and did I's the facts. I was dating Andie. I loved Andie. I kissed Louis. That last part made me sound like a terrible person.

I slowly opened the door to a sleeping Louis. Aw. Then I thought of an evil idea.

Slowly I walked over to the bed and stood up on it, and made sure Louis was out cold by nudging him a bit. He didn't move at all besides me slightly kicking him. Perfect.

Suddenly I started jumping up and down, but made sure I didn't make a sound besides almost giggling. Louis jumped and fell off the bed with a thump and I lied down on the bed with my head resting on my hands.

"Good morning carrot boy!" I laughed and he glared at me.

"Good morning evil girl!" I smirked and helped him off of the floor, but it resulted as me falling off the bed and next to Louis.

"You know we have a plane to catch right?" I laughed and got up with Louis following behind me.


"And you're not gonna pack or anything?" I questioned pulling him into the kitchen.

"I'm already packed!"

"Actually, I packed for him!" Liam said from the kitchen. I sat on the kitchen floor patted the ground next to me. Louis sat down and I put my head on his shoulder. I liked it. 


"Look it's a giant elephant!" Louis pointed at a cloud outside the plane. We were in the private jet and everyone, but us two was asleep.

Liam was lying on the ground with Harry and Zayn near him somewhere on the floor, and Niall was sitting up with his head on Mary's as she cuddled into his chest. They had really become best friends lately, but everyone wanted them to e together. They were just kind of oblivious to each others feelings.

"It kinda looks like that guy with the hat we saw under that umbrella to me!" I replied scooping up ice cream from my cup. Since last night Louis and I had gotten closer and were more comfortable around each other now. It was nice.

Louis chuckled and ruffled my hair. I groaned putting it back into place and set my ice cream on a near by table. I had on a purple off the shoulder top with a gold necklace that said "love", black converse, and denim shorts with lace on the hems.  

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked Louis.

"I don't know! Let's play twenty questions!" I laughed at Louis' suggestion and pointed to him for him to start.

"Ok! Have you ever had a pet?"

"Yes! I had a fish once, but that didn't really work out....farewell bubble swims-a-lot...."

"Very original!" Louis chucked and I said, "Ok! My turn! If you could be any animal what would it be?"

"Um, giraffe so I can be taller than everyone!"

"I like giraffes!!!" I squealed and lied down with my head in Louis's lap.

"Oh my gosh!" Lou said in a fake girly voice, "Me too!!!"

"It's like we're twins!!" Me and Louis squealed and when he laughed I could feel him move.

"Ok if you could anywhere in the world where would you go?"

"I would go to Paris! My dream has always been to meet my true love in Paris and kiss him in the rain." O blushed. I've never really told anyone about that.

There was silence.

"Stupid, I know."

"No, that's- that's beautiful." Louis said and I blushed madly.

"You're turn!" I awkwardly urged. Why did I tell him that? Sure we are best friends now, but could I trust him?

Hi girlies!!!!! Ok this chapter is kinda short, but I will make a longer next time! Promise! And I hope some of you saw that thing about the new story! I really need to know your opinion even if its trashing one of them or just say I one or two for which summary! Please comment! Love you guys so much!!!!!!

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