Chapter 16- An interesting reuionion

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"DAPHNE!!!!!" I heard Mary scream my name when Louis pulled me through the door.

"MARY!!!" I screamed running towards her and attacking her in a hug.

"You're back! Oh my gosh! You're back! How are you back? Why did you leave? Are you and Louis dating? Are you getting married?!" Mary piled me with questions while I just laughed.

"Maybe. Maybe not," I smirked. Louis took my hand and pulled me over to the couch.

"BOYS THE AMERICAN IS BACK!!!" Mary screamed through the suite still in Paris.

"Why does everyone call me 'The American'?" I asked plopping next to Louis.

"Because your American!"

"So are you!" I pointed to Mary who was standing up.

"Shut up!"

Everyone ran to the living room and toppled on me and shouted "DAPHNE!!!"

"I love you guys, but I can't breath," I croaked out.

"Sorry"s chorused and everyone sat down. Liam and Zayn were on the opposite couch. Harry was on the floor. Niall had Mary on his lap.

"Are you two..." I pointed between Mary and Niall and they nodded. "OH MY GOSH!!!! This is so cool!!! Now we can go on double dates!!!" I stopped realizing my mistake.

"I thought I was going to tell them!" Louis whined and I pecked him making him smile again.

"What?" Harry asked hopefully.

"Well..." I trailed off.

"Daphne and I are dating!" Louis announced and I blushed from the "Awww"'s.

"Best day ever!" Mary squealed leaning her head on Niall's shoulder.

Liam walked out of the room with his phone up to his ear and I enjoyed the peaceful silence. This really had been a good day. Louis found me, I was reunited with my best friends, I'm dating the guy of my dreams, I have a new best friend. "Oh! That reminds me!" My head popped up and I looked at my phone to find a text from who I had hoped it would be. "I'll be back!"

I got up, and walked towards the door to hear a knock just as I got to it. I opened it to find Abigail. I squealed and pulled her into the apartment before she registered what was going on.

"Guys! And girl!" I said motioning to Mary. "This is Abigail! My foreign friend!" I looked around and noticed Liam still wasn't in the room. "Liam! Get off the phone, and meet my friend!"

Liam walked in and it was like time had frozen. Liam had eyes for Abigail and vice versa with them looking at each other with looks I couldn't describe. Someone whistled and Harry asked, "Anybody believe in love at first sight?"

"I'm Abigail," Abigail shook her head and stuck her hand out.

"Liam," he said shaking her hand. I could already hear the wedding bells.

"Ok lovebirds! You two can flirt later! Daphne's back and I think we should celebrate!" Zayn shouted and I almost lunged at him. He just ruined the moment.

"Uh, yeah!" Abigail said still a bit dazed and kept stealing glances from Liam. "I agree! I can show you guys Daph and I's favorite restaurant!"

Well this wasn't going to be awkward at all. Sarcasm.



I know it's short! The next update will be longer, but I felt I had to do something with it! I promise I'll update soon! Lots of love!!!

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