Chapter 3- Late for a very important date!

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Hiii!!! Ok! I actually listened to music from my ipod while writing this, and the first song that came on was a One Direction song! I thought that was amazayn! Well I hope you enjoy! One Direction's in this one!

Ow...No. Stop. Stop yelling! Owwwww. My head hurts.

My eyes flutter open to a blaring beep coming from my phone. I had a headache and probably shouldn't have eaten those cupcakes. I looked over at my phone and hit it. Nope still beeping. I tried hitting it again and it didn't stop. Ok that's it. I grabbed my phone and banged it on my bed. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh! Oh! My! Gosh!!!

"Oh my gosh!" I shouted throwing the comforter off of me and running to my shower. I washed my body and hair then got out and picked an outfit. Lavender blouse, jeans, brown ankle boots, gold dangle earrings, and silver charm necklace. Not bad Daph. Not bad.

I ran out of the bathroom and grabbed my suitcase then ran out the door. Wait! I ran back into my apartment and grabbed my plane ticket. Ooops.

Finally, I ran to the elevator and before I could push the button someone beat me to it. "Hey Daph!" Mr. Fisher said. "Where are you off to?"

"London," I said out of breath. The elevator binged open and I stepped inside.

My leg started twitching a bit and I looked at Mr.Fisher embarrassed. Floor three, floor two, come on! Ground floor! Thank you!

I gave a smile and ran into the lobby and waved to Charles on my way out of the lobby.

"Cab's out front!" Charles called to me as he opened the door.    "Thanks Char! You're the best!" I yelled to the door.  As I ran to the road, Charles was right and I climbed into the cab.    "Where to?" The driver said.   

I thought about it. I could go anywhere right now. I could go home. I could leave New York and go back to North Carolina where my real friends are. I was appreciated there. I was loved there. I could go back to where everything was right. Apparently fate had a different idea.

The cab jerked forward and I blurted out, "Airport!" Nice Daph.

"Excuse me! Pardon me! Move please!!!" I shouted as I ran through the airport. I was totally late. I had to be there in half hour and I just got off the plane! Not to mention the plane ride was the worst one ever with me sitting in between two guys who fell asleep on me! It was disturbing!

People gave me dirty glares as I ran through, and when I finally reached the outside I could find no taxis. Yay. (note to sarcams) I put my hand out to call a cab. Nothing. I put my hand out in a different spot on the street. Nothing.

I whistled as sharp shrill and all of them stopped. Finally!

Now if you can't tell now, this was going to be interesting.

I was here. I was finally here. All this time, and now I'm finally here. And I'm 15 minutes late.

I ran up the stairs to my hotel and rushed through the door. Of course Charles wasn't there so I pushed through hitting my suitcase on my leg many times and ran to the front desk.

"Hi! I'm Daphne Dawson and I'm late!" I said out of breath to the lady at the front desk.

"Name." she said dully. Well she's having a good day. Her name tag said Beatrice and the t had accidentally put in front of the a so it looked like Betaric. Well that explains it. Who could have a good day when your name tage said that? Poor girl, but she could at least be a little more cheerful!

"Daphne. Daphne Dawson." I state hurriedly patting my hands on the desk. Come on. Come on come on!

"Room 617," she said and handed me my room key. "Oh! And the elevator is broken!" She yelled as I ran away.


I ran up the stairs and more stairs and more stairs. By floor four I was going to drop dead. Heaven help me. Finally I made it to floor 6 and ran to the end of the hallway, tripping on anything and everything. I even bumped into some business guy who did not look happy. Sorry business guy! Cool hat!

Finally when I had made it to the door of my room, I tripped on my own suitcase and I made a thud when I hit the ground. The next thing I was on the floor and my ankle was throbbing.

I heard a door open and when I looked up I saw the bluest eyes I had ever seen. They kinda resembled an ocean, but a storm had just cleared up so they were really bright.

"Um, hi." I said and felt my head hit the floor.

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