Chapter 11- The Big Yes

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Hello Lovely Cappoccinos!!! That's my nickname for you guys! Let me know if you love it! I seriously want to know!!! But happy super bowl day!!! I'm more of a baseball person, but my family loves football! So happy super bowl day!!! Well, super bowl night. Anywhooo!!! Here's a new chapter!!! Fan! Vote! Comment! Bye my lovely cappoccinos!!!! P.s. I'm dedicating this chapter to @donttouchmyfood because she is just that amazing! I love her!!!

Someone knocked on the door of my suite back in London while I was on my computer. Surprisingly I was writing a song, I've been told I was a good writer so I decided to give it a shot.

"Come in!" I yelled to the door keeping my eyes on the computer screen. The door opened to reveal Louis in his famous blue striped shirt, red pants, and suspenders. That boy. "Oh! Hey Lou!"

"Hey, um do you have a minute?" he asked leaning against the doorway.

"Yea! Sit!" I patted an empty spot next to me on my bed and he walked over and sat.

"Ok, Well- What are you doing?" Louis started to look at my computer screen and I closed it fast.

"N-nothing." Lou gave a questioning look and I put my computer under my bed. "Really! I'll show you later!"

"Ok, well. One Direction is nominated for a BRIT award and I wanted to know if you would go with me?"

Was he asking me out? "Like? On a date?" I blushed wildly and ran my hand through my hair.

"Uh, if you want it to be! Or we could go as friends! Or a- a-" Louis stuttered and it seemed like neither he or I knew if it was a date or not.


"Wait, say that again?" I'd be confused too Lou. I can't believe I said yes.


"Oh, well ok then." Louis smiled and I blushed. His eyes kinda sparkled and I realized what he had meant when he told me the light caught my face just right at the beach.

"One question though!"

"Yea, love?" Louis questioned making his way to my door. There he goes with that 'love' thing again. But who says I was complaining? I had never really had a nickname before besides 'Daph'. I liked it.

"What do I wear?" I asked opening my closet door and laughing.

"Oh my gosh!!! Clothes!!!" Louis said in a high pitched girly voice. Looks like I'll need Mary's help on this one!


"OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!" Mary screamed in my room jumping up and down, laughing, squealing, and all of the above when I had just told her I was going to the awards show with Louis.

"I have a boyfriend Mary! So it's as friends!!!" I screamed back, but I was still as excited! "Now help me figure out what I'm going to wear!"


I laughed at our girlyness and said, "I'll be right back! I'm gonna go get some make up! Gotta look gorgeous!" I walked out into the living room and saw Niall sitting on the couch. Perfect. "Hellooo Niiiaaallll!" I said sweetly and sat by him with an innocent look on my face.

"What do you want?" Niall asked turning his head to me.

"Nialler! I can't believe you would say such a thing!" I mocked hurt and put my hand on my chest. Niall gave me look and I spilled, "Ok! Well as you probably already know! Louis and I are going to the BRIT awards-"

Niall opened his mouth to say something, but I silenced him by saying, "As friends!" and he had a glum face.

"Ok so what do you want?" he asked.

"Wow, get to the point there Nialler!!" I laughed getting distracted. Come on, Daph! Focus! Again Niall gave me a look saying 'well?' and I huffed out a breath.

"I want you to go with Mary." I stated and he stared at me in shock. "Come on Ni! You know she likes you!"

"Really? She does?" Niall blushed like a tomato and I nodded.

"Just ask her! She doesn't bite! Besides you two act like you're dating anyway!"

"No we don't!" Niall argued and it was my turn to give him a look. He caved and said "Ok.."

"Yes! Yesyesyesyesyes!!!!!!!" I squealed.

Niall laughed and I added, "Oh, and Niall?"


"You have to do it tonight!" I chirped and left to my room leaving a shocked Niall sitting on the couch. Watch out Mary.

"Hey Daph!" Mary chirped when I opened the door to my room. "No make up?"

"Nah, I couldn't find it! I guess I just look for it later!" I lied. I really will look for make up later though!

"Ok! Well, I have the perfect! Dress!!!" she cheered pulling out a long dress from my closet. It was a long purple halter dress with diamond studs under the chest and Mary pulled out gold gladiator heels.

"Oh! I forgot about that dress! That's amazing!!!" Mary sat the dress and shoes down and soon we were squealing and jumping up and down. Even if Louis and I were going as friends, I was still majorly excited. This was going to be awesome!

"Mary! Daph! Everyone! Come out here!" I heard Niall say from the suite living room. Was this what I think it was?

Mary and I walked out to the living room with everyone else and all of us sat in random spots. Mary and Niall remained standing while Liam and Zayn sat on the couch on the other side of the room while Harry and Louis sat on the couch on this side of the room and I sat on the arm rest next to Louis.

Mary sent me a worried glance and looked around for somewhere to sit. Niall sent me a wink and I nudged her towards Niall.

She blushed and stood in front of Niall. "I have to ask you something." Niall stated. Looks like Nialler got some courage! He got down on one knee and took Mary's hand making her look like a fresh tomato.

"Yes?" Mary asked putting a strand of hair behind her ear. I could tell from their faces the touch between them was sending sparks and I nudged Louis and mouthed an 'awwww' making him chuckle a bit. He gave me a look asking 'did you do this?' and I nodded with pride.

"Mary. You light up my world with your bright red hair, the way you flip it gets me overwhelmed, but you smile at the ground and I can tell, you don't know you're beautiful, but that's what makes you beautiful." Niall sweetly said. MAJOR AWWWWWW!!!!! "Will you do the honors in being my date to the BRIT awards tomorrow tonight?"

Mary kept looking into Niall's eyes, and looked like she wanted to stay there. I knew what that felt like. She didn't look anywhere else past Niall and nodded, "Yes." she whispered. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Mary started cheering and Niall got up and twirled her around while all of us awed and clapped and cheered. Mary kept laughing and putting her head back and too soon she was put down and the cheering ceased and it became silent.

".........YAY!!!!!!" I randomly yelled hurting everyone's ears.

"Ow"'s went throughout the room and Niall hugged Mary into his chest to cover her ears. Awwwww!!!!

"What? I thought I'd break the silence!" I smiled and shrugged. Everyone laughed and we all got into a group hug with Niall and Mary. Woo!!! Tomorrow night'll be funnn!!!


"I can't believe this is happening!" I squealed as people working on my nails. It felt amazing!

"I know right! I feel like a princess!" Mary replied wiggling her fingers on the hand that had already been painted light blue and black. Mary was going to wear a light blue dress with one sleeve and black accent on the hems and under the chest with black heels.

Mary and I were getting manicures and pedicures then going back to the hotel to get ready for the award show tonight. I know it was going to be perfect.

"Ok! Well, I'm done!" Mary chirped getting up and walking on her heels making sure not to mess up her toenails that had been painted to match her fingers.

"Thank you!" I said to the lady who had just finished my nails and I copied Mary walking on my heels to go to the make up ladies. They smiled and we sat down continuing conversation.

"So, how are you and Niall?" I smirked.

"W-what do you mean?" Mary stuttered. The ladies were doing our eye shadow and it was kinda fun except I had to keep my eyes closed for a while. Gr.

"Oh, you know what I mean! How are you and Niiiaallll?"

"Ok, he is really sweet! But we're not girlfriend and boyfriend! So don't question me about it!"

I opened my eyes and looked up for the lady to do my mascara and eye liner. "Ok! But I bet that you two will be together before the tour starts!"

"Yea! Sure! Well, what about you and Louis?"

"What about me and Louis? There's nothing really about me and Louis I mean we're best friends besides you and me, so there's not much!" I shrugged and puckered my lips for lipstick and lip gloss. This was kinda fun sitting here with my lips puckered.

"Uh, huh. Sure." Mary smirked and the ladies finished our looks. We thanked and payed them then went home to get ready for the best night of our lives.

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